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Apr 15, 2016
Karin is truly a unique anime. It is definitely one of my favorites.
STORY- 10 - Usually I don't like things with vampires. Especially vampire romances. Vampires are usually the same, cliche thing, but this story is amazingly unique. I mean, what other vampire have you heard of who makes blood, and then gets rid of it through massive nosebleeds? I promise, it is a lot better than it sounds.
ART- 7 - This is a pretty old anime, so the art style isn't the best. It is definitely not bad, and I doubt, unless you're super big on art, you'll care.
SOUND- 9 - The music
from this anime is really good, especially the opening. It is super catchy.
CHARACTER- 9- The characters from this anime were amazing. I really liked Usui (the boy). He just wasn't the typical guy you'd see in anime, in my opinion.
ENJOYMENT- 10- I really liked this anime, and it definitely isn't your typical vampire romance! It does stray from this better manga, but it still quite a story! I enjoyed it quite fully!
OVERALL- 10 - If you're looking for a romance, or even if you're not, I highly recommend this. It's pure gold.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 15, 2016
Death Parade is a truly amazing anime. It is definitely one of my favorites, and while it may sound fairly violent, along with being rated R as said by this website, I honestly don't think it is. It is a little more, (how should I put it..) messed up? But it's not exactly. The jacked up thing is what makes it truly beautiful.
STORY- 8- Now, why some people will argue with me, I honestly didn't really find much of a true "story" with this anime. Don't get me wrong, it was amazing, but I couldn't really explain it if I tried.
ART- 10-
The art for this anime is absolutely outstanding!
SOUND - 10- The sound in this anime is amazing as well. None of the voices are particularly annoying, the opening and endings are stunning, and the soundtrack is absolutely beautiful. (It's part of the reason you cry in this anime.)
CHARACTERS- 10- All the characters in this anime were extremely unique, and even if every episode (almost) there were completely new characters, each and every character had their own backstory that still pulled at the heartstrings, and there weren't any repeats in backstories at all. Each had their own specific backstory pertaining to them. The arbiters were also very unique, and they each had a different personality that was quite amusing.
ENJOYMENT -10- I enjoyed the anime to the fullest, and the few people I've recommended it too have liked it just as much as I did.
OVERALL- 10- This is truly one of the best anime (in my opinion of course) and it is the first thing I think of when asked to recommend an anime, but if you go in hoping for violence, you will not get any. This is much more than a violent show, and actually rarely has any violence, other than backstories. I highly recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 18, 2015
Inuyasha is a great anime, and if you like anime, this is definitely one you can't pass up.
- STORY - 10 - It is quite an amazing and unique story. (Unique for its time anyways, but still) The synopsis is for that, but I have to tell you, it's awesomer than it sounds.
- ART - 6 - IT was probably good for its time, but in this day and age, it is pretty bad (especially Kagome's hair it always bothered me.) It is easy to get used to though.
- SOUND - 10 - It has amazing sound, and great openings. I really enjoyed
the endings the most though. IT also had amazing background music.
- CHARACTER - 10 - The characters were all amazing, and I loved all of them.
- ENJOYMENT - 9 - I enjoyed most of it, although I really hated Kikyo (I think that's how you spell it.) I think it was a little too dragged out at the end, but once the Final Act starts, it gets amazing again.
- OVERALL - 8 - IT was an amazing anime, but I wish it were a little shorter. I also wish they did more with the ending, but the Final Act made up for it. I'm glad they made it to sum it up.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 12, 2015
I personally love Fairy Tail. It is very good and I wish more people would give it a try.
-STORY- 10 - The story is very interesting, and while some people think it is very weak, I quite like it and think it is very unique.
-ART- 10 - The art is quite outstanding, but I'm honestly not one to ask. It's pretty easy to see.
- SOUND - 10 - Fairy Tail has some of the best soundtracks and music I've heard in any anime. IT has amazing openings (*COUGH* the first one *COUGH*), and has really good endings as well.
