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Mar 14, 2025
Brief overview: Basically Mafia version of OPM
Sakamoto was once an infamous hitman who was super famous in the underworld for his unstoppable success in assassinating his targets. All his missions are always successful, and he never has any trouble dealing with his targets until one day, he meets his one and only at a convenience store and decides to settle down and have kids. Years later, the hitman has discovered Sakamoto's identity and now he is again at the hunt, but this time he needs to protect both himself and his family.
Story 6/10
I'll be straight, the whole story is basically a rip-off from One
Punch Man, but now as a retired Mafia/Assassin and the jokes are super repetitive and boring. At the beginning, the whole story is really good by introducing the world of Sakamoto, where he once was an infamous hitman that is known for his outstanding success and invincibility, who is never defeated. However, one day he fell in love and decided to retire and settle down, and got fat because of years of inactivity. Shortly, he got discovered by a former colleague, who is now an enemy that is trying to assassinate him. Eventually, towards the end of the encounter, Sakamoto decided to let him go, and they became companions. After that, the whole story quickly falls off because it is more or less the same style of storytelling, and it is all about protecting his companions and families or trying to prevent a catastrophe from a hitman. It is an action-comedy based series where the main character is invincible, who is trying to protect his companion and family, therefore, if you like protagonist who is invincible, then you may like Sakamoto. However, the story and jokes are not at the level of One Punch Man, which is mostly good to mediocre in story-telling, and jokes are great at the start, but gets repetitive very quickly.
Characters 6/10
Yes, it's one of those stupidly invincible over the top protagonists who is insanely strong like Saitama that no one can stop him. This time is in a much more believable setting as he is not one-punching anybody, but had to use a specific tactic to fight against his opponents. Other characters all have a good starting point of a story, then quickly became decent characters within this series.
Animation 7/10
The animation is good, but not visually amazing like One Punch Man, because most of the time is all about the fights between the characters. Yes, sure those fights and actions are good, but One Punch Man had both amazing FIGHTS and DESTRUCTIVE ENVIRONMENTS in its animation. So in OPM you're seeing a lot more in both high quality fights and the destruction of buildings, water, and cities. In Sakamoto, it feels like you're only seeing a fraction of the animation from One Punch Man because the action scene is not visually impressive or colorful, it's just fast paced.
The story is about Sakamoto, who is now a retired hitman trying to protect his family and companion. The characters are average, but if you like the invincible type of protagonist, then you most likely would like Sakamoto. And the animation is good for most of its action, but lacks flavour like artistic background visuals or detailed fights towards its animation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 11, 2025
Brief overview: It's about two couples who are forced to be couples in order to keep peace in their neighbourhood.
Review will be based on the whole series, up to season 2
9/10 for the whole series
Raku Ichijou has big dreams when he started high school. He wants to study hard, go to a prestigious University and establish his own corporate empire. However, after his first day of High school, he is suddenly forced to be in a relationship with a girl called Chitoge as both families are from a rival mafia family. If no peace is settled between the two of them, then chaos and
war would occur between both factions. Therefore, both of them are forced to be in a pretentious relationship.
Story 9/10
The story is about Raku, who is having a peaceful life with big future, dreams, and is suddenly forced to be in a fake relationship with Chitoge. However, his heart is set towards Onodera, but due to the family circumstances of both Chitoge and Raku, they are forced to be in a pretentious relationship as both families are rivals Mafia groups, however, their parents, who are the leaders of the family, are good friends to each other. In order to keep peace, the Mafia group needs to know that both Chitoge and Raku are in a relationship, so both groups can have a peace of mind. Afterwards, the story is more of an additional content added in, and the whole style of the story hasn't changed that much, which is about Raku that keeps getting dragged into other girls' situations and is forced to play by their rules. It is a school-based harem drama that is heavily based on romance and comedy, which doesn't have that deep and serious type of relationship narratives like Fruit Basket, but more towards a fun and comedic side of romance narrative. So for anyone that just wants a light-hearted and not too much thinking anime, then this is for you.
