This has been the surprise anime of the winter season for me. The synopsis sounded pretty much like your average shounen, and with three girls on the cover of the page, it seemed like this show would just be laden with fan service, but in reality, the show has proven to be much more interesting than it comes off at first. And before I get started, I'd just like to say this is my first review, so any critique/criticisms are welcome.
Story 7/10: The story opens up very shounen-esque. You have your three main characters, all with some special ability, contacted by a group of people
to help them grow stronger as a community/guild. The three main characters fight to get the community back up and running again and also defend it from people who would wish to do their community harm. The nice twist on the story is that the characters have to participate in "gift-games" or competitions with other communities to help make their own community stronger. The fights never drag on for too long and developments between opposing factions and characters always make you want to watch the next episode right away.
Art 7/10: The art is very clean and crisp, and is very nice to look at overall. The character designs are probably the best part of the artwork, as they are never dull or boring to look at. Although I do not consider 7 a bad rating, this show brings nothing new to the table in terms of artwork, which is why it fails to score higher. At best, it is on par with the other anime airing this season, which is not a bad thing.
Sound 6/10: The sound is probably the weakest part of this anime. The soundtrack during battles is uninspired and you can pretty much forget that it's playing in the background because it's nothing that you haven't heard before. You will probably watch the ED more for the cute visuals than the actual song, but I will say that the OP is a very catchy pop song that fits the shows light hearted mood perfectly.
Charecters 9/10: This is where the show shines. You aren't going to get a lot of character development or deep background story for the characters or anything like that, but the bottom line is that these characters are fun to watch. You have your male lead Izayoi who is so OP he can defeat any monster/opponent he comes across, which might seem boring at first because he never has a challenge, but this is actually part of his character. His over powerdness adds to his confidence and aggressive personality and because of this he is the most interesting character of the show. Then you have your aristocratic/rich girl Asuka who surprisingly is not an overbearing tsundere who acts like she's entitled to everything. She can be cute and funny which is a refreshing change of pace when dealing with this type of character. You also have the animal lover Kasugabe who seemed like she was going to be the most bland character of the show because of her lack of script early on, but eventually after several episodes and battles the writers have given her more lines, so she is also turning out to be a decent main heroine. Finally, you have probably everyone's favorite character, Black Rabbit. You will probably love or hate the show based off of Black Rabbit since she's one of the main attractions, if not the main attraction. Between her fanservice, ditzyness, and wonderful character design, she's just a big furry ball of moe thrown at the viewers. If you don't like moe, her airheadedness will probably make you cringe, but on the other hand, if you're a teenage male, you're, well you're probably gonna fucking love her.
Enjoyment 8/10: As of episode 7, I have been greatly enjoying this show. If you take this show for what it is and turn you're brain off, you're gonna have some mindless fun watching the pretty visuals and quirky characters interact with each other. The fanservice is obvious, but not overbearing. If you're looking for something more serious or deep plot/character development, you won't find it here. Needless to say, this is one of those shows that should deserve a second season once more of its light novels get finished.
Overall 8/10: If you ask for my unbiased opinion, this show doesn't really deserve more than a 7, it might even deserve a 6. The characters aren't deep, and the plot isn't anything we haven't seen, but you see, I'm human, so I am biased. This show has been fun to watch. It reeled me in and it kept me coming back. Despite its flaws it still proved to be entertaining, and I rate my shows based off of how much I enjoyed it, so Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? gets an 8 in my book.
I had fun writing this, and if I convinced at least one person to consider watching this then I call that a success. Once again critique/criticism/friendly disagreements are all welcome! I'll definitely update this once the series finishes! Thanks for reading.
Feb 25, 2013
This has been the surprise anime of the winter season for me. The synopsis sounded pretty much like your average shounen, and with three girls on the cover of the page, it seemed like this show would just be laden with fan service, but in reality, the show has proven to be much more interesting than it comes off at first. And before I get started, I'd just like to say this is my first review, so any critique/criticisms are welcome.
Story 7/10: The story opens up very shounen-esque. You have your three main characters, all with some special ability, contacted by a group of people ... |