This was a pleasant surprise, in that it kind of hits (or slaps) like 'Outlaw Star'
The world building here perhaps takes a back seat in favor of the dynamics of the crew and how they handle various situations. This type of angle can be highly effective. Other loose parallels could be made with things like 'Black Lagoon' or the most obvious 'Cowboy Bebop'
The characters are reasonably well defined, and if this was in a longer format, I would expect some interesting back stories/character development. Some people may take issue with the all female crew, but I would suggest that these people have '_other' issues.
The artwork
May 18, 2024
AD Police aligns itself better with the noir aspects of the cyberpunk ethos than Bubblegum Crisis. You can feel the Bladerunner inspiration more here. The episodic nature of the OVA does not work against it. This is effectively world building for Crisis despite the tone being quite different.
Leon is one of the worst parts of Crisis in that he is actually a a low-key member of 'Dominion Tank Police'. He become far more human in exploring these 3 episodes. Along with this, the impacts of technology integration and augmentation are explored both on the level of the individual and to some degree on a societal ... May 18, 2024
A truly jarring experience.
There isn't really a story here, it's more like a confusing dream that you wake from and ask what does it mean? The answer is not much. The protagonist moves through various scenarios to be provided with an excuse to do ninja stuff. The cuts between scenes and tone are really quite unpleasant. It's enough to make ones brain itch. The main character doesn't say much, but when he does it becomes clear he thinks women are terrible. The only driving force here is his pursuit of his male friend, so maybe there is some homo-erotic subtext to the whole situation. May 18, 2024
This was utterly predictable.
At no point was I surprised by any plot element. The narrative leaves no room to develop a reason to care about any of the characters. The main character and his nemesis have no redeeming qualities or possess any nuance that makes them interesting. They are just functions of a 1 dimensional story. The only vaguely identifiable characteristics of the protagonist could be selfishness or cowardice. Cliches can be useful when they are leveraged to usurp the expectations of the viewer. This was not done here. -2 oracles gather the chosen spiritual avatars -The chosen of the light and dark (surprise) -2 who are ... |