Just a suggestion to add on to my previous review:
For the weak hearted who cannot withstand suspense and a long wait-
Please wait till episode 8 is released before watching episode 7. Yes,action is heating up!!
Previous review-
Even with almost half the ova series aired, I am still unable to rate it.
So this review is not to tell you how good or bad it it, but what can be expected.
In short, this is for anime fans who have yet to decide if they want to follow Isekai Seikishi Monogatari, after all, one episode a month is a long wait.
When I started watching, I was actually
Aug 6, 2008
Black Cat appeals to viewers who enjoy action and adventure animes with a touch of humour and humanity. It gives you the pleasure of a good laugh at its gags, moderately suspenseful as the story unfolds and with certain scenes, maybe a tear or two may shed. I found this thoroughly enjoyable.
The story revolves around Train Heartnet, a.k.a Black Cat. Chained down as a professional assassin, Black Cat is expected to adhere strictly to the orders of Chronos Organization. Betrayal to the groups ideals is unforgivable and leads only to death. Train lived his life, killing professionally without a second thought until he meets ... |