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yes, my ratings are trash. whatever I gave a 10/10 that was when I first started watching anime. Stop sending me messages saying .my taste is trash because I agree. Im lazy a f
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Feb 27, 2020
This is getting very high scores so i thought i'd take the time to toss my opinion out there.
This is a fast paced show that assumes you are an idiot.
Well, maybe not...but boy does it beat a point to death! It isn't terrible...and the beginning had me there for a good few episodes...you will find yourself feeling "ohh, wait so thats where we are go---oop. nope we aren't okay"......or those super cringe moments where you suck on your teeth and hope the scene fades.
I guess I just couldn't believe the characters. I understand this show doesn't need to be realistic....i actually am
very fond of the more bizarre stories. But it just felt like "I am weak but my brain goes fast fast! He is strong but also weak. We are perfect for each other! Here is cute thriller teehee!"
So, this review is trash but honestly there's nothing to say about this show without literally spoiling it. If you are vaccuming while watching this, you might mistake it for some clever thriller driven by fantastic fables and storytelling. But it just isn't! The stories sound made up. I am not talking about the stories that this show is taking inspiration from...I am talking about the literal stories in this show. They are silly, childish, and even once explaining it I feel like patting a seven year old on the back for correctly stringing together a story with a beginning, middle, and end.
Sometimes it feels like I am watching the story unfold about two delusional characters who have failed in life so they create this world where one is a literal God and the other appears to monsters as some dark lord that should never be bothered...terrifying....but he cooks and cleans and she is aggressive and confrontational.
*yawn* whatever. I guess the romance genre feels stale. Not my cup of tea but I guess i dont' drink tea anyways.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 15, 2020
I am writing this review after watching 6 episodes and I will update it in the future but for now i want to take the time to review this because i am a little disappointed.
I am just going on hop in here and get on with the review. I will try not to write any spoilers and everything I will be talking about here will relate to the first or second episode.
Darwins Game started out strong in my opinion. I loved the idea, and I have not read the manga so I actually looked foreward to each episode. Darwins Game is a mobile
app where players have to fight each other in random battles. What Ifound super interesting is that if fought in public bystanders can actually see the fight...but this only happened really in the first episode and so far it hasn't been explained what happens when someone witnesses it.
When a player dies they basically are torn apart in little pixels which leave square-like imprints in the ground wherever they died.
I really don't know why this game is a thing outside of small information revealed in later episodes but you know, spoiler.
The problems with this show:
My opinion of our main character goes back and forth. I can't tell if he is just animated poorly or if he is just a weird character. He looks like he got punched in the face out of nowhere most of the time....a blank expression of ????
Also, he is the typical "I have power but oh no I must do good. But look i might die or friends might die so UNLEASH THE DEMON WITHIN" *cracks neck*
However, I can appreciate how the writers seem to be trying to make him less of a stereotypical character...which i can dig....except he doesn't seem to have a personality because it keeps changing.
Maybe that isn't the best word for it...because character change obviously happens...take Parasyte for example...no. What I mean is....for example, a character says "I love the environment and this is very important to me" but then proceeds to burn a forest because, enemy.
Finally, I understand in Japan (and i KNOW Japan isn't the only country that watches anime but i can promise you that the producers and writers are trying to appeal to Japanese fans more than anywhere else) people like to watch anime while doing something else...cleaning, cooking, studying, whatever. But I REALLY dislike the whole
"No, wait, he is running in order to charge fancy power. Oh Gawwd this whole time he wasn't running like a noob he was charging like a meta. WAIT I can super sheild myself with electro limbs and karma from my love of plants and computers. Left, Right, No I lost"
again, this is my review after watching 6 episodes. Right now it seems like we are being introduced to someone new each episode so i am curious as to how this will turn out. Long story short: Bland characters with an awesome plot that seems so focused on doing things differently that every episode feels like maybe I missed the episode before it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 12, 2020
I don't always write the best reviews here, but i'll do my best to be direct and avoid spoilers.