- CHARACTERS -10 - This
is another many people say are weak. Many dislike the some of the main characters, I even dislike a few characters in this show, but they are still amazing! Almost every character has their own respective back story, (unfortunately they are almost all sad, if not all of them) but they are all very interesting in their own way, and they are all powerful in their own way.
- ENJOYMENT - 10 - I enjoy this anime a lot, and enjoy all of it, from the epic fights to the sad back stories, it is amazing. I just have to warn you, it has very heavy fan service, but don't let that stop you! :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 29, 2015
Before writing this, I usually have a different set up for my reviews, telling you how I rate each specific thing on a scale to 10, I have to tell you, everything is a 10. EVERYTHING.
Secondly, it seems silly just to write a review for 1 episode, or OVA, but this is an amazing episode you can't miss.
STORY: 1 episode can't really have a story, but it was funny as heck!!! Wendy, Carle, Happy, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Juvia all trying to find a girl who has been destroying casinos, but they meet the people of Rave Master! Ellie, Haru, Musica, Julia, Let,
Griff, and Plue!!!! ^w^ It's great, and you'll laugh your butt off!!!
ART: The art is amazing, but still the same as regular Fairy Tail
SOUND: Has the amazing Fairy Tail opening and the best Fairy Tail closing. The music is amazing.
CHARACTER: It has all the loveable, amazing characters of Fairy Tail, along with the even more loveable, even more amazing characters of Rave!!! ^w^
ENJOYMENT: I enjoyed it so much!!! I watch it quite often!!! It is an amazing OVA the best one!!!!
OVERALL: I rate everything a 10!!!! I loved everything!!! I love RAve Master, it is my favorite manga, and I'm so glad they incorporated a good anime episode to my fifth favorite anime. ^w^
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 29, 2015
I feel kind of bad writing this review, and I usually hate people who are just bagging on shows because they are soooooo far off the original and all that jazz, but I feel like I should tell that this show was HORRIBLE!!!!
- STORY - 4 - The story was half decent, but I still didn't really like it. It was too bland for my liking.
- ART - 10 - I may hate this anime, but it has some pretty amazing art.
- SOUND - 10 - I LOVE Monochrome, it's first opening, and the rest of the music that goes along with
this anime. If only it were in another, better opening... ^o^
- CHARACTER - 6 - The characters are all... decent... if you ask me. None stand out at all, and I don't particularly like them.
- ENJOYMENT - 2 - Usually I try to finish an anime, and if I don't, it's because it's really that terrible, or it is taking too long to finish (cough* ONE PIECE*) I really could only watch 5 episodes, and I had to drag myself to do so. I hated almost every last second (except the parts with Maka and Soul ^w^) I just don't think any other anime is this terrible... -_-
- OVERALL - 1 - Again, it was a pain to watch and I will never try again. If you want a good show like this, with school, meisters, and kids who turn into weapons with drama and hilarious comedy that will make you laugh to tears, watch SOUL EATER!!! IT is the best anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Nov 28, 2015
Mirai Nikki O_O When I saw this anime, I though it looked cool, and it sounded simply amazing. I started watching, and the first episode to maybe about 4 was amazing, until the next made me want to throw up. I can usually take this kind of thing, horror and stuff, (I've seen Elfen Lied, stuff like that ) but this a new form of messed up.
- STORY - 9 - I love this story of this anime. It sounds super cool, a guy who finds his phone can tell the future, and that he's just been set up to play in a battle
to the death game. I just don't like what they did with the story... O_O
- ART - 10 - The art for this anime is amazing, though, I don't really care that much about things like that, so I'm not one to ask.
- SOUND - 9 - The openings and ending send chills down your spine- in a completely good way. They are amazingly creepy, again, in a good way. The background music and OSTs are simply amazing too. :)
- CHARACTER - 7 - Now here's where I start to bag on this anime. The characters weren't all that bad- except Yuno O_O. Ok, so at first, I liked how Yuno was kind of a crazy stalker person. It was new, but they really started taking it too far. I also really don't think yuki was a great character either. He was kind of an emotional disaster half the time.
