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Apr 8, 2017
Now this is an anime i pretty much binged. To put it simply, i really really liked it. Some minor flaws of course, but still great.
Now, the name may put some people off, seeing as how many countless anime are based off of the (Catholic) seven deadly sins, however, i didn't find this a problem for once. Most likely because for one, the sins were the good guys AND were really interesting and had in depth backstories that i find all unique.
Now of course, like i said, there are flaws. I am NOT a fan of "ecchi". I more or
less tolerate it. The main reason being is i do not like the over-sexualisation of women. (They are not objects and are to be treated equally). Saying that, what upset me the most, was how such a great character such as elizabeth was put into such skimpy outfits, and constantly molested by one of the MCs constantly. (people like that piss me off, in real life and out)
*Ahem* Anyway, overall this has everything a good story needs. A great setting, great Characters, a good comic relief, a good villain, a good mystery, and so on. The only downside to this story, is that it's not over yet. The manga continues the story, and (i haven't watched them yet but) there are a few OVAs. I am not a big manga fan mostly because i just prefer anime to it. (as a side note, i also liked how colorful this anime was)
Overall, i say give it a try. I say till about episode 5 or so.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 3, 2017
This review is for both seasons)
First off, this has a lot in common with Attack on Titan. gonna list a few:
1:Humanity on the brink of extinction from a super powerful enemy.
2:A black haired MC who wants revenge for his family getting killed.
3:An overall military theme, with one superior officer taking a liking to the MC.
4:Cool uniforms.
5: (Minor spoilers, skip this one)...... Both MC have an ability activated by either near death, or server pain, and become (one of the enemies) and becomes OP.
6:A large, unique cast, but with a main focus on the main squad, and the superior officer.
7:A decent
amount of mystery behind what's going on, and what cause humanity to nearly die off.
Ok, so comparisons over, i like this series a lot now. This is actually the only thing vampires i'll watch mostly because they always have a "bishi" or (pretty boy) as a vampire. Well, unfortunately, that's the case. Moving on though, the overall story is set very nicely in the first episode, and continues smoothly from there. As a shounen anime, this hits all the requirements, but one thing confuses me, is that, (bishi again) 2 of the male MC's are orphans and became brothers, but they get REALLY touchy feely in one scene. Like Creepily so. Maybe it's to throw a bone at the female audience? Idk. I just thought it was really unnecessary.
Overall, it's not perfect for a few other things like average music and sound, and average animation, so i gave is 9/10, which is still really up there in my book. My recommendation, make it to about episode 7 or 8ish and decide from there. Enjoy!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 1, 2017
This is just gonna be a quick review.
This show is a great anime simply because of how cute it is.
Small adorable (cat like) MC girl, who has a crush on her childhood friend who is as dense as all anime guys. Add in some wacky side characters, and that's pretty much what this show is. I guess you could call this "moe" too btw. Because of this, i can already tell you that it's not gonna be for everyone. My only real flaw with this one, is that, like most others of this genre, there is no closure. The MC
doesn't confess, or anything like that. I would have loved to see that.
Anyway, if any of that hasn't turned you away, then i say give it a try!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 31, 2017
*cracks knuckles*
(this is for the second season as well)
Well, i guess it's finally time for me to write my review of what i believe to be my favorite anime. I'm gonna start this off by saying this anime isn't for everyone. There's no (real) action, it's not ecchi ( i love it because of that) it's not harem, it may not even be the funniest to most.
I'm gonna tell you why i love this one. You see, anime, (in my opinion) is saturated with so many of the same things, that when something new comes along, i rejoice. While this anime
is not new by any means, one of the main concepts of the show is still not very well used. Chunnibyo- or as some may know it as "8th grader syndrome". To summarize what this is, basically, It's when someone creates a persona for themselves in middle school and ends up believing that they are this character to the point of living as it all the time. At about 8th grade, most stop. So anyway, this anime's focus is on chunnibyo and personally, in my experience, haven't seen too much of it. To name a few, Gundam takana from the "Danganronpa" series, and Eita Kidou from "Oreshura". Personaly, i love Chunnibyo characters because they add something to show's you don't see too often. It adds quite a few hi-jinx to the mix. Now combine that with a romantic twist, and you have this show.
