As a very loyal fan of this underrated anime. All i can say is that the movie in my perspective bounced back what the second season was not able to.
As much as i love s2, there was something missing. But i still loved it nevertheless, But what i mean is that this movie filled that thing i felt was missing in season 2 it might have probably been the drama and the jokes idk. But moving on the things i have noticed in the movie is the great animation, its more fluid and colorful(as it is a movie after all) The theme songs also fit
Oct 8, 2019
Osomatsu-san 2nd Season
based from the other reviews i can really see why some have been disappointed (some of the spark did left). for me though the feeling was neutral. After all i really like the fact that other characters especially karamatsu gets more screen time and story revolving around him. I also get to know the characters more. Also, for some reason i liked this season more than the 1st one. Although i have to admit that a lot of fans prefer the 1st. Its just that this season gave more relevance to the characters imo. And the animation certainly upgraded. All in all im just thankful