Truth Will Be Shown Through Terrorism
My favour anime director Shinichirō Watanabe did it again, and oh my god he created a really interesting detective thriller story.
The anime looks amazing, beautiful animation and character design that has enough human feature to be semi-realistic, but still has their anime flavored big eyes and Big round head.
A soundtrack that's gonna blow you socks off. one of the best anime soundtracks,I really enjoyed it. and it's played perfectly in Lower tones and higher tones to build up or to suspense. It is one of my favorite soundtracks.
and the mystery is so nicely build up with old puzzles, the
Mar 7, 2025
Koukaku Kidoutai
Separation Of Body And Soul
What an amazing timeless anime, looks beautiful still today. story, themes still relevant. The story starts out strong just a normal mission for the section 9 group that ends up being a little part in a bigger story. It's a very good hold stuff for the more deep philosophical themes in the movie and dialogues. Talks about humanity and Sin and if memories disappear are we still ourselves or are we somebody different? What does it mean to be a soul in the machine? And it looks absolutely amazing that backgrounds art puts most anime to shame. The amazing play with lighting and Shadow, ... Mar 3, 2025
Out Of Body Conspiracy
Ghost hound is an atmospheric but slow Burn mystery show that certainly has a lot of charm, atmosphere and really good audio design. Ghost hound shows a lot of interesting theories and a lot of psychoanalysis and thinks I didn't know about. It's not unbearable slow that it's awful to watch. just happens very little in each episode and show is way too long for my taste. 22 episodes, I wish the story was tightened up. The story and characters are interesting seeing how they overcome their trauma, by out of body experiences and slowly discovered the secret to what happened a long time ... Feb 26, 2025
More Horror, Less Talking
One of the biggest problems with horror anime is they just don't have the darkness or the atmosphere to really do it. There is something with digital animation that just destroyed horror. The story is just so wordy there's constant dialogue. It does become interesting in the last episode, little fun. The horror is just not really there and it's becomes funny. I think maybe if it was life action it could work. but the is just something about anime horror that doesn't work. the character designer is Yoshitoshi Abe, the man that did Serial Experiments Lain and Texhnolyze. These character designs look so bland ... Feb 25, 2025
Serial Experiments Lain
Deus Ex Machina
It's such a unique experience. I cannot find another anime that has this theme or story done this well or this way. It's just a once in a lifetime anime. lain is such an interesting main character. We don't get insight to her thoughts. We only get it when she talks, she's kind of a mystery. maybe even a mystery to herself. It's not a horror anime, but it does have the ability to get under your skin in a way that I have not seen in other anime. There is so much mystery in it, that it's hard to figure out What is happening. ... Feb 22, 2025
Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu
I Believe In Cat Supremacy
I enjoyed it in the beginning, but slowly it becomes a too stale slice of life for Comfort. The premise is really fun. a useless human woman that is being cared for by a cat with Attitude, but the relationship is really cute. But the visual Style stands out, it feels like a really ok manga, was given to some really creative and weird animators, that takes some funny camera angles and really elaborate shots where the camera goes around. It's weirdly produced well, to what the story is. The color stands out the visual stains out, it's just kind of sad when ... Feb 12, 2025
Girl With The Poker Face
It is an interesting premise, but I don't know if it's meant to be a comedy or actually scary, because most of the time it feels like I'm supposed to laugh at what is happening. The first half of the show feels like the same joke over and over and over and, it does become tiring after a while. And how overly sexual everything is in the first episode is so funny. Luckily the show picks up halfway through and becomes way more entertaining. I will say I really enjoyed the main characters friendship with the bimbo character and a little pigtail grill ... Feb 7, 2025
Totsukuni no Shoujo (2022)
My Teacher Has a Cute Tail
What a beautiful story, I've seen it many times before but it's still touches my heart damn. man who has lost everything and is losing himself, but finds new light in his life that gives him new meaning. And then doubts of worthiness comes in. It is so cute while watching it. I could not stop making noises, just because the cuteness was overwhelming, the little girl relationships to teach. It's just so adorable. But it's not all smiles and cuteness. It has some depth and darkness to it. so it does not become One Note It is a wonder to ... Feb 6, 2025
Death Parade
Little Game Before The Grave
What a good little show that doesn't stay out its welcome, and have some interesting psychological themes. The show really have some morbid and serious things happening, but it also can have a laughing smile at the other side. It has a good balance of tone and doesn't feel too much in one side. And the episodic nature really work for it, We can have a tear jerk episode in one moment and a laughing in another. it really is perfect format for an episodic show. And it really has a style all its own. I cannot really think of another anime ... Feb 1, 2025
Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season
Season 2 Redeems Everything Season 1 fine, it feels like a saw in the way that it goes up and down and up and down, in how fun it to watch, it's just never felt entertaining in one hole it just kept going up and down. It had cool moments and good fights, it had characters I cared. Just not fun watching it as a whole. What season 2 decided to be a spectacle in animation and just take every cool moment in the first season and pump it up to the max. I have not seen it TV animation look this good in years. It's hard not to ... |