Animation 9/10
If you have seen the style of Studio Shaft. They like to be very creative and dynamic with their animation, where most of the scenes they draw are always colorful, unique, and dynamic with their background. You can see it has heavy inspiration from the Monogatari, Madoka, and Arakawa, where they usually add a 1 second scene within some of their anime to keep the animation fun to watch. That one second scene you'll usually see a lot of fan service, such as boobs, underwear or for the most part artistic decoration on the characters visual. Overall, the animation is very beautiful and well drawn that anyone wouldn't have a problem watching it.
Characters 8/10
The characters are well written for the most part. As I have explained pretty much everything at the story section, the characters are pretty much that. They are made for fun and comedic entertainment, and have a well-written premise that slowly connects their past. One problem is that when more characters are introduced, it does feel overwhelming to know all the characters' stories, and the pacing of the story does feel a bit rushed, and not enough independent content is shown for the characters because most of the time we only saw the characters together, not independently.
If you're looking for the dumb fun romantic type of story, then Nisekoi would be for you as it has good animation with a dynamic background and a decent amount of fan services to keep the harem alive. The characters are well-written for the most part, but a bit rushed towards the end as there is not enough screen time for some of them.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 6, 2025
Brief overview: Basically Dragon Quest that is set primarily in a dungeon.
Review will be based on the whole season until season 5.
8/10 for the whole series
Bell is keen to go on his first journey on a dungeon exploration with his goddess as a back-up support. However, throughout his journey, he is too weak and understrength with the lack of party members. Therefore, he would need to take one step at a time in order to set up the most epic dungeon in his career.
Story 7/10
The Isekai genre has been done to death. Some can be considered insanely good and others can be insanely bad. Danmachi
is somewhere at the middle however it is not a Isekai where some bullshit fucker that died and reincarnated into another world. The story is set straight from the beginning, where you have the main character that is born and LIVED in that world called Bell. If you have played any of those medieval JRPGs it's basically that where the character begins from nothing, then slowly works his way up to something, and the level of dungeons he climbs represents his progress. At the start of the series, it is a little slow, but it does get better towards the 4th season as it goes more in-depth with the characters' feelings and past that they couldn't let go. The series contains a mix of romantic drama, adventure, harem, and action fantasy series that are inspired by medieval Europe. So if you like magic, knights, fairies or fantasy stuff like that, then this is for you, but is more at the action and romantic side.
Characters 8/10
In that world, adventurers would have two sets of characters. The first is the usual adventure that goes hunting in the dungeon, and the other is the god/goddess who is in charge and supports the adventurer's progress by enhancing their magic abilities or status such as HP, durability, and speed. Some goddesses/gods are extremely powerful as they have been building their clans throughout the centuries, and some deities are weak with not much power because they have recently started their career as an adventurer.
For the most part, the characters are average, but average is technically not bad, just good for what the anime is meant to be. They do have a pretty good backstory on certain characters, and most characters are romanticized. The main character can be pretty damn annoying not gonna lie because throughout the series Bell keeps treating everyone like they are better than him and acting like a underling. If you have seen those Harem series like To-Love-ru or Mayo Chiki where all the girls are treated like the frontline fighters and the main character which is a male is either totally useless or a fucking pussy. Bell is that, but at a pussy side of things when he is not at the thick of the action because whenever their is some shit that is either small or big which caused by him he'll apologise a million times even though it's not that severe.
Animation 8/10
Good animation and no bad drawings throughout the series. It's amazing that they can maintain the consistency to season 5, and when there is action, the animators would put in the extra effort to make the fight more entertaining.
If you play those dungeon games where there is a fairy, goblins or dragons, it's basically that for the story. The characters are average, but good on what the series is trying to be, and the animation is consistently well drawn throughout the series,s with great action when it comes to the fight.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 4, 2025
Brief overview: Must-watch
It's about a prestigious elite school that can grant all the students that attend that academy a prestigious university when they graduate, or at least a high- ranking job. However, all students are tested through all kinds of circumstances. If they fail to meet the school's criteria, they would have no choice but to be expelled. Therefore, there are many mind games, psychology, and mystery involved in order for the student to succeed.
