Mar 30, 2024
Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
Absolutely relentless garbage with zero redeeming qualities. It's an extremely shoddy attempt at leeching off of Attack on Titan's success (TL;DR: the score, the portrayal of desperation, and the whole core setting of humanity's remnants in small feudal towns that act like last bastions while they are trying to repel hordes of supernatural humanoids using primitive steam-punk tech). The enemies are not one bit intimidating in presence, the character design is awful across the board (just like the animation itself) and the characters are even more poorly written (pretty much not a single likeable character with any depth whatsoever) and poorly voice acted. The plot
Oct 3, 2023
Yuukoku no Moriarty
The show is just some mid tier revenge porn for impotent poor people that needs to parasitically latch on to a famous body of work (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's) to even manage to be remotely successful.
The setting is quite uninspired, the characters are one-dimensional, the premise is far-fetched and far from believable, and the plots are for the most part basic. The visuals are fine, albeit bland. The intro and ending segments are a terrible mismatch, but at least they can be skipped. All-in-all, if you're poor and feel powerless in life you'd probably enjoy it. If your standards are high, odds are that you won't. And it ... |