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May 28, 2022
Triple Kiss is a 2 volume love-triangle shoujo manga that is so baffling and absurd it actually made me go through all the stages of grief. If you plan to read this manga then take my advice and don't.
Nice and clean with simple backgrounds. The guys are good looking ikemen who always have their shirts unbuttoned and all characters have accurate bodily proportions. No scary dorito-chin yaoi hands art to be found here.
Every single character is a mess of a human and the one good interesting character is so undeveloped and boring that he is a half-baked tray of soggy loaf.
The FL (female lead) is a horrible person with 2 brain cells rattling around in her monkey brain. The second male lead (2ML) in the love triangle is actually such an evil morally bankrupt insane lunatic that he needed to be jailed immediately but was instead actively loved by every other character.
If there is a plot or any sense or meaning to this manga it flew over my head like a bird about to drop a steaming diarrhoea. The FL meets the male lead (ML) who is a perfect man- humble and respectful and dreamy and black-haired and kind- and starts dating him. Then she meets 2ML who is his best friend/lifelong bully who is such an emotionally constipated abusive villain that he makes war criminals look like fluffy dog walkers.
2ML admits he purposely ruined the ML's life by forcing him to grow long hair so everyone would bully him for being gross/creepy, thus giving the ML such low self-esteem that he could abuse him forever. When the FL hears this she says 'AW HOW ROMANTIC! KEEP IT UP!' and starts having feelings for 2ML while she is dating ML. All of this occurs after 2ML kisses her against her will in a place where he knows the ML will see and get jealous. WHAT.
This man is so evil and insane that he needs to be sprayed like a cockroach and dropped to the bottom of the ocean. However, because he is rich and handsome, everyone loves him and he continues to get away with the most inane reprehensible shenanigans that anyone has ever seen. OH! HOW! I! SWOON!
The rest of the story is so incomprehensible and psychotic that I actually laughed, I really did. This manga pulled a few belly laughs out of me every time something freshly insane happened. In only 8 chapters there were people: getting violently bullied, almost dying in snow-storms (self-inflicted btw), finding dog faeces on their shoes, falling out of trees onto other people, getting amnesia, having weddings, being locked and deadbolted in sheds, and getting professionally kidnapped by men in sunglasses and black suits. Then there were more kidnappings, a dude pulling a knife out and chopping off all his hair at school, a guy calling another guy his slave after his parents died, and then making him do slave things for the next decade. Halfway through it turned into a BL drama between ML and 2ML which is what it should've been in the first place. I wish I was making all this up it was so fkn crazy.
I actually kind of enjoyed this manga as soon as I changed my mindset to 'this is a comedy'. It helped that there was really good humour and funny gag scenes throughout. This manga also had amazing and though-provoking lines that upped the enjoyment factor like 'hey! what are you doing! let go of me! you violent fella!' and 'finally he is asleep as if he's dead'. God I wish that were me.
If you don't laugh at this manga the only alternative is to throw your phone in the toilet because it is that infuriating and bad for your blood pressure. If you read this in the physical Spanish paperback then unlearn Spanish right now because being multilingual is a curse not a blessing.
This manga can only be enjoyed on 2 hours of sleep and Adderall. I rated it a 3- 1 point for genuinely funny humour, 1 for art, and 1 for the broad-shouldered ikemen ML who was done dirty.
-Recommended for-
People who were Team Jacob in 2011, dads who are tired of mowing lawns, people who feel smug and superior about reading obscure trash shoujos.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 18, 2022
Ai wo Tomenaide is a shoujo manga published in 2000. 2 chapters are dedicated to a main 'story' and 1 chapter is an independent one-shot.
This manga is the literary equivalent of eating sand at the beach. What better way to ring in the new millennium than by cursing humanity with this bland soggy NTR-themed garbage 'romance'? I've read this so that literally no one else has to and this is my review.
I don't know what was going on in the early 2000s for shoujo manga but the art was REALLY weird back then. Not to say that the art in this was hideous, but
it was more of an acquired taste, like my grandma's buttery onion peas. I didn't love it, but I could withstand it at least.
One strange but hilarious thing is that the characters in the main story and one-shot were drawn...the exact same. Like the same faces, hair, hair colour, bodies. I had to check 3 times to make sure it wasn't the same story, it was so weird.
This is a manga about a married woman cuckolding her husband by cheating on him for no reason other than she is an airhead ditz. She has all the charm and morals of a snake suffocating a small child. Her boyfriend was just as much of a lame loser and I wish them both milk-induced diarrhoea sh*ts for the rest of their fictional lives. I felt bad for the husband who did nothing to deserve any of this.
The characters in the one-shot seemed a lot better, especially the main girl who had valuable character development, until the ML (male lead) joked about raping the FL (female lead) and the FL stalked him and found out his address and then I was like oh wow well never mind then!