The review will be based on the whole season, from season 1 to season 3.
9/10 from this point.
Kiyotaka, a first-year student, has recently been accepted into a prestigious elite high
school that can grant all the students a prestigious university once graduated, if not they would at least gain a high level position for any job they desire. Interested in this school life, he decided to attend that school where it would test all its students to their fullest.
Story 10/10
If you like mystery, psychology, mind-games, problem-solving, or detective type of anime, then you are in for a treat, and it's quite similar to Squid Game. The story is set in Japan's most prestigious school that can grant all the students a prestigious scholarship to a well-known university or a high-ranking job position, which can earn them $$$. At first, the school introduced their rules to all students and they must comply with it no matter what. They cannot leave the school under any circumstance, however, there is a dormitory, shopping centres, bribery, and many activities that the outside world has that can be provided into the school. All students will earn a digital currency each month that allows them to purchase all the necessary or self-desired needs, but the currency they earn is based on both their performance and the class performance. With each semester, all the classes will be given various exams that determine their rankings from D to A class. All the exams have all sorts of conditions and rules, and the consequences that each exam gives vary all the time. Some would simply just boost the class's ranking, but some would have to let each class's vote on which student to expel. So generally speaking, it's a very mind-bending anime that tests all its characters to their limit because the school will always provide exams on various scenarios, some are simply to boost the class ranking, and some that make students participate in difficult choices on who to expel. On some circumstances, students would do anything they can to survive within that school, by bribing, falsely accusing one another, or simply hurting them and use them as a tool.
Animation: Season One 9/10, Season Two 6/10, Season Three 7/10
The animation for the first season was outstanding and amazing. All the fight school and action is so well animated, and a lot of unexpected fan-service has been added to enjoy the entertainment. After season one hot damn that is one gigantic fall from grace where the animation looks like a predecessor from its formerself and it is so painful hard to watch because the quality and movement are so janky for the most part. This is one of the rarest anime where it started off so well but fell so hard on its animation that rivals Nanatsu No Taizai season 3's animation. If you think that OPM S2 looks like shit, trust me that is only a slight downgrade when compared to something like this. Without being bias, we do have to give the animators some credit as season 3's animation did improve and the animators learned many of its mistakes from season 2, but it is still a far cry from season 1 when 2 and 3 are compared.
Characters 9/10
Everyone in this series acts with their mask on, and when their mask is off, they show their real selves. It's a very interesting character from COTE because everyone is always manipulating one another or not trying to show their real selves. It's more like everyone in COTE is always trying to hide their background because most of them all have tragic or unsettling stories, which is way the characters in COTE are great and not by the book standard because there are so many plot twists.
This is certainly one of the greatest anime ever made, which has a story that involves many mind games and characters that has unique personalities and stories. However, the animation did hit a massive downturn eversince after season 1, but it still a very enjoyable anime to watch as the story and characters are still great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 27, 2025
Brief overview: Watch the first half of the season as there is so much content packed in, but towards the end, the story loses its charm.
Satou a high school student has been living a normal school life. She behaves and acts like a normal and happy student however deep inside her life she is looking after one thing that is precious to her. Her name is Shio and Shio is the sole reason how Satou experiences love therefore she will do anything to protect her even killing the ones that are the closest to her.
Story 5/10
It is a horror anime that sets its stage so
well and is frightening at the start in fact this is one of the scariest anime of all time. However, towards the end of the series, the story and settings become a mess and all the build-up towards that point has been wasted because of the poorly told story. At first, the setting of the anime is so well done, They demonstrate the mystery, drama, horror, and premise that leads towards that point, such as a missing Co-worker, the mysterious life of Satou, and why and how she is legally keeping Shio to herself. It is so scary and interesting at the start because there is so much mystery to discover the horror behind it. When it comes to the ending most of the build-up and interesting points have been misled or poorly executive narrative as the mystery behind the story hasn't given enough context towards a certain point of characters and the strong build-up to that point has practically killed off all the characters showcase as there isn't any epic or satisfying showcase when it comes to the end. To keep it short it feels like wow is so horrifying at the start then at the end when they executed it feels like is just that, nothing special.
