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Jan 30, 2018
I don't really write reviews on this site anymore. Reviews were something I wrote back when I was a kid. But this series... left such a bad taste in my mouth that I felt I had to break my silence.
As a HUGE fan of the ORIGINAL, Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes series of novels, this is absolutely disgusting and even downright offensive. I don't understand the existence of this anime. Even at only 3 minutes an episode, I couldn't even bring myself to continue on with the rest of the series because each episode enrages me more than the last. Everyone who worked on this
anime should be ashamed of themselves. This has transcended trash. This is so vile and repulsive and even downright nauseating that eating straight up shit sounds appealing. Maybe, had they named this something else, I wouldn't be so offended. But the fact that he is a detective with the name Holmes and his assistant Hudson vaguely sounds like Watson Is just jglkdsjgkjdhsg GRAAAA. I cannot even translate my rage and disgust into words anymore.
Why does MAL not have a 0 or -9000 rating number again? I desperately need it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 22, 2011
This anime is truly an unforgettable anime. While there are many anime that I've watched where I go, "Yay, this seems like an interesting anime!" then at the end go, "...Well, that was okay, I guess. Next!" and completely proceed to forget about it, this anime does not fall into that category. Even the next morning, I found myself still thinking of the intricacies, of the plot, of what-ifs that could have happened, of what things that could have been done differently. Oh, and even though this is an anime, I actually cried at the end. It's that good.
Story: 10/10
This is one of those very
few anime which actually get you hooked even midway into the first episode. There have been many anime where I've stopped midway because it was moving too slowly, or even more anime where it just fails to get more exciting or get a move on even after five episodes. For me, this anime was paced beautifully, not too much action or dialogue in one episode, and telling just enough to not get you confused yet keep you interested enough that you HAVE to watch the next episode. The plot and the way it was carried was as interesting as every bit it sounded, and just overall amazingly carried out. It did not feel rushed nor did it feel slow, and this is actually one of those anime which I've watched all 24 episodes straight (yes, 12 hours straight) because every time I try to leave it for the next day, I just HAVE to peek at the next episode and end up watching the whole thing. In fact, the only warning I have is that if you don't want to lose sleep by watching this 12 hours straight, then don't even watch until you have the time to do so, because I GUARANTEE you, you will NOT be able to put this down once you've started it.
What interested me the most is the balance of action and "lay-low" scenes in the whole anime. Also, the battles that they face are not like any of those random battles in other anime that are added in there just for the sake of it: every battle they face actually has a significant contribution to the overall plot and are all stepping stones to finding out more about the true nature of Japan. And what I really like the most? They've manage to turn a cliche-type plot into something that was interesting, dramatic, and so well-woven together that there was no room for fillers. Every theme is present in this anime: revenge, corruption, seeking justice in an unjust society, money, power, politics... You name it, they have it. And most of all, this cliche-type plot that they have, they have managed to turn into a mind-boggling anime that will make you think about it long after you have finished the entire series (in one sitting, I guarantee you).
Art: 6/10
I am not a big fan of the art simply because the lighting, for me, was too dark. I suppose it adds to the mood of the story, and it works fantastically, but there are times where the art looked like it was hurriedly drawn, or times when some of them looked a little bit deformed. The art looked kind of... 2D-ish, for me, though the art was not really so much of an obstruction to keep me from watching it, because the exciting story and plot twists just keep you from even noticing how badly drawn something is. And this is coming from someone who is very picky with anime art.
Sound: 6/10
Simply because there was nothing memorable about the background music or the opening and ending themes. But this might be because the music blended in so beautifully with the action on-screen that I didn't notice it. Either way, it's a fair score.
Character: 9/10
Just the occupation of the main character should be enough to draw you in: a war photographer. Now that's something interesting, something that hasn't been focused on too much before. Now, this may be a little biased since I am a politics/war junkie (yes, despite me being a girl), but it really is something new. His personality is just as beautiful as well. While you would expect a cynical, overly angry tough guy who in reality really just wants someone to hold him close and love him, such a stereotypical personality for a character with an occupation like his is NOT at all present. In fact, he is quite a mysterious man and doesn't open up, but at the same time, he is not this overly angry person who pushes everyone away and refuses their help just because of his pride. He is a balance of mystery and seclusion and also loving and generous who does not want anyone important to him harmed. What I love about him, too, is that even though he is a tough guy, he knows when he needs help, and takes that help. I don't like characters who are overly proud, and he is not one of those typical angry tough guys.
