I saw that this was the lowest rated manga, and out of curiosity, I read it....then read it again....and then read it again, before I realized there was nothing else to it and that was it.
Barely even felt like I read something. Sure, it was 10 pages, but somehow they managed to make all of them feel like filler. There's an entire page that introduces the characters, but it's worthless because only half of them actually speak. I still can't figure out the story of the manga for myself, so I'm not even gonna bother talking about it. The only good part of the manga
Nov 25, 2024
It was completely fine. Pratically just a normal episode of Kaguya-sama except for the fact that the first section (and kinda the second section, though, it's not as egregious) has eechi.
I don't mind fan-service, but that first segment was a little much 😭. I really, really, REALLY did not need to see Kaguya and Chika in that...position together. It wasn't really all that funny either. Like, I was laughing, but that was just due to how excessive the fan-service was. And it's kinda bad when your COMEDY anime isn't funny, but whatever, the rest of the OVA makes up for it, so it's ... |