Characters 6/10
Interesting story and well-acted characters, but the story destroyed the characters as the story has such a strong horrifying showcase. However, when it comes to the character confronting other characters giving a deep meaningful impact on what they're supposed to mean to them. It's not satisfying enough as it lacks a compelling point.
Animation 7/10
Very well animated, especially the horror scene, but lacks quantity and most of its horror scenes are only at the start.
The animation is good as it draws the horror scene so well, but when it comes to the story and character it started off well but slowly and surely it starts to fall off.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 25, 2025
Brief overview: Must-Watch
It's about problem-solving and dying all over again until that problem is eventually solved.
The review will be based on the whole season until season 3.
Final verdict 9/10
Subaru is a normal and unemployed hikikomori who has one day been wandering around a convenience store. Until suddenly just out of nowhere he is dragged into a magical world where knights and witches are common. Curious and excited this is where his journey begins.
Story 10/10
If you have ever played one of those visual novel games in Japan or multiple-path/choice storytelling like Fallout or Mass Effect. This anime is heavily inspired by that. However, Re: Zero's
whole concept heavily aligns with mystery, problem-solving, and choosing the right path in order to progress with its story. The story of Re Zero is very rich as much of the story has a lot to do with the past and future to be discovered. Subaru is a normal guy who possesses no destructive power but has one of the most powerful rewind times abilities whenever he dies. Suddenly out of nowhere he was dragged into another world and met Emilia and instantly fell for her. However, she lacks the empathy of love and he decides to tag along with her and be her knight due to the constant threat of an organization that is known as the witch cult group who is trying to assassinate her. Throughout his journey, he does not have the power to take on his enemies head-on, but he has the power of friendship, analysis, and leadership to work along with them and beat back the enemy as he serves more as a strategist than a typical shonen character who is trying to defeat the villain all by himself.
Characters 9/10
Although cliche, the characters are well-fitted into their role and everyone is balanced out with their power particularly the main character has no destructive strengths. However, he has one of the strongest abilities that allows him to turn back in time to solve the problem that had occurred before. This requires a lot of problem-solving as he is trying to solve the mystery that he couldn't solve.
What's more interesting is that the characters have so many interesting stories and set a lot of premises that will eventually be discovered. I know this is unintentional, but the internet has hyped Rem to an extraordinary extent at the beginning of the series and towards the later bit Rem has mostly been out of the story which kind of sucks, but it is still fair as to balance out the screen time between other characters.
Animation 8/10
At first, the animation is great and ahead of its time. However, as the season went on the animation certainly didn't change, but the problem is the animation is starting to show its age as the anime takes forever to make unlike Mappas Chainsaw Man and JJK the animation is improving at a rapid pace. One thing for sure is that by book the animation looks standard and normal however when there is scenes that involve combat or injury is extremely well animated. The scenes can look really nasty with the amount of blood and gore that is animated within it. So is generally a good animation, but is slowly showing its age as there is barely any improvement to it. As the old saying goes "Why change it when it is not broken" This can apply to Re zero.
The story is about Subaru trying to solve out the mystery that has been in his way. Whenever he dies he needs to strategize his tactics in order to move onto the next stage. The characters are all portrayed well and all have adequate screen time between the series and the animation is great, but it is starting to show its age due to the long development of each seasons.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 16, 2025
Brief overview: Harry Porter + One Punch Man = Marshle
This review will be based on both Seasons 1 and 2.