- ENJOYMENT - 3 - Again, I loved up until, I think episode 4, then it made me vomit. It was too wrong, even for me, and I have a pretty tolerant mind to these kind of things. (blood, horror, violence) I also didn't like, at the end (the six) O_O. That was unnecessary to me.
-OVERALL - 1- I really wish Yuno wasn't so twisted she killed practically anything, and I wish Yuki wasn't such an emotional pushover. I really wish that this anime stayed how it was the first 4 episodes. T^T
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Nov 28, 2015
Mamotte lollipop is an amazing anime, it isn't my very favorite, but when I'm thinking of an anime I want to watch, this is always the first to come to my mind . I love it soooo much.
STORY - 10 - The story is simply amazing and is one of the more unique and amazing of the anime lot! A girl who swallows a pearl for a magic test, and two male wizards who promise to protect her from the rest of the wizards who are after her, what's better than that? XD
ART - 9 - I thought the art was quite good, but
I'm not one to ask I don't really care all that much.
SOUND - 10 - I loved the op, end, and the background music of this anime!!! It was all amazing.
CHARACTER - 9 - The characters were all very good, and funny, though none really stood out from magnificence.
ENJOYMENT- 10 - I enjoyed the whole darn thing! It had me laughing my butt off, and crying tears of joy. I just only wish they had more than 13 episodes... T^T
OVERALL - 10 - I loved this anime, like I said, and I really think this is an anime people should give a try. It is amazing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 28, 2015
I'm writing this review because I'm quite disappointed that everyone is saying that this is a terrible series and an insult to the original. I'll tell you that I actually liked this one a lot better than the original. (>:C Don't judge. )
- STORY - 9 - Ok, so the story doesn't stand out that much, but it is still pretty good. You can read the synopsis for that.
- ART - 10 - Even if you hate this anime, no one can argue that the art wasn't AMAZING. In fact, I think it's the best in any anime I've ever watched. ( again, no judging.
- SOUND - 10 - The sound was quite amazing, and the first ending theme was probably the best ending theme of any ending theme ever in any anime. It was simply incredible, as was the rest of the music. I really connected with it.
- CHARACTER - 9 - The characters are pretty good, though, some lf them aren't very strong personality- wise. O_o
- ENJOYMENT - 10 - I enjoyed this anime a lot, and thought it ended amazingly, and I don't usually like mecha anime.
- OVERALL - 10 - Again, I am very disappointed most people didn't like it, but I thought it was amazing, though, there are some unneeded ecchi parts (every time they merged mecha (gatai? O_o) that I thought were very unnecassary, I loved it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 20, 2015
Howl's Moving Castle is an amazing movie. Studio Ghibli never fails, and Howl's Moving Castle is probably their best, besides maybe Princess Mononoke. It is by far my favorite movie.
- STORY - 8 - If you have seen Studio Ghibli, you know how crazy and weird they can be (if you haven't seen any Studio Ghibli movies, DO IT NOW!!!!) this one is no exception, but it one of the more laxed and normal ones, although it is still- crazy. I did love this movie, but if you think about the story, it really is quite abnormal, and not in a bad way, but
not exactly good either. I mean, a girl that is cursed to be an old woman by a hugely repulsive witch, who goes on an adventure to meet a wizard said to steal and eat the hearts of women everywhere? The movie just made it work. (IF it sounds stupid now please don't give it up, if you don't like it, it only wasted 2 hours of your life.)
- ART - 10 - Again, Studio Ghibli is amazing. Their artwork is always beautiful. ;3
- SOUND - 10 - IT had AMAZING music, not to mention it was amazing in both dubbed and subbed, not something all animes can say.
- CHARACTER - 10 - I LOVED ALL the characters, especially Calcifer. He'll really make you laugh, as will the others. The characters were all amazing, and they really went into depth all of their personalities.
- ENJOYMENT - 10 - I literally enjoyed every single last millisecond of this movie. It was funny, but both serious and sad at times. This is definitely an anime you do not want to pass up.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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