I don't generally rate works' categories separately, meaning give different scores to story, characters, art, story, etc. Rather, all I do is rate my enjoyment, and then articulate why I believe I enjoyed or didn't enjoy a work to the degree that I think it deserves such a score.
In addition to anime/manga/LN reviews, you can also find reviews for games, VNs, and western novels on my blog.
Ohh sorry I didn't see that you had already finished the game when I was looking at your vndb. Utawarerumono was the game that got me into vn's so its kindar special to me although its not my favorite (majikoi)
Read your Code Geass review! You made a lot of good points. The only thing I disagree is Roze's arc. I don't think the protagonist shouldn't have that arc. If written well, it can do wonders. However they kinda butchered that with how rushed it was. And I kinda know why. Here in Japan, this was released in the form of 4 movies (with fixed special rates). As such, it was never really given a true chance to succeed. I wish one day it's given a proper 24 ep anime as redemption!
Yeah he went crazy with toaru verse. I really love those alternate versions of series' where the main events happen from the view of another character (like danmachi sword oratoria) but railgun is probably my favorite of them. Speaking of railgun, get to watching railgun T asap!!!
Yep, I had the same drawbacks you have but also kamachi needs to up his romance game because I'm tired of main leads gaining multiple admirers and being clueless to it just for comedic purposes.
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Yep, I had the same drawbacks you have but also kamachi needs to up his romance game because I'm tired of main leads gaining multiple admirers and being clueless to it just for comedic purposes.