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Nov 4, 2022
What. The. Fuck.
This manga is so absolutely bizarre and disgusting, it's almost offensive to read. It takes itself way too seriously and from the way it's written, you're clearly supposed to side with the MC who RAPES AND JACKS OFF TO A DOG. WHAT THE HELL. Almost every panel left me sighing in disappointment.
The first chapter starts out fairly promising, seeming to be an interesting romance between two characters. The art is fairly pretty, too, so I expected to enjoy this manga. But the implied sexual attraction of the MC to a dog he sees at the end of the chapter ruins it, and the
manga only goes downhill from there as his feelings escalate until he eventually acts on them...many times, in many disturbing and hard-to-read scenes. Despite this, I still found the manga hard to put down, though largely for the wrong reasons. The only thing that kept me hooked on this manga was pure morbid curiosity as to how much more fucked up it could get and the fact that the art is quite nice to look at (with the exception of dogs, which are pure nightmare fuel to look at).
TL;DR: Gross bestiality manga
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 3, 2022
I'm not sure how to feel about this manga.
On one hand, it's a trashy ecchi harem manga, but on the other, it's a REALLY REALLY fun read that leaves you both genuinely invested and laughing your ass off at the crappy concept and writing.
This manga is my guilty pleasure. I know it's awful, yet I can't stop reading, and I hate the fact that I'm starting to genuinely enjoy this manga.
There's not much to say about the story. It's a trashy ecchi where the MC tries to sleep with as many girls as possible while also exploring a dungeon that just appears in
his basement for some reason. But somehow it manages to be just interesting (and hot) enough that you just can't stop reading, despite there not being much going on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 1, 2022
I originally wasn't going to write a review, but after reading the final chapter, I feel the need to at least express my thoughts. Koigokoro♥Koushinchuu is infinitely better than its prequel Koigokoro Senpukuchuu, though that's an incredibly low bar and it's not that great. Unlike Koigokoro Senpukuchuu, the story is at least passable, as it presents itself as more of a slice of life of a couple rather than trying and failing to write a proper story. There's still the occasional forced drama, but it's infrequent and brief and is written much better. Like its prequel, the art in Koigokoro♥Koushinchuu is nothing spectacular, ranging from
just alright to mildly bad.
The main problem that this manga suffers from is its godawful characters. The main character is without a doubt the most annoying manga character I've ever seen. I almost can't decide if she's more annoying when she's upset or when she's happy. 95% of interactions end in her getting upset, usually for absolutely no reason, and another 90% of interactions result in her bawling, which is extremely annoying. The love interest isn't much better. His "cool bad boy" character gets old really fast, and he becomes extremely bland and forgettable. I don't feel like going into much more detail, but every recurring character is absolutely insufferable.
If Koigokoro Senpukuchuu's weakness was its story, Koigokoro♥Koushinchuu's weakness is the characters, but it could have excelled in both, which is disappointing. The last chapter was legitimately the best chapter out of both manga, as it focuses on two different (and actually likeable) characters: Aya and Shizuku. These two are so much better than the garbage MCs we got, and if the entire story had instead focused on them instead, this manga would be at least a 7/10 instead of a generous 5/10. I loved seeing the tension between these two childhood friends who couldn't confess their feelings to each other because of a promise they made years before. This chapter was kind of cheesy at times, sure, but I'm willing to cut it some slack since the characters were enjoyable. If the main couple had been anywhere near as interesting as Aya and Shizuku, I would also be less harsh in my judgement of the series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 21, 2022
Using lots of tropes and cliches in your story is not inherently bad. The problem lies when the tropes ARE your story: you can't just write a series of cliche scenes for the sake of it and fill in the blanks with story. This is the problem with Koigokoro Senpukuchuu. Instead of having its cliche, cheesy, generic shoujo scenes for the purpose of elevating what the manga already had story and character-wise, it feels as if the author put a bunch of classic shoujo tropes in a hat, pulled out several, and half-assedly wrote a story around them. Even what's supposed to be the main
premise—the main character tries a bunch of superstitions around the school to get a boyfriend—wasn't properly written, as the manga feels like it has no plot and is just aimlessly showing a bunch of romantic scenes between two characters. This premise could have worked and made for a fun manga, but the length of the manga limits it on that front.