The first episode kicks off with a lot of great things. Fantastic music, great art, mysterious story, and the story picks up and takes off. However, near the end of the first episode, for me at least, this all fell apart.
For whatever reason i thought this would be a sort of team of misfits...a unique story with maybe some philosophy thrown in on how human memory is so relied on but so unreliable. Nope. 100% got smacked in the face with character default A
and character default B. i will not go into details in case this is a spoiler.
Like a lot of shows that try to do the trippy "dream-world" type mind thing (i know SUPER general but remember, no spoilers and this is not at all a spoiler trust me) it spends way too much time explaining why things are done in this specific world instead of explaining why i should care why it is done
Don't get me wrong, "I" am not important. But generally, a story is told because there's something to be shared, and in this show....it feels more like a foreign soap opera but i'm just not from that galaxy so i have no idea what the hell all the drama is about.
Also, it is a huge pet peeve of mine when a show tries to sound super smart with made up words and philosophy that ONLY relate to this fictional world BabyCOUGHlon...so to see whiny boy that wants to shelter and stoic emotionless prime husbando that wants solve.....i sigh and go walk my dog.
I guess this foggy cloud of a review is due to my excitement after looking into this story and what it would have been. Maybe it will go somewhere else? I'm not sure. However at this point it is a big let down.
I encourage people to give it a chance though. depending on what you are looking for this might be a neat show to watch before bed or something.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 3, 2020
Since the proper way to write a review is to explain why i liked or disliked this show I will only explain why i disliked it.
This show seems like it is trying to do many things at once which in the end comes off distracting and frustrating. If you are a fan of the genre this series pretends to be you will likely dislike this show. However, if you are generally a fan of supernatural harem, ecchi, and mystery fantasy with action scenes that only exist for sexy angles then this show is right up your alley.
I am struggling to write this
because I have attempted to review this show and I keep getting my review removed...but again, anything I am writing here can be easily read in the shows summary!!!
Our characters in this show are bland and basic. There's a specific character who apparently is manipulative but the philosophy is dumb. This isn't a mystery, it isn't an intelligent thriller, it is a basic show with basic troupes with a lot of sexual frustration and really bad philosophy.
The sound is okay but the general style is frustrating. I guess i just really hated how our main character always acts like his mind is being blown or like things are way out of his control. It is obnoxious, but this is just my opinion. Perhaps I am the one missing something, and thats okay too!
This is just an opinion. Like everyone says it starts out like a mystery/thriller but then speedballs into something else.
This is the best review I can give without talking about the show!!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 2, 2019
I am a big fan of the Psycho-pass series and manga.
I figued it would be best to clearly state this in the beginning instead of casually bringing it up at the end.
This series is not over, but I plan to come back to this review and add to it once it is over seeing as I am posting this now at a halfway point.
Psycho-pass three is much better than psycho-pass two in the sense that if you have not watched the first season you might not fully understand the vocabulary or specifics...but you'll be able to fully understand what is happening in
the story.
Actually, it is almost as if PP3 tried to avoid some of the biggest issues people had with PP2. For example, some people had issues with the "constant point and shoot". This time...we have a character who likes "old school" detective work. Another issue was unnecessary dialouge. In the third season, instead of spending 10 minutes essentially giving viewers a tutorial on how to use a fictional weapon...we focus instead on the plot, character, and weapons when it relates to the plot.
The third season also brings together the characters. In the second season it seemed like everything fell apart without really explaining what would happen to the characters...let alone society itself. This is what i thought would bug me the most...however it fits very well with everyones specific personality..
Finally, for my halfway review...the new character is very interesting and adds something new to this fictional world. Maybe it isn't absolutely amazing but it is really entertaining and i wish more shows had this genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 11, 2019
I didn't hate it, but I guess I didn't feel interested. IT like much like watching a childs video...the power of friendship, family, love, and happiness, gets kind of old. I remember a specific scene where a girl isn't overpowered by someone she is related to because blood relatives don't hold as much power as a true friend (or something. not a spoiler because it is probably not exact)
But pretty sure the type and hate is a PR stunt. I don't care its an average shounen if you like this genre. IT is like JoJo where everything is being explaiend like we have no idea
what is going on in front of us. If you like that, then you will like this. No hate. No judgment. Nothing.
