Houseki no Kuni, or Land of the Lustrous, is an anime about genderless immortal beings made out of Gems that protect themselves from lunar creatures that appear within the day. This elegant and extremely serene anime is about the sacrifices that one must make in order to improve as a person.
Phosphophyllite is a gem that is basically useless until the day his teacher, Kongo, tasks him with the responsibility of creating the Encyclopedia to record all known knowledge of the island. The task moves him towards much more dangerous situations where many things are sacrificed. In a way of putting it, the character development is
Apr 19, 2018
Made in Abyss
The story of Made in Abyss is an interesting, dramatic experience with beautiful world building. The experimental world building is majorly unique and the new adventurous areas that the characters explore is something that may be lacking in anime today. Story-wise, the journey of the characters is something that makes the viewer always want to ask questions and a desire to delve deeper into the world starts to fill your mind as more and more is revealed. However, the story does begin to become a little slow towards the middle but it returns it's wonderful pacing towards the end. Another thing that would irk me