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Feb 20, 2025
I thought the premise sounded good: a kid bullies a deaf girl, later he feels bad about it, they reconnect and make amends. But I found the execution to be extremely disappointing, as well as disturbingly mean.
The first part of the story takes place when the characters are kids in 6th grade, and it is honestly hard to read because of how cruel the bullying is, combined with how vulnerable and undeserving the victim is. It’s not just some teasing or exclusion; it is constant harassment, emotional abuse, and physical violence (including one act of violence so grotesque that it makes me shudder to think
about it, and it will probably stick with me for a long time). The poor girl did nothing wrong, and virtually everyone is horrible to her, including some teachers and her own mother. And worst of all is the main character who leads the bullying campaign against her. I thought it was a little much, but the story was interesting enough and I kept reading because I wanted to see the redemption take place in the future.
Unfortunately, the redemption never came. At least not in any way that was remotely sufficient for how awful the first part was. The protagonist truly feels terrible about what he did and wants to make it up to her, but he is practically the only one who genuinely cares. And even he doesn’t actually do a very good job of making up for the past. They just form an awkward “friendship,” but they never get very close; they feel more like acquaintances who happen to have a lot of past baggage. Their relationship occasionally has romantic undertones (which do not feel earned given their history), but they are never meaningfully explored or resolved. Throughout the entire series the two rarely spend time together, and never have a real conversation. And this is despite the fact that he went through the trouble of learning sign language between his childhood and reconnecting with her as an older teenager. He goes out of his way to learn how to communicate with her, and then they barely communicate. I found this lack of payoff between the central characters regarding their primary conflict to be frustrating and disappointing.
And the other characters are much worse. One girl who bullied her as a kid actively continues bullying her as a teenager, including physically assaulting her on multiple occasions, despite the fact that the deaf girl never fights back or even defends herself. It is truly upsetting to witness. She vocally hates the deaf girl and doesn’t want to make amends, yet we are supposed to see it as a good thing that they are part of the same “friend” group? Another girl is in total denial about her role in the bullying when they were kids, and she never takes an honest look at herself, admits any fault, or apologizes.
The best character by far in my opinion, other than the protagonist, is the deaf girl’s little sister. Those two are the only likable characters to me (besides the deaf girl herself, but unfortunately she never gets much of a fleshed out personality throughout the entire series, and is just a sad, pitiable punching bag/victim). Their relationship is by far the most pleasant in the series, but is not featured very heavily. Another key side character, the protagonist’s friend/sidekick, isn’t a bad guy, but he’s pretty annoying and doesn’t add anything very positive.
I am honestly baffled at how positively regarded this manga is. One of the highest rated I have ever seen. I really wanted to like it, but I can’t. I admit that it is of high artistic quality and is interesting enough to be a compelling read, so maybe that is enough for most people. But personally I hate most of the story and character choices that the author makes. Right up until the abrupt ending, I was waiting for meaningful emotional resolution between central characters that never came. Ultimately, the deaf girl suffers greatly in a largely cold and indifferent world. And it seems likely she will continue to do so in the future.
If you want to see cruelty and violence towards a disabled person, if you want to see people inflict great pain on each other with little remorse, if you want to see some of the worst of human nature manifested, this series might be for you. If you have empathy, it’s going to be a rough ride that leaves you hurting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 8, 2025
To sum it up, this show is all flash and no substance.
I really wanted to like it, and the beginning seemed very promising. I kinda gaslit myself into thinking it was better than it was for a while, because the animation is great; but more than halfway through there was still nothing substantive to latch onto, and I had to face the facts.
Most of the characters have very little personality (with few side character exceptions), including the main character. She’s just “cute high school girl”, there’s really not much to her at all. She feels like a blank slate, and barely sees any development.
And the relationships between characters are extremely weak, with hardly any compelling interactions to get you invested. Occasionally something more “significant” happens between two characters, but it seems to come out of nowhere and doesn’t feel earned. The attempted dramatic and romantic moments fall flat due to the lack of set up and generally unconvincing characters
I stopped watching when I realized I didn’t even care what happens next in the show because I don’t care about any of the characters as people, and even they don’t seem to care about their so-called goals very much. It’s actually a big plot point in the show that different students in the band have different attitudes towards how seriously they want to take it; yet we never even really get a sense of whether our main character gives a shit or not. She just kind of goes with the flow all the time, so she’s not a very interesting person to follow. At the beginning she doesn’t really want to join the band, but then she does anyway because her friends are; she doesn’t want to play euphonium anymore, but then she does anyway because someone else wants her to; she doesn’t want to take it super seriously and practice hard, but she does anyway because other people in the band are. She’s just so passive, she barely has any agency at all in the story. While there are some flashbacks of her being excited about music in the past, there is a little to no indication that she still feels that way in the present. And if she’s not passionate about what is happening, why should I be?
The show does look and sound great though. That’s why I would give it a 6 and not lower. Maybe it could be something inoffensive to put on and zone out to, but don’t look for much depth in the way of story or characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 30, 2024
I think this series is really quite good, although it is extremely normal, maybe to a fault.
It is something I had been looking for for a while, a romance story about adults set in an adult world. They’re not spending a year building up the courage to kiss for the first time lol. Hell, they might even have sex and treat it like a normal thing that adults in relationships do. And that in itself is refreshing, since almost everything I’ve seen up to this point has been set in high school and very juvenile.
The main characters are total normies lol. He’s an accountant who
likes baseball (but not so much that it’s weird), and she is in a planning department and likes… Cute stuffed animals I guess? They are just super normal, average people. They are decent and likable though. She is a little bit tsundere and he can be slightly oppositional, but neither of those traits is very exaggerated.