The t is also your average anime digital art. Nothing too crazy nothing too bad. I guess I don't focus all that close. But the general feel of the show is generic. Nobody looks too unique nobody has an outstanding personality. The main character is the usual obnoxious way too positive, not too smart, but very strong, go-get-em, ignorant child. But that must be enjoyed in japan maybe or something.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 27, 2019
The art is fantastic, the story starts out excellent along with the characters, but thenn it falls flat on its face. Unless you are a fan of strictly romance anime that revolves around boys love....this will be disapointing .
The show starts out with what myself and many others were excited to see. A story about utopia world where the elite of society live in a blissful ignorance. There's even a hit of some human game type aspects in the first episode.
There's no mystery because there's nothing we don't know, and you don't feel excited for the next episode because there is an
almost "arch of care". First episode you are so interested in the secrets of society.
I found myself less interested in the main characters, and more interested in how the soceity works, how it keeps things organized and structured. We don't really find out. It literally is a cat and mouse chase....with one character the weak damsel and the other the badass super ninja who constantly lectures weak character that they need to "learn to protect themselves! This is reality! This is the real world!" But then shortly after he's stroking his face and cooing him about how it isn't his fault he's so weak and confused.
It is another show that focuses on love, friendship, and the power of stopping to smell the roses and looking up at reality. It tries to be action, clevelr, sci-fi, and psychological, but ends as a "can't believe it's not bl", romance, and sci-fi aesthetic. IT is kinda like a space opera but it isn't in space.
well whatever it sucks. boooo thanks, hate it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 26, 2019
Not great, because it was pointless. I will agree with some other posters, I think this was created in hopes of giving viewers what they want...but the problem seems to be lack of creativity. Regardless of where the story comes from, when you create it as a visual show or movie...it becomes something of its own.
I think Koutetsujou no Kabaneri is a great example of a show being created in hopes of being a success...not that all shows shouldn't strive for success...but they should strive to recreate a vision of some sort. I mean, balance is good in everything. For example, having a very
specific vision and refusing to change it is just as bad (berserk cough) as having a specific outcome and throwing in a bunch of aspects people will watch and hope it will be a hit for at least the season it comes out.
Maybe my expectations are too high. Maybe my specific interest in anime is too specific. But, I don't think this is true because there are so many people who fall in love with a show or story based on the characters, plot, and getting lost in the story.
Koutetsujou no Kabaneri doesn't do that. It is the show you will skip at some points because it is cringe, annoying, or taking too long to do something you know will happen and just want to see where it is going. Maybe this review isn't great, but honestly this show isn't too great either. Was it SO bad? No. But was there anything that kept me from watching the next episode besides just finishing it to see if it got better? nope.
I really love anime, but, maybe i'll just read manga instead and check out what is on TV or something. >__>
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Apr 22, 2019
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure in general is an interesting show because I don't like it for a very specific reason. I dislike Jojo because I cannot ignore the fact people explain the plot or fight moves while standing by spectating. Yes, sometimes the show will poke fun at itself with Jojo saying "Why are you just standing there" (or something to that effect) but I just can't. It reminds me of shows where suddenly the hero gains some ridiculous power or strength because love, friendship, or intense emotional states. Bleh.
Like "Oh my god, look! He isn't digging in the ground, he's building up forceful energy
to better kick his opponent in the head! Oh no, look! his foot fell off!" (this is exgaggerated on purpose). But, you get the point.
This is in no way meant to bash Jojo, or those who love him (I believe I may be in the minority here) but another reason Jojo is a bit over-rated (literally, people over rate this show) because it is associated with childhood....and any show that reminds people of the freedom, innocence, lack of responsibility, and that "oh i'm having so much fun I gotta go poop!" feeling....will show up in the "All Time Top 10s" until a new generation replaces them.