However, the one I did not like very much is Kagura. She seems like the typical "oh, I want to do something/ help you with this, but I'm so weak I can't do anything and end up getting captured all the time" type of damsel in distress. Sure, I appreciate her efforts and her thoughts, but it's most of the time her fault why Tatsumi gets into danger/ has to put himself in danger. Her determination is truly admirable, but at points where Tatsumi has sacrificed everything for her and she chooses to give up... just irks me. I don't like girls who are overly weak and can't do anything like her, and yet because of their wanting to help, they just make the situation worse. She seems like a very common character, and nothing about her stands out.
There was one woman I really liked in that anime, though, and it was Ginza. Now there's a woman: tough, and can handle herself. While I was kind of annoyed at first that all she cares about is Saiga and doesn't realize just how many lives she is jeopardizing, and coupled with her attitude towards murders waving them off as if they were just another thing on her to-investigate list, the way her outlook in life changes once she has seen the full-blown corruption of all the higher people in Japan coupled with the fact that she is able to finally let go of Tatsumi once she realizes that he really doesn't love her and won't ever love her because of Kagura, made her one of my favorite characters. She is not the overly annoying type of stalker nor is she the overly tough woman who can defend herself against anything. And that's what's beautiful about the characters of Speed Grapher overall- they are not complete Mary or Gary Sues. Tatsumi, just because he has a camera that can explode things, is not overly powerful or undefeated. Ginza, just because she has guns and can shoot a pinhole from 200000000 miles away, does not mean she manages to get a headshot at anyone and everyone she meets. They all have a balance of good traits and bad traits, strengths and weakness, and for me that is just amazing.
And Suitengu is your typical bad guy: badass, calm, collected, and smokes REAL money. NOT. Unlike most bad guys in anime, he actually HAS a purpose for doing all the things he's doing, not just because he's evil and he likes to bring harm to other people or anything like that. Of course, I won't tell you just what is his real purpose, you just have to find out for yourself. And also, he has an interesting plot twist concerning Saiga as well, but again, I'm not going to say what it is.
Enjoyment: 10/10
Like I said, this is one anime that you will never put down once you've started watching it. I enjoyed every single episode, and there was never one where I went "ho-hum, this is starting to get really boring". And if there ever was a filler episode, I didn't notice one. For me, everything blended well into each other perfectly, and there is nothing I would want changed in this anime, plot-wise. Though the art could have been better.
Overall: 10/10
This is truly a balanced, well-created masterpiece. If you want an anime that will strike a sensitive cord, or an anime that will make you think, then this anime is just for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 15, 2011
I will say one thing: Hetalia episodes are also five minutes long, and even though that series does not follow any sort of one continuous plot, it still has so much more action, character development, comedy, and DECENT animation rolled into one episode than all of the 12 episodes of this... awful abomination COMBINED.
The art was gorgeous, which is why I was drawn into even trying to watch this anime. But seriously? I almost could not sit through the first episode. There was NO character development, and VERY limited animation. All I could see moving was their mouths. The background music was also very easily
If you're looking for an anime with an episode five minutes long, better stick to Hetalia. If you're looking for one with vampires, Hellsing would do you SO MUCH more justice. Seriously, take my advice and don't waste your time on this shit. An hour lost is more important than you think.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Aug 18, 2009
Great. Excellent. Fresh.
I could think of another million good words to describe this anime. I mean, the plot is fresh and goes smoothly, the art is excellent, the seiyuus are just right for the characters, there's a balance of seriousness and comedy, and there's shonen-ai. What more can you ask for?
If you're looking for something enjoyable and funny and light, you must certainly pick this one.
Although the story is ridiculously long (OMG I haven't finished yet), it's quite worth it in the end. Even the character developments are good; it's quite rare to find an anime where the characters actually change for the better (or
for worse) overtime. Taking Wolfram as an example, he was grumpy and too suspicious of Yuuri at first (and of course he's still all "cheater" on Yuuri but myeh ^.~) but as the series progresses he learns to be more accepting of his surroundings (especially of humans) and learns to show more care for other people other than himself, Yuuri, or Gwendal.