Onto the romance of the show. IT'S SO FRICKEN CUTE. RIKA IS SO CUTE. THEY'RE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. *Ahem* the chemistry between the characters, both romantically and not works very well. The conversations and interactions feel natural and witty. The jokes and slapstick are great, and if you've seen any gif of this show, you'll know what i mean. Even down to the very fact that rika uses "heelys" ( i still have my pair btw) fits her perfectly. All this matches perfectly with Yuta, and because of it, u can feel the chemistry. AND THEN, when things actually start getting romantic? *swoons* She gets all nervous and blushy and resorts to her Chunnibyo, and even Yuta kinda does the same... ahhh.
Comedy wise, i've kinda said earlier, the spoken jokes and comebacks are well paced, and feel natural as to what a real person might say. The slapstick is great as it should be, and even the "action" scenes are great. (when they're pretend fighting).
My only genuine complaint is that there probably won't be more of this. While
the "ending" had some closure, i just plain out wanted more. Yes, the characters " Got together" pretty early in fact, not much happened. I want to see much more of these characters, and who they are. One thing i think all romance anime fail on is that it takes 12+ episodes to get the MC's together, but then there's nothing after that. AND THEN, eve if there is? It's so short... Chunnbyo fell to this a bit myself i think.
Anyway, thats my take on it. I do hope you watch and enjoy it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 30, 2017
*cracks knuckles*
Alright, time for my first review on here.
First off, i just wanna say, the reason i wanted to wait off on reviewing is simply pure laziness, but this one has motivated me.
Scum's wish lives up to it's name better than any anime I've seen yet. THEY'RE ALL SCUM AND I HATE EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER. Now someone might ask, "why would you watch it then?" Well, short answer: I don't really know. Have you ever watched something or heard something that brought up a really painful memory yet you just couldn't look away? Well this was that
scenario for me.
(A tiny bit of background for my case: I was with a girl for about 3 months, and I was used by her through and through.)
Well good lord, the teacher might as well have been the spitting image of my ex. A straight up psychotic whore. (And the other characters are pretty up their in their "whoryness") Every character has some for of sexual instance with (at least) one other character.
Let me put it this way.
1: They all shoulda just kept it in their pants and everything would have been fine.
2:Don't get into a relationship with someone you don't have feelings for.
3: Don't be in relationship with someone who you know is just gonna do things with others anyway.
4: Don't cheat.
5:Don't cheat.
6: see 4&5.
Am i coming through clear now? One last way to put it. I would punch the guys straight in the face if i could, and, if i was a girl, the same for the girls. (and i'm a pacifist) All of these characters just piss me off to no end. (and the ending sucked too)
I don't remember where, but i remember someone saying how they loved this anime for it"s "realistic approach to love" or something like that. OK, NEWS FLASH, THAT ISN'T NORMAL, and if it is? I'm sorry for the life that you've been living in honey, cause it shouldn't be remotely like that. If this kind of thing is normal in your world, you need to get outta there cause that's not healthy, at all. CHEATING IS NOT OK PERIOD. If you've found someone else that you like, be a decent person, and end it with the one you're currently with immediately. I repeat, DO NOT CHEAT. DON'T.
Rant aside, as a drama, it does it's job. Romance? No. Ecchi? Kinda. Seinen? uhhh, no? if anything i could see this being aimed at girls.
Art style was fine. Ton's of flowers used as backgrounds that landscape the background of the long winded overthinking thoughts scenes. Nothing special really.
Music was okay? It was almost always somber and depressing. I did enjoy the intro and outro songs though. (Did not care for the video parts of those.
Overall, i wouldn't really recommend this. Again, I don't even know why i watched it all the way through. Maybe i just wanted to see them all miserable? Who knows?
(oh, ending was crap too)
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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