A good anime has three things: well choreographed bloody fights, laugh-your-ass-off comedy, and heart-wrenching, tear-jearking emotion. Cowboy Bebop has all of them in godlike proportions.
It has a bit of a slow start; not all of the main characters are introduced in the first episode. Also, all episodes bar about 9 are fillers, or not essential to the overall story. However, this is where all the comedy comes from, and the fillers make for a nice break in-between the gripping storyline.
The characters are fairly basic, but all have their own intricate past which is revealed at various points throughout the anime. This makes you feel like,
Oct 8, 2009
Gakuyaura Ouji
I hated this manga. Sure, it was sweet and short, but basically, it wan't written very well. However, i give it an okay score because i like the characters :D
What I really didn't like, though, was the undying love between the two main characters, and how oblivious to it they were. That not only annoyed me, but... Made me jealous >_ |