And it covers everything: Love, betrayal, family, etc. And the plot is extremely fresh: Name other anime who has a kid flushed down a toilet and suddenly finds himself in another world. Sure, the idea of "another world" has been used numerous times, but the fact this isn't all "Owh I opened the wrong door and next thing I know I'm in another world" or "Owh I was walking and then a mysterious thingamabob appeared out of nowhere and dragged me to another world" makes it entirely different from other anime of the same kind. Besides, it covers all aspects of fan service: sexy ladies, shounen-ai, bishounen mania. And not to mention reverse Harem. But by reverse harem I MEAN REVERSE harem. If you know what I mean ^.~
Even the art is excellent. Sure there are times when Wolfram's eyes are a little too big for his head or Gunter's hair is too poofy, but aside from that, the art is relatively great.
And seriously, this anime is the epitome of all freshness. I mean, weird customs, humans vs. demons (different version, not the "hyaaa demons be gone!" type of thing), kid flushed down a toilet, housekis, and what-nots, tons of revolutionary materials and plots and thingamabobs all rolled into one. How can you not like Kyou Kara Maou?
Overall, this anime is a MUST watch for everyone, even guys. Sure, it features gay-engagement, but the other aspects, such as battle scenes, humor, etc. make it worthwhile to be watched even by straight boys. Besides, the balance of seriousness and humor and light-hearted scenes and heart-wrenching scenes keep you on the edge of your seat. Some episodes are considerably slow taking and the sort of "dammit just end already so I can watch the next one", but this is balanced with the too fast-moving scenes. All aspects of life (and other worlds) are covered in this anime, and certainly not something you'd want to miss.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 18, 2009
It barely passed.
The story seems to be something quite overused in many yaoi anime (or even normal guygirl romace. Or even Yuri.): "OMG I'm in love with this person but I've never seen him but owh my gawd he was just under my nose all this time!!!" I mean it's like, "Give me a freaking break. Another one?" And then you'd just walk away and roll your eyes. And even the conflicts are way too commonplace- "oh my gosh i can't accept you because you're my son's bestfriend" and the whole "my-family-won't-accept-you-so-do-I-break-up-with-you-or-not" kind of thing. Absolutely nothing can catch your eye, and all ideas are
overused. Even sex scenes aren't all that hot. Even the sex scenes in Haru wo Daiteita OVA are better.
Even the characters are not that great. We have the typical (and by typical I MEAN typical) uke who's beautiful and cute and wimpy and short-tempered but can't resist the seme, and a seme who's serious, TDH (tall, dark and handsome), and quiet. I mean, I can mention a pair off the top of my head who's like this: Kazahaya and Rikuo from Gohou Drug. Owh wait, there's Tsuzuki and Muraki too from Yami no Matsuei.
Basically, it's just something you pull off the shelf of mediocre cliches. If you're looking for something fresh- skip this and look for something else. Like Haru wo Daiteita.
One thing I can commend though is the art. I haven't seen such elegant art in a long time. Although really~ it's kind of unrealistic. I mean, the grandfather looks like he freaking took a bath at the fountain of youth AND drank the water. I mean, it's just unrealistic. And the eyes are kind of weird- but if I guess you're looking for fresh anime eye art, you can look at this one for reference.
Overall, the anime is something not worth wasting your time on. Although, if you don't too much mind the lack of plot (or the mediocrity of plot anyway) or the lack of hot sex scenes, then watch this just for pure entertainment. Like I dunno, when you have nothing else better to do with your life because you've seen every yaoi anime out there.
And really, don't even bother watching this when you DO have time to waste. If you DO have time to waste, go watch the Haru wo Daiteita OVA or something. It's not good either, but at least it's better than this one. Anything is better than this one.
So pass this and go for something else instead.
Owh and by the way, if you were expecting incest because of the title (Like maybe you read Papa to Kiss in the Dark and want something of the same nature), well sorry to burst your bubble but it ain't incest. It's shota, but not incest. (Kirepapa means beautiful papa or something, apparently a combination of the words kirei= pretty and papa= father. I dunno, I'm going from memory here).
