If you like Shojo/romance, you'll love Living no Matsunaga-san. It feels very familiar to read and the plot is building nicely. The story follows a 17 year old high school girl Miko.
Miko moves into a share house of 6 adults and quickly bonds with 27 year old Matsunaga and the story builds to a tense romance. It's pretty fluffy but if you like fluff and Shojo like I do, then I think this will be a good pick for you.
The art is very good, something strange that I've noticed is the fashion of the main characters is a lot cooler than in other
Feb 24, 2017
Dengeki Daisy
Dengeki is probably my favourite Shoujo of all time. Kyousuke Motomi really does have a knack for romance.
Firstly, her art was pretty good, although I'd say in the start there were a few times where it looked a bit strange, I liked seeing her progression through her first massive serialisation. The story was great! Not at all your classic Shoujo, you can tell by reading the first part that this is in another league! She builds romance nicely, giving you just enough, but also builds a fully fleshed plot, with conspiracy and developed characters. As well as this, the comedy in Daisy was very ... |