For example: Cowboy Bebop, Mobile Suit Gundam, Geon Genesis Evangeleaveitalone, Digimon, Pokemon....etc.
However, Jojo DOES stand out because it has a story that CAN be argued to not be just for kids, or teens. IT is a wonderful story and balances the plot, action, comedy, feels, and goofy humor in a way that reminds me of Gintama. But I can't get over people explaining moves and plot details like a conversation or joke. Maybe this is on purpose. maybe its a paraody. IDK can't watch it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 17, 2018
I'll get to the point. This is an entertaining show that I personally find to be okay because of its philisophical aspects and sort of a parody of the typical 'i want to save the weak!' kinda guys who go on to do heroic things with strong background music, lighting, and facial expressions of onlookers that all point torwards the 'right thing to do'. But in my opinion, it points out something comedians have poked fun at since superheros started becoming mainstream. When a villian attacks a town...SO many people die. When a hero tries to save people, sometimes 5+ people get cut in half.
Innocent too. So when a hero 'doesn't want to get involved' for whatever reasons...is it okay for a nunch of people to die until he decideds to get over his own moral conflict? And when he does decide to 'protect'...is it right that he only does it for his own friend? This is a common theme in superhero movies, shows, and this can be found in many countries writings and legends. (it can be found not necessarily prevelant lol).
I see a lot of reviews seeming to look for a particular show or genre they like in particular...and that is fine but it is best to just focus on the story and what it intends to tell.
I really think if you watch this...and you look at it as what I wrote above you would find that it isn't really god awful. I've watched some god awful shows that have a good intention/great story to tell but just mess up by trying to throw too many concepts along with random fanservice.
Personally, i've never liked the 'cold-hearted-barely-seems-human' characters because they come off annoying and unnecessary. Along with the character who has a special power but won't use it because it either takes over his mind, his body, turns him into an alien+, or because he simply doesn't like the killer instinct it brings out in him (I smell...a superman?).
I say this because at first, I thought this was going to be like 'that' kind of show. Episode 2 can be considered the first episode in a way...and slightly less confusing. Assuming whoever is reading this plans to at least watch the second episode...a good spoiler free 'intro' to this show is....
People have a power. Our main chatacter recieved his after wishing upon a star. Like most powers that are obtained in this way, it is a curse and a blessing. He was given the power to save the weak, and in return it takes an intense mental/physical toll which will eventually kill him. (basically)
It turns out that these powers are from parasites (this is also info from episode 1-2 so don't worry no spoilers).
Also making this series so close to a parody it is more of an answer to "what if these situations happened in real life, to young teens" without getting TOO realistic like say, GANTZ...our main character (Yu) is depressed because a female friend is dead. Whether or not it is because of him, isn't too clear but we can assume it was an accident involving his powers because this is how these shows go. NOT because i'm spoiling anything. A weird emotionless lolita-ish without the lolita clothes...but a certain badass disposition of one (you'll get it. I think) takes him out of this depression...and like usual sort of replaces said female friend who we see sometimes laying against a tree in emotional flashbacks (you can't even hate this happens in so many 'masterpiece shows' i just don't think some people realize the genres and service they are obsessed with lol)
So i hoped to do a review in a way that went along with the show. It is fairly professional, sort of realistic...feels like your hearing the story from a friend maybe who isn't the smartest but has a good idea of the genres surrounding superpowers, philosophy, and magic rules within creative writing (yes, tolken Ergon...you will like this)
I spelled the one book wrong way too lazy to look it up. forgive me. But yeah, this follows fantasy rules and real life rules. But reflects human error. I will agree with the one poster. If you are looking for something like...psychopass where it is intense, wayyyyyyyyyyyy deep like George Orwell deep...or if you are someone who saw psychopass and thought it was only point shoot and run. Go watch Toradora this isn't anything you will like and i don't mean this in a rude way at all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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