i watch anime usually after it's completely done airing with a few exceptions here and there; this was one of them. quite honestly i was really hyped about this anime cause one of my friends was VERY excited about it and would scream and yell and sing about it. he has the entire series(up-to-date) on his Itouch and shows me footages all day. he also had Inori's (female lead) picture on his Itouch during classes and smile oddly. most of you would know by now he's a fan boy.
in most cases i don't watch anime that is recommended to me. yes it seems odd,
but my logic behind it to fend of fan boy/girls. thus there are series that i haven't watched and most of you guys will say WTF?!?!?!? example: Neon gensis, code gease, and super robot wars. i actually have legitament reason why i don't watch them: Neon genesis, poor art;code gease, spoiled by fan boy/girls; super robot wars. this one i just couldn't find actually. anyway, the reason why i watched this, knowing it was recommended by a fanboy was because of the art. Its phenomenal.
basically if your going into this anime with high expectations you'll be pretty disappointed. for avid anime watchers you'll soon see many plot holes, unexplained scenes and tons of other things. HOWEVER, if you expect some ass kicking then there's a little less let down.
story 3/10 :
i'm not sure if i should say anything here at all. the story was just meh. there was nothing here that really pulled me to watch more. the story is pretty bland. you get a wimpy average boy, and of course with superpowers, getting pulled into a mess. cliche if i may add. i have nothing against cliche but this was poorly executed IMO. i've never read the original (if there is one) so i can't tell if it's supposed to be rushed. the story has itself rushing through it's paces before you even understand what happened. this is a technique some writers use and sometime turn out well, but in this case in didn't. if your not someone that enjoys deep plot then this won't matter.
Art 10/10:
god this was amazing. i have this strict rule on how the art at least has to look before i watch it. in this case, it's the reason i watched it in the first place. it's just amazing, so much so i feel bad for the artist because the story is so poor.the art is brilliant no matter from buildings to mechas to people. they are all beautifully designed and drawn. i don't have much more to say, it's just brilliant.
Sound 10/10:
here's something most people don't look into. music, sound, is always in the background and people hardly notice unless it's VERY bad. here's another thing about sound. it's not only how it sound but when. a theme song place at the right scene can make tears drip from you. although the story itself wasn't enough to propel me to tears, the combination of the art and sound could, a few times. it has it's music placed at very nice moments, and mind you this is really good music. even the voice actresses aren't bad. BTW, music by supercell!
Character 7/10:
the characters are bland.for the first half or so you don't see much of the characters (internally). however this is not the case throughout the anime. the characters have amazing development (negatively IMO) and revelations. the character designs where good and so were the relationships between them. some of these relationships for complex than others. although at the same time we have some flat relationships(meaning relationships with little complexity) . all and all it was good. i have a thing against wimpy male leads which was minus one for me. if you have nothing against whiny crybaby male leads plus one to the rating for character.
Enjoyment 7/10:
the enjoyment of the anime for me was really the killing.this isn't in the tags(no idea why) but there is romance(not sure if spoiler). which is always something i like to expect. the fighting scene are very nice(thank you art &music). there were some rage moments, for most people at least, i don't rage much so i'm just guessing here.generally it's an anime that can be enjoyed more if less hope is put in. the story itself isn't intrigueing, but the art&music is well enough to keep me watching. the characters, design and voice acting, are quite good as well.unless your a fan boy/girl then no problems here.
Overall 7/10:
i'd hate to say this but this anime pretty much had everything going for it, but the story. the story was just too poor for me. i was tempted to give it a 1/10 but there was a lot of thought placed into the backstory of the anime. honestly i feel bad for the other parts because the story really put them to waste, since usually it's always the story that keeps the anime up.
so all and all. it's a good watch if your someone that appreciates good art&music. it's a bad watch if you enjoy deep engaging story lines. it's a great watch if you enjoy cliche moments and cool fighting scenes.
note: first review and honestly don't think was that good.
Mar 22, 2012
Guilty Crown
i watch anime usually after it's completely done airing with a few exceptions here and there; this was one of them. quite honestly i was really hyped about this anime cause one of my friends was VERY excited about it and would scream and yell and sing about it. he has the entire series(up-to-date) on his Itouch and shows me footages all day. he also had Inori's (female lead) picture on his Itouch during classes and smile oddly. most of you would know by now he's a fan boy.
in most cases i don't watch anime that is recommended to me. yes it seems odd, ... |