DISCLAIMER: This review contains spoilers up to the last episode. I talk about a series as a whole. You have been warned.
To start things off: I really like the name of the ending song of this season. Diamond no Jundo can be translated into something like "The Purity of Diamond" which is a very fitting title when it comes to that series as a whole. It’s literally telling us that a diamond can be of any purity, but it can never be truly pure, it will always have some flaw. And that perfectly maps into the main focus of the show – being a human
To add to that started thing: I really like works of fiction, even adore them. They can truly convey some feelings that are locked only to them. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru, or My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, or simply Oregairu is a work of fiction I truly enjoyed and needles to say I adore what I saw. Because what I saw wasn’t just some random characters doing some stupid teenage things. It was a work of fiction that really cunningly tried to erase that thin border between fiction and reality. Those characters weren’t real, you can’t interact with them, they are just drawings, yada yada. If you think that way, then you are perfectly in the right. Even I think so too. But man – those were some good characters. Some good drama. Some good emotions. Something genuine.
In the end it was a time well spent.
Moving forward to talking about the series as a whole – I did not like the first season. I think I gave it a 6/10 solely because of the ending. I did not like the whole martyr thingy that Hachiman was pulling, nor did I like the art style, characters or anything. Comparing characters from 1st season and the last one is not fair at all. They all have changed so much, yet they have kept their identities. You can even say that those characters have made some progression throughout the story and yet they’ve kept their flaws, as if they were humans. Or diamonds, whatever.
To add to the context I have to say, that Clannad After Story is one of the best slice of life shows I have ever watched, maybe even the best. But man did I not like the first season. Fortunately it was one of the first anime I have ever watched so I did not have that mentality of dropping the show because I don’t enjoy it (which is an incorrect opinion – you watch shows to enjoy yourself, and if you’re forcing yourself to watch something, then please stop) and sticked with it. And the outcome was very much worth it. The first show I have ever dropped was Chunnibyo, and to no one surprise because of the style I am typing this, the first show I have watched after the first time I have dropped something was Oregairu, back in the early 2017. Man I am glad I endured.
Second season is SO MUCH BETTER oh boy. Characters suddenly became interesting, the drama was starting to escalate in the interesting way, and the main characters were playing the roles of lost teenagers perfectly. We finally moved forward past that martyr thingy (which usage was really cool in the plot moving forward) and went onto something interesting. Something real. Something genuine.
Yeah, the leitmotif of the show that have emerged from 8th episode of second season – pursuing the real thing. When I first watched Oregairu back in 2017 I didn’t really cared about that. I liked the art style, the characters and overall feeling of the show, but I think I gave it a 7/10 and called it a day. It was cool and that’s all.
Back then.
Now today, today is something different. The message comes much closer to me. Before watching Oregairu Kan I went and rewatched the whole series. It didn’t change my opinion about season one – it gives the characters a point where they can start to improve upon themselves and that’s okay. Edgy Hachiman wasn’t cool, but wasn’t as obnoxious as I have remembered him being. But man, the second season really did the thingy. It was beautiful in a sense, because the drama was really good, the characters were awesome, but the feelings conveyed through the sheer monologue in episode 8th and the conclusion. Or the lack of conclusion. Man that felt real. The teeth screeching/gridning, the awkward hand movement and the screeching voice of honesty. Hachiman’s monologue about wanting “the real thing” is one of the best presented moments in anime (right next to InoBato’s “I don’t understand” and Re:Zero’s “From Zero”, speaking strictly by looking at voice acting). I felt that. And to makes thing worst, it made me think. What the hell is the real thing. And then I sunk.
Don’t want to go through personal stuff, but to sum things up it did stung like a [REDACTED]. I really wanted him to succeed in finding that feeling. And yes, maybe Oregairu Kan was a little bit rushed, and maybe the director was a Yui stan (hehe, so do I), but I am GENUINELU happy for him for finding it in the end. Episode 11 maybe escalated a little too fast and sudden, but man, that was some really good confession. Maybe even the best confession I have ever seen in anime. The medium that is famous for being overly cringy when it comes to man/female relationship.
Is the ending satisfying? Kinda. Was it bad? No. Do I feel bad that Yui has lost? The fuck no. I really like Yui, she was easily the best written character there and yet I am in no way mad or anything (why would anyone be mad about some characters’ shipping? C’mon people). Maybe I would have liked it more when there would be no winner. That would be more realistic, or something. But by doing it that way, the real thing would not have ever been reached, so in the end I did like the ending of Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru and I do believe this is one of the best CHARACTER DRIVEN DRAMAS ever made. Period.
Sep 24, 2020
DISCLAIMER: This review contains spoilers up to the last episode. I talk about a series as a whole. You have been warned.
To start things off: I really like the name of the ending song of this season. Diamond no Jundo can be translated into something like "The Purity of Diamond" which is a very fitting title when it comes to that series as a whole. It’s literally telling us that a diamond can be of any purity, but it can never be truly pure, it will always have some flaw. And that perfectly maps into the main focus of the show – being a human ... Dec 31, 2019
Akame ga Kill!
Disclaimer: This is my first review here on MAL, so I might not be able to present everything I want to say as precise as possible. Nevertheless I will try my best to do so. And its style might be too casual, but I was never a fan of fancy words and overanalyzed thesis, so it is what it is I guess.
And to be clear: THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM AKAME GA KILL The review starts here: PART 1: Introduction As most of you guys I have started watching anime back when The Big Three was still a thing (haven't seen a single Dragon Ball episode, because back ... |