Title: A Wholesome Culinary Getaway
"Sekai Izakaya: Japanese Food From Another World" served up a delightful and refreshing experience that left me feeling satisfied, I feel like after watching so much anime this was a nice palette cleanser for me
What was really nice was the show was able to have a good balance between a relaxed tone and keeping me some what engaged the conflicts were never taken super seriously and I can appreciate that. It managed to avoid diving too deep into heavy themes, allowing me to kick back and simply enjoy the ride.
Now the food animation, shall we? It was nothing short
Aug 22, 2023
A Heartfelt Dive into "Is the Order a Rabbit dear my sister”
So, I finally got to watching "Is the Order a Rabbit? Dear My Sister," and let me tell you it’s a bit of a mixed bag for me. First off, I've gotta give props where they're due. The movie really stepped it up a notch in terms of animation quality and honestly they did not have to the animation was already amazing. But Seriously, the visuals were on point, and that just added an extra layer of delight to the whole experience. Plus, can we talk about how we got to see more of Cocoa's ... Aug 21, 2023
Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? Bloom
Title: Charming but Repetitive
I had hopes for is the order, a rabbit bloom, not high hopes but hopes However, my experience with the series took an unexpected turn. While many viewers might find it to be a delightful and heartwarming show, I personally struggled to connect with it. Is the order a rabbit bloom certainly possesses its own charm, with its cute characters and relatable everyday scenarios. The initial appeal is undeniable, and I appreciate the effort put into capturing the essence of slice-of-life storytelling. Yet, as the episodes progressed, I found myself being extremely bored and falling asleep it felt like ... |