I don't like NTR but I admit that in some cases it can be written really well and I might actually find myself rooting for the couple. None of that happened here. The story is your typical bad daytime soap that airs at 2pm and has a budget of $10 and a KitKat bar. Nothing is explained, nothing is justified. A few times I felt that the author was trying to make a moral commentary by leaning in the direction of 'cheating bad huergheh' but that fizzled out and died too. We are meant to see the cheating as fine, or even romantic! Oh how I swoon!
There are really amazing, epic one-liners in this manga that not even the likes of Shakespeare and Chaucer could ever hope to replicate. Sentences like 'His girlfriend...is I' were so astonishing that I had to take a deep breath before I fainted clean on the floor.
I think I would've enjoyed this a lot more if I could've fist-fought every single person who was responsible for bringing this manga into existence.
I rated this a 2- 1 point for art, which was actually not bad, and 1 point because I kept laughing out loud at random parts that were absolutely not meant to be funny.
-Recommended for-
People who love NTR, people who want to disappoint themselves and their parents.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 17, 2022
tw: rape, sexual assault
I've never written a review on MAL before but this manga annoyed me so much that I felt it was a public service for me to warn others before they unwittingly went through what I did.
Marugoto☆Ore no Mono is an innocent-looking 1 volume shoujo manga. 3 chapters are dedicated to the 'story', or lack thereof, and 1 chapter is a side-story unrelated to the main plot.
The art was a little scary if I'm being honest. The male characters all looked like Eldritch abomination fish people and the FL's (female lead's) mouth was set into a permanent O,
driving the whole fish thing home even more. Backgrounds (buildings, rooms) are nice and actually well drawn but the characters are so lanky and long-limbed and disturbing-looking that it basically doesn't matter.
The hand art is especially awful. Hands are drawn with all the fervour of someone learning to draw but their only reference material is the most lanky disjointed yaoi hands art they could find and literally nothing else. This is only the mangaka's third book so the art can be excused but it's just hilarious to see every character fawn over the ML (male lead) when he looks like a large insect.
Every character is the most annoying, inane ninny that could ever exist in a manga. The FL lacks any personality and it's never explained why she falls so hard in insta-love with the ML. She has no hobbies or interests or reason to exist except to fawn over the ML.
The ML himself deserves some type of cake or award for being as awful as he is. 90% of the plot is him forcing the FL into sexual situations she's uncomfortable with and then throwing a toddler temper tantrum when she pushes him away and says she isn't ready or, you know, doesn't want to do intimate things in a classroom where just about anybody could walk in. He has some emo angsty moments where he says he uses force on her because he's afraid she'll leave him and he's no good for her which is why he's aggressive and sexually assaults her blah blah blah. Every other character is about as charming as wet cheese and completely unmemorable.
Kind of insane and a fever dream tbh. Everything goes from 0 to 100 in a second with no buildup, like an F1 racing car on a crack cocaine race-course. Some shoujo scenarios that could have been cute and interesting (like a school play with subverted gender roles, or a hot springs hotel) ended up being executed so sadly and poorly that I felt like I was being slapped around with wet cardboard.
The one-shot is a little better character and plot-wise but not by much.
*heavy spoilers for Chapter 1*
As an example of how screwed up this manga is and what an affront it is to the senses, allow me to provide an example. In Ch. 1 a group of girls get revenge on the FL because she's too close to the ML. They trap her and get their buddies to try and gang-rape her while they film it. The ML CRASHES through a window to save her like some kinda f**ked up amphibian Jason Bourne, licks his openly bleeding wounds, and says 'don't you think that's going a little too far?' all whilst grinning. The love confession happens right after, while the girl is still in her underwear post-assault. She shows no signs of trauma and the attempted rape is never mentioned again except when the ML lifts her skirt (against her will of course) in front of the whole school and writes on her leg 'mine' whilst declaring that no one is allowed to touch his property. What a prince! No one is allowed to sexually assault her except him! I swooned so hard I almost cracked my head open on my phone screen. The one-shot also contains a similar scenario of 'attempted-rape-don't-touch-what's-mine' utter foolishness.
*end spoilers*
Absolutely none. I actually derived negative enjoyment from this and felt all the happiness sucking more and more out of my soul with each further page that I read. I wanted to fight someone or a group of people for the crime that was this manga.
Reading this manga is like watching your rooster lose in an underground bird fight where you've bet your entire life savings. I rated it a 2- 1 point for background art and some rare cute momets and another 1 because I know the mangaka put SOME effort into this even if it doesn't seem that way.
This manga contains heavy and very uncomfortable themes of rape and glorified sexual assault so if that triggers you I recommend staying away.
-Recommended for-
People who hate themselves, girls who love toxic men, people who want a quick bewildered laugh (if any laughs can be squeezed out of this manga instead of just pure misery).
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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