Which brings me to my next point. Because the manga is only four chapters long, the pacing is atrocious and everything is incredibly rushed. The beginning of the manga didn't really have any exposition or setup to anything at all (which in hindsight makes sense considering how little actually happens in the manga): things just sort of start happening. Within approximately 30 pages of the main character and love interest meeting (which I might add occurs about 10 pages into the first chapter), the love interest: a) gives the MC his jacket, b) gets jealous of another guy who is close to the MC, and c) pulls an "I'll always protect you" after coming to save her from a ridiculous and forced situation that makes absolutely no sense. I want to emphasize that this is supposedly the first time they've met, and this chapter takes place over the span of a single afternoon. On the opposite side of the spectrum, so little actually happens that the only thing moving the "story" and the characters' relationship forward is forced drama, which comes out of nowhere and is very obviously just because the author had no idea how to progress the plot. In addition to being extremely unnecessary and forced, to the point of being cringy, the drama is extremely poorly executed.
The last chapter of the manga was legitimately baffling with how horrendously it created and resolved drama. The drama is so terrible that not only does it lead to extremely confusing dialogue, but I legitimately had no idea that it was even present until it was resolved as the MC sobbed. To be slightly more specific, the MC wants to swap headbands with the love interest at the sports festival, as one of the superstitions is that if you do this with someone you like you will be together forever. There's a brief scene showing a pile of headbands with a hand picking it up (which I guess was supposed to be someone else accidentally grabbing it, but it wasn't clear). This is immediately forgotten and the MC asks the love interest to swap headbands (basically a confession), to which he rejects her, saying the confusing line: "as a student of my school, having this kind of relationship would be troublesome." So she got rejected for...reasons. Cool. Makes sense so far. The MC runs off, understandably upset, and the love interest soon learns that her headband was misplaced. Immediately after learning this, he runs to the MC and accepts her confession. Aside from being a confusing mess, the story just changes what the conflict actually is in the middle of it occurring. His rejection had nothing to do with the headband, so why did he immediately regret rejecting her? It feels like it was just conflict for the sake of conflict without giving any thought to what is actually happening in the scene.
*Spoiler end*
To give Koigokoro Senpukuchuu credit, most of these problems (aside from what I just discussed with the last chapter) are at their peak in the first chapter, or at least aren't as bad in other chapters as in the first one. But the problem is that the characters and story aren't compelling enough to make this manga good even once these issues are gone. The main character is annoying and inhumanly stupid and has absolutely no chemistry with the love interest, who just seems to develop feelings for the MC out of nowhere.
All in all, it was mildly enjoyable (except for the first chapter), but I didn't like the characters or the story, so it's mainly just that it's a decent way to pass time without being completely miserable. I'd recommend it if you have nothing better to do, but if you're actually looking for a decent romance manga, it's not worth your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 10, 2022
Say what you will about anime adapted from video games, but the Persona 4 Golden anime is genuinely amazing. It does Marie so much justice that she doesn't get in the game, even in her social link. Before watching the anime, my thoughts on Marie were "Eh, she's alright. At least she has a cool design." After the anime, she is probably my favorite female character from Persona 4. Even her tsundere-ness is more charming in the anime, while in the game it's the main thing I disliked about her. In addition to all that it does for Marie, the visuals are also gorgeous. Probably
my favorite visuals in any anime. It's so colorful, bright, and shiny, and it just brings so much life to the characters.
The story is presented very oddly, skimming over the main plot points of Persona 4 to focus on the new Marie segments present only in the Golden version of the game, but I got used to it after a few episodes and I find it a unique and oddly charming way of telling the story. Because of this, it's not a good anime to watch on its own: you should have at the VERY least watched the original P4 anime first if not played the game, otherwise you'll likely be confused by new characters suddenly popping up out of nowhere.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 10, 2022
This is probably the worst anime I've ever seen, and this isn't even coming from someone comparing it to the Haruhi anime. I read a volume of the manga a few years ago and loved it, so when I found out it was an anime I excitedly decided to watch it. I can with full confidence say that the manga is infinitely better than this garbage.
This anime is legitimately insulting to the viewer's intelligence. 90% of scenes just devolve into Yuki being all cute and shy and flustered in a "cute", simplistic art style. I usually find these sorts of scenes cringy anyway, but it's
so much worse in this anime. The attempts at comedy and cuteness are so pathetic that I stopped watching due to this alone. Not to mention the fact that all of the characters are completely insufferable.
If you are reading this and considering watching: PLEASE read the manga instead of subjecting yourself to this torture.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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