I think their relationship is generally very healthy. They communicate fairly well and there isn’t a lot of pointless, frustrating drama, which I really appreciate. I find it annoying when the conflict in the story seems really unnecessary and easily preventable, and thankfully this one doesn’t lean on that much. They still have some issues to work out of course, but it is mostly just normal relationship stuff, and they handle it like mature adults who genuinely care about each other. I think that is the biggest strength of the series.
As for the biggest weakness, I’m still reading it now but I honestly think it has become a bit boring. Their relationship was more in focus and more interesting towards the beginning, when it was this new thing for them that they were still figuring out how to do. But a few dozen chapters in, they are pretty settled into the relationship, and it is stable and comfortable. There are long stretches where there are no significant developments, or even any tender moments between them. And once there isn’t much interesting stuff going on with them, the focus shifts more to their work. The issue with that is, they just work normal office jobs that they are not particularly passionate about. They want to do a good job because it is their job, but it’s not like they are living out their childhood dreams or have some deeply meaningful personal goals or anything. And I personally don’t find corporate life very interesting for its own sake, but maybe that’s just me.
I think the foundation for the series is rock solid, it’s just missing some element to make it pop. The attempted gimmick is that their relationship is technically a secret at work, which they decided to do to prevent any workplace gossip or drama. But honestly, that ends up being so little of a factor in the story that it barely even matters at all. For long periods of time you could forget that it is even a secret because it just doesn’t come up. There’s very little drama or intrigue generated by their “secret“. And even if it wasn’t a secret, it would probably barely change the way they interact at work, because obviously they would still have to maintain professionalism even if people knew they were dating.
So overall I think the series is very normal, mature and comfortable. Not a lot of weirdness, drama or bullshit. There are some great heartwarming moments, but mostly towards the beginning. As the story goes on and their relationship stabilizes, there just isn’t as much of that going on anymore. I think it is really good for what it is, and if it sounds like what you’re looking for then you will love it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 27, 2024
I’m sorry, I generally try to avoid being negative, but I found this series so frustrating and disappointing that I had to say something. I will give the author this: I did feel compelled to finish it. However, the reason I did so was because I was in disbelief at how unsatisfying the story was and thought it just had to have some payoff eventually. I guess it got a little better right at the end, but it was way too little way too late. Overall it was extremely disappointing.
I was excited that I finally found a series that was not about highschoolers, but young
adults. However, these adults are less mature than many anime/manga highschoolers. The main guy is a man child, and not in a very endearing way. He’s very selfish and immature and doesn’t really care about other people generally, or about doing anything other than play video games. I like the female lead better, but she has her own issues, such as her extreme insecurity. But seriously, do not look to this series for a depiction of a more mature romantic relationship than the usual high school stuff. At the beginning it seems as though something will actually develop between them, but then literally months later, they finally go on one real date and the guy cannot even bring himself to hold her hand. Forget about them even considering something like kissing, or beyond. Like Jesus Christ lol. They might as well be in middle school. There’s basically nothing about their relationship that even indicates that they are romantic rather than just friends. A few sporadic moments, but they aren’t very convincing or satisfying. I can’t believe how long it goes on with virtually no development in their relationship.
To me the very worst part of it is that the characters don’t seem to like each other very much or treat each other very well. From the start, the girl is not even into the guy, she just goes along with it because why not. And she makes it clear that she doesn’t find him attractive, and he is not her type generally. She is openly much more attracted to his friend, who also finds her attractive despite being in a relationship, so that’s kind of awkward. She insists they keep their relationship a secret, which makes it seem like she is ashamed to even be with him. And the male lead is supposed to be the one who is actually genuinely into her, but he’s so obsessed with video games that he often just ignores her anyway. And he virtually never shows any initiative in their relationship whatsoever, so if he actually wants it to develop into something serious you wouldn’t be able to tell from his actions. Their communication is consistently terrible, so even on the rare occasion when something somewhat significant seems to happen, the two main characters never know how each other feel about it. They virtually never express any positive feelings towards each other. It’s like they are trying to never let on that they actually like each other. Why? You’re already dating! It’s so dumb lol.
Pretty much the whole time I was just thinking, why do they even call what they are doing dating? They should just be friends. They don’t have any romantic chemistry, and honestly it feels kind of cruel for her to lead him on if she has no interest since he does and she knows it. Based on the starting point of the relationship, I thought it would be cute and fun to watch it grow, for her to develop actual feelings for him, but it just goes on and on with no real development. Months and months go by and they don’t seem any closer. So annoying. They finally tack on some payoff right at the end, but it still felt like a huge waste of time to me overall. The two main characters have a lot of room to grow as people, and they kind of do a little bit, inconsistently, but their character arcs are another huge disappointment to me. It just could’ve been done so much better. I feel like all the building blocks were there for a great series, but the execution was just awful. To me the best part by far was a side relationship with the main character’s much more likable younger brother.
So yeah, I definitely do not recommend this series. A love story where the two people barely even seem to like each other. It’s more like they are settling for each other; that’s definitely the case on her end. And he’s so immature that she is often more like a mother to him than a girlfriend. And they don’t even really want the same things out of life even though they both happen to be huge nerds in different ways. I couldn’t even really root for their relationship to succeed. Disappointing. Unsatisfying.
In conclusion, here’s how I would summarize the series: two huge nerds who aren’t very emotionally intelligent and don’t find each other very attractive slowly settle into a mediocre, passionless relationship. So if that sounds good to you you’ll probably enjoy this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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