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Aug 18, 2009
Two words: Ultimate disappointment.
Don't get me wrong, I loved this series very much. Except what I hate about it is its being all over the place. I mean, I can't expect this to be perfectly in tune with the manga (no anime is perfectly in tune with any manga, sadly), but this was an ultimate disappointment.
First, they show insignificant scenes, such as the one with Kikuchi's incident, when they could have shown more significant scenes from the manga. Second, someone who has never read the manga wouldn't understand some parts, such as the reporter who looks like Iwaki. Third, some details are wrong, such as
the scandal that involved Iwaki and Katou. And fourth, to put it bluntly, it fails hard at humor. Fifth, WHY THE HECK DOES SAWA HAVE WHITE HAIR??? >.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Aug 18, 2009
Holy~ AV actors???
In case you didn't know, AV means Adult Video. Yes that's right, this manga looks at the life of two young and aspiring AV actors who are trying to gain fame in the acting world, the long-haired blonde hunk Katou Youji and the serious black-haired Iwaki Kyousuke. At first glance, this looks like your typical, boring, predictable yaoi manga: They fight for their positions, get (insert some bad interaction here) with each other, and the next thing you know, they totally absorb their roles and fall in love.
But no, this is not your typical yaoi anime. Not at all.
Sure the plot seems to
be a normal, "ho-hum I've seen this 9762726 times in drama before" kind of thing, but as the story progresses, you begin to see the untypical part of this yaoi manga: LE GASP! It actually has PLOT! Most yaoi manga (or even the mention of the word yaoi) either contains hard-pumping hot sex with NO plot at all (take Asami Tohjoh and Yugi Yamada for instance), or too much plot with hardly any love scenes. But Haru wo Daiteita is so balanced, a ballerina would fall off her feet on a balance beam! Well okay maybe not THAT balanced but you get the idea.
Now don't get me wrong. I love yaoi from the bottom of my heart. It's just that Haru wo Daiteita moves so beautifully, so smoothly, that even extras in the middle of some chapters actually fit into the plot! And the good thing is, as a reader, you can feel the extreme chemistry and TRUE TRUE love between Iwaki and Katou. This, in my opinion, is the first ever yaoi that has featured REAL, TRUE, GENUINE love. Sure, some yaoi has that "owh I love this guy and I'll willingly die for him" kind of thing, but what makes HWD different is that they ACTUALLY put their words into actions. And OMG you cannot believe this: It features marriage. Yes, the first yaoi manga I've read that features marriage. This further proves their true love for each other.
One thing I don't like about is how it gets too sappy at times ^.~ It's the "give me a break, I'm getting a toothache" kind of sappiness. Especially since they use overly tired lines such as "Owh Iwaki-san I love you so much I'd die for you" or something of that nature.
This manga is excellent in the way it was plotted out: not too much or too little sex scenes, balanced showing of their business and private lives, and the occasional love triangle plot (Miyasaki and Kikuchi and that reporter guy who looks like Iwaki XDDD and numerous others). It certainly satisfies all people who like yaoi, even those who don't like seeing sex scenes very much. Because sex-scenes here are different: while in most yaoi, you can't really feel the love, in HWD sex-scenes give you goosebumps and just leave you in awe, "wow, they really love each other..." and to quote Miyasaki, "a beautiful thing".
And... I gave this a low character rating because in my opinion, although Katou and Iwaki's character developments are excellent, is that they're another part of the overused, ready-made characters. Iwaki, a serious guy with black hair who has a hard time expressing himself. Katou, a hot-headed blonde who is extremely possessive. Ho-hum, I mean, how many times have we seen characters like this? And also, the art is beautiful and elegant, but as I am an extreme CLAMP fan, I find the art style to be semi-old and think that it would have been better if they were drawn as skinnier, cuter bishies. Of course, that's just me fangirling. XDDD
Overall, this manga is a MUST read for those who love yaoi with plot. It, in my opinion, satisfies everyone, including those who look for hot sex-scenes and those who look for just something sappy that will give them goosebumps all over. If you like yaoi, no matter how you like it, this is definitely something that should be on your list. If you, as a yaoi fan, don't read this, you have just missed one of the greatest yaoi ever made. Too bad for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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