Jan 4, 2017
This anime is based on the hentai doujin manga "Mahou Shoujo" by artist raita.
This is a parody to all the magical girl hentai doujin mangas. Hot magical girls fight against whole bunch of tentacle creatures. Yet there is no tentacle rape or strange vore scene you see all the time in other magical girl hentai animes.
This is a Preview anime to the doujin manga: more like a "yo, check this out," kinda thing. It's a mere 6 minutes long anime with one episode. And this just had the things I expected it to have and nothing more. To be honest, I want to give this
one more score just because it's a PV anime made for the sole reason of being a PV anime, and I would give this a pretty good score if I completely rate it based on it being a PV anime. But because I really want this anime to become a real series, I'll review it based on standard anime score.
Story: 1
There is no story. Characters are introduced; sure; but no plot development, no backgrounds, just whole bunch of booby girls fighting monster octopuses.
Art: 8
I'm really glad that the anime respected raita's artwork; it looks nice. It looks a little sharp, so that lowered down a score or two.
Sound: 9
Holy crap, they probably spent all their budget here. How and why did they cast all these voice actors for this thing? It's like butler x lady thing: the voice acting is so good because voice actors are soooo good.
Character: 2
Characters are introduced; that's it. Like I said, no backgrounds, no plot development, two of the girls are hinted that they are celebrities. I don't even think the guy can be called a character at this point. Extra point because of boobs.
Enjoyment: 4
It's 6 minutes long. It's a eye-and-ear candy you can check out for once, but would you watch it twice and thrice? Nah.
Overall: 5
I can only give it this score because this is just a PV, not even TV Short. There is no plot, no story because it is a PV episode. Like I rated, Art and Sound is real nice, but at this point, you're not really watching an anime, it's more like you're watching an advertisement of an anime. I really want the real anime series to come out. Just because I'm quite fond of raita's artwork.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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