Season 1 is a little slow, but it gets better when the next season begins
In the world of Marshle, everyone can use magic from birth and to prove their ability that they can use magic they have a stripe mark on their face as proof. However, there is a certain group of humans that cannot use it and is visible to the public by not having the stripe mark on their face. Marshle, an orphan that is born without magic is raised by a magic
user as he knows the same pain of not using magic consistently. One day an outsider discovers that he cannot use magic and therefore he is in a serious life-threatening circumstance that forces him to attend the magic academy and prove to the world that magic is not mandatory in the world with his astronomical strength that rivals magic itself.
Season One 7/10
Season Two 8/10
You may already have heard this from other reviews, but there isn't any other way to phrase it. This is One Punch Man but set in a magic academy with a heavy shonen narrative that is inspired by Fairy Tail. Season 1 serves as an introduction to the series of Marshle where he is born without magic and has been discriminated against him by the world. However, he has been secretly living and training throughout his whole life to the point that he is ridiculously strong and has been discovered by the police. The police therefore gave him a chance to succeed in the magic academy and prove to the world that there is people that exist in that world and can survive without using magic. It has many comedy, shonen, and action moments and it shows the inspiration from One Punch Man, but the quality of this compared to OPM is serviceable, but not quite there at the OPM level. From this point on the story for the rest of the season is straightforward where it is all about connecting rivals, companions, and villains to ruin the main protagonist's life and himself is trying to conceal his identity within the academy of not being able to use magic. Season 2 onwards is still more or less the same as season 1, but less focus on the introduction such as the setting and character build-up. This time the story is deeper and has more action scenes compared to Season 1. If you have seen a Shonen series such as One Piece or Dragon Ball this is when the series is more focused on putting quality into the actions as the story is good, but not enough to keep the series entertaining for a long period of time. However, for Marshle the story and action is good, but aside from that everything is serviceable.
Animation 8/10
The action scenes for Marshle are great when it comes to its animation, but aside from that other scenes can look alright at best.
Characters 7/10
There isn't much to say about the characters. As I have stated above where the story is straightforward this also impacts the character's personality where the character mostly serves its own purpose in the action shonen genre. One thing that is not straightforward is the backstories of the characters which every character has a unique backstory for the most part.
As much as I hate to say it Marshle is basically a replicated version from One Punch Man. The series is not bad, but not better than OPM when compared as the story has a slow start, but does get better over time and the animation has good actions however aside from that the character and animation mostly only serves its own purpose in the shonen genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 26, 2025
Brief overview: MUST-WATCH
It's about retrieving souls that have escaped from hell. Each of those souls has now possessed a girl's body therefore to capture that soul the protagonist needs to make those girls fall for him and kiss them at the same time to draw the soul out.
This review will be based on the whole series.
10/10 for the whole series.
Keima is a high school student who has loved visual novel dating games his whole life. He is an introvert and never likes making friends however his obsession with visual novel dating games has gone to another level where he will even play those
games during class time. One day he received a mysterious message from his game console where he asked if he could make all sorts of girls fall for him. He then carelessly accepts the request. Believing this to be some sort of taunt and not realizing that he made a serious contract with hell to obtain souls that have escaped hell and is forced to retrieve them along with Elucia to help in order not to have his neck snapped by the seal that has placed on his neck.
Story 10/10
The first two seasons are a straightforward narrative that is all about Keima trying to capture the souls of each individual girl who has been possessed by them. To drive those souls out he needs to make those girls fall for him and kiss them at the same time. Towards the last season, the narrative has completely changed direction where it is no longer trying to save those girls but saving the goddess to prevent them from getting taken by an evil organization. This is still a light-hearted, comedic, and romantic focus style of anime where it is heavily focused on dating strategy because each girl has different likes, personalities, and conditions therefore each approach needs to be different. However, towards the last season, the style changed its direction to more of an action-adventure style, with deeper lore towards the story and surprisingly emotional moments. There is one crucial part that slightly ruins the series at the end because at the beginning of the new season when they introduced the new characters. Most of the character content is skipped and rushed with its pacing.
