This is a spoiler free review:
If you want something short to read and about candy and love for sweets in the center of Tokyo this is good for you. It's digital only and it's only 19 chapters. Also, read it if you like an organization of people with good sweet users fighting bad sweet /junk food users. The bad sweet users aka a specific lollipop user is the reason why Tokyo hates sweet users and ostracizes them or puts them in the recette organization to fight. There is not much of anything else to say because I do not want to spoil it too much
Oct 6, 2021
Ikkakujuu wa Tsuranukanai!
I never even heard of it but the title is funny. Unicorns aren't horny! It's funny, and definitely an attention grabber. It's about a girl who's in her twenties named Emuko who has never had a boyfriend let alone sex. This means she's a virgin and Uni, is the type of unicorn that gets excited and essentially 'horny' off of her purity. It's a comedy about the tales and misadventures of Uni trying to preserve her purity, while Emuko is trying in vain to get a boyfriend to get her mother off of her back. Only one volume is out in English