Dokuro is a mature character study about the dehumanizing effects a negative influence has on the person, like narcotics an intrusive doctrine can offer greatness and salvation- KILLER GRANNIES!
just kidding this story is nowhere near close to good. If you see this as a comedy you'll have a great time with the goofy brutalities, the laughable predictable archetypes, the ridiculously unrealistic acrobatics... and of course the worst, most immersion breakingly bad weapon of all times.
seriously how?! it doesn't have a jet propulsiony thingy! I mean... you could at least make a half-assed attempt to justify it's propulsion-ness!
Oct 13, 2015
Fullmetal Alchemist
Full metal alchemist is an easy anime to overlook, as not many people watch this since it's newer and admittedly better sibling FMA Brotherhood gets all the spotlight. However with that being said it does have it's merits and some aspects of the show are even better than it's sequel.
I am probably going to get hated on because of saying that but hear me out.the characters in the original full metal for one are better developed. For example one of the villains: lust, and Edwards teacher all get developed significantly more than in the sequel, their motives are made clearer and lust ends up having ... |