Characters 9/10
The characters are great, especially the main protagonist who is not a cliche type of character. He is an introvert and hates socializing, but at the same time, he is extremely smart and generous at the time if someone is in serious trouble. Whenever he needs to approach a girl on a date he always needs to change his personality to adapt to that girl's liking so for the most you see an introvert who loves playing dating games and at sometimes he will change his personality to adapt. Toward the end of his approach to the possessed girl, he always points out their problems and tries to give an example that they need to change because if they don't change anytime soon they will have regret in the later part of their life. So is not just retrieving souls, but at the same time saving them from going in the wrong direction. Other characters like Haqua and Elucia are great as well. They demonstrate that no one in this world is perfect, even though if one has an exceptional talent that doesn't mean they will do perfectly in their job, and the other one that has no talent also doesn't mean that they will do terribly in their job. This shows a great example that you can't judge a book by its cover. A minor problem with the supporting characters that are the possessed girls. Most of them only serve their purpose until their wish has been fulfilled and towards the later story most of them only serve as cameo only. So it's quite a letdown because you only see them when it comes to their story and when their story is over you never really see them again toward the later bit, but as a cameo only.
Animation 8/10
The animation is great there aren't any flaws to it however it does look a little generic at times. However, it is still really good as they draw a lot of comedic drawings to fit the style of the anime.
This is one of my favourite anime of all time and I can easily recommend this to those who are seeking a comedic, romantic, and story with so much deep meaning behind it. The story is about Keima trying to retrieve that escaped soul from hell. Those souls all possessed different girls so he needs to adopt different personalities to make them fall for him. The characters are great as it shows that you can't judge a book by its cover and no one is perfect in this world while the animation can look a little generic but it serves its purpose within the series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 10, 2025
Brief overview: It's pretty good for the most part, but the animation is disappointing, especially for season 2 where it didn't improve that much.
This review will be based on seasons 1 and 2.
8/10 for the whole series
When Masamune was a kid he met a girl named Adagaki. Both of them were inseparable spending many quality time as children. However, Masamune was fat and chubby at that time until one day when Masamune was about to ask her out he suddenly got dumped and called Pig Foot by Adagaki. 8 years later he is now an attractive-looking kid and wants revenge on her by making her
fell for him and doing the same thing back to her like how she did to him when they were kids.
Story 8/10
For the most part of season 1 is all about Masamune trying to make his rival Adagaki fall in love with him. They also introduce us to other characters such as Neko and Yoshino to slowly integrate them into the main story. So for season one, the narrative is used as an introduction that leads to season 2. It is a small activity or objectively based narrative where Masamune is doing step by step to reach that goal with many comedy and drama elements involved. Up to season 2 the series goes more in-depth with the drama that is focused on the character's background story and the characters are more connected than ever before as it explains how Masamune met them in their childhood past events. From that point on is about clearing things up with each of the characters on how they met in their past and how they always adore each other ever since the beginning. So season 1 is about an objective-based narrative where Masamune is taking step by step to make Adagaki fall for him with many comedy and entertainment based towards the story and season 2 goes heavily into the drama with many backstories to link up to the present day to intensify the drama.
Characters 8/10
At first, Adagaki looks more or less like a spoiled brat however when season 2 occurred MY GOD THAT IS ONE HELL OF A TRANSFORMATION by simply not tiring her hair up and looking silky smooth. She transformed into a bishoujo like it was nothing, especially towards the last few episodes she looks NOTHING like how she was in season 1 and it's a whole transformation. The characters in this series are pretty good and all have a great personality. At the start, everyone has an equal amount of screen time and interactions however toward the end of the series Neko mostly feels left out and doesn't have a clear interaction with Masamune to explain their relationship and Gasou does have a reasonable amount of screen time at the start, but towards the end, they could've given more screen towards his true self as we only see a little bit of it. As for Muriel is a missed opportunity as they could've given more stories about her, especially the mystery of her eye. We also have a few questionable ones like Masamune's mum... just look it up yourself and you'll know what I'm talking about. However, overall the characters are generally not bad most of the time however, they could've given more screen time, story, and interaction for certain characters.
