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Sep 26, 2016
When i first red about this anime, the only thing i could think of is how much of a drag this was gonna be if it was just about romance from a girls perspective.
But jesus christ, was i wrong. Nodame Cantabile was fantastic, as male who doesn't really interest himself in the romance genre this turned out to be one darn good rollercoaster. I will also be reviewing this anime as a whole here, as it will also give you some impression of what to expect in the latter 2 seasons. But for now please enjoy the review!
The story, which i didn't expect, is actually
viewed from two perspectives: From our female main character Nodame and the male main character Chiaki. The story itself is about Chiaki, a prodigy muscian, who has followed music his whole life and ended up in Japan for some crucial circumstance and is therefor unable to leave. He is a piano majorist in a japanese college, but who aims at a greater hight: Becoming a conductor. He is so good at the piano that he doesn't sense the purpose of continuing down that track, until he meets a certain woman who plays the piano extremly magical by being able to express herself in her playstyle. Their fate has now intertwined and the story of two young souls that chase their musical dreams undergoing hardships and laughter, begin.
The story revolves around so much more than you would think, first of all this is an anime about music as a whole. Not only as something you listen to, but something you express and live with. This anime is literally about musicians and their hardships, not only in music, but in their life. The anime faces the reality of what happens two those who presue the career and are good, and those who have to train to obtain perfection in their art.
Art is actually a good descriptive word for the whole anime, the music that is played is beutiful and expresses every character in a glorious way. Let's not forget that there is still romance here, but it is connected through music between our two main characters. There is also quite some comedy in this, and it's actually pretty funny!
The story develops slowly at first, but it takes up. The capturing point for me in this anime, is not only the music that is transcribed, it's the characters. The