Animation 5/10
At first, it was forgivable for the animation to be sluggish and a bit janky however it is especially disappointing for fans who have waited 6 years for season 2 to have an animation that has barely improved from the original. For the most part, the characters look gorgeous and well-drawn however, when it comes to the movement the animation sucks and looks very janky in the series.
The story is about Masamune's revenge where Masamune made all sorts of plans and activities to try and make Adakagi fall for him then towards the end of their relationship that is when he dumps her as revenge for what she had done to him before. Towards season two the drama has intensified by clarifying each character's past and the reason behind their actions. The characters for the most part are good, but could've been better utilized and the animation is disappointing as it didn't improve much from season 2 with a very long 6-year wait time for fans.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 8, 2025
Brief overview: It's only worth watching for those who haven't seen the original one or for those who can ignore the setting.
After Lelouch's sacrifice, his remnant of the original Britanian government relocated its sovereignty into the region of Hokkaido. Still, believing in the old autocracy and the power to rule its people they began the same old hash rule of treating the Japanese as second-class citizens and prioritizing their own race as superior. Therefore, they established a new sovereignty as Neo-Britania.
Story 5/10
There isn't much to say to the story. It's basically the replicated version of the story from the old Lelouch and this time
the setting makes no sense. Basically, the provisional government of Britannia has relocated its rule to Hokkaido and.... you guessed it!! It's treating the Japanese as eleven and the Britanian as a superior race while the whole world is fighting against them at the odds of 100 to 1. The main protagonist is from a royal family and is trying to overthrow the neo-Britanians from their evil rule when the whole world is fighting against them even their own region is rebelling against their rule while they lost about 80 percent of their power and territory from the previous war. As I said from the beginning, from here on that is the story for this series, it is a replicated version that makes no sense when Britania is already severely weakened and has no power left while they're trying to establish a rule when the whole world is fighting against them.
However, the story is not 100% trash as it still brings a decent amount of good action, fan service, and side content. If you are looking for dumb fun entertainment then this is not bad if you can ignore all the trashy settings and logic or if you want to start into the series this is alright to start off as it does not spoil anything from the previous entry. Do keep in mind that it is still a little rushed towards the end. HOWEVER, it is bad for those who have seen the original one because the story makes no sense and it adds almost no value to the series. The story is still very close to becoming one of those next-generation garbage like Boruto, Yashahime, and Nanatsu no Taizai.
Character 6/10
The characters are not bad, but what destroys this is that they added one character that makes 100% no sense which is Sakura. This character Sakura is stated in the lore that she is Sakuya's best friend when they look exactly like the same thing. I don't know why they're not stated as sisters instead of best friends. This would make more sense in the scenario and there is no history shown between those two on how they're met or how they value each other. Other than that other characters are well written, but they have almost no interactions between each other, and is quite rushed because it's only 12 episodes long. In the original series, you can see that Lelouch is interacting with multiple characters and is not just that. Also, multiple characters have multiple screen time with each, and is an added extra to the series such as Shirley discussing romance with Kallen or C.C is linked to multiple other characters. Sadly this time there isn't much added to the characters. They're not plain like Leila however it is a shame for them not to bond with each other. It's not all down the hill, at the end of the season they added all the main characters and supporting characters from other Code Geass series into this series even though most of them don't have an anime adaptation. You can see that they haven't forgotten about them and still relatively care for the series.
Animation 9/10
Animation is still the same old style of animation back in the original one. Even though the animation hasn't changed, it still works and still looks great, but the mechas depending on how you view it looks like real CGI now. In the original one, the mecha has almost no CGI made into it however ever since then most Code Geass series has added CGI in. Now, this is not bad CGI it's still relatively good, but it's not better than the original one.
It's a replicated version of the original one. The setting makes almost no sense when the previous Britanian government has lost 80% of its power and territory while at the same time they're fighting both the whole world and suppressing the revolt. The characters are quite good for the most part, but the character Sakura is portrayed weirdly because she looks exactly the same as Sakuya. The animation is still the same old style of Code Geass but this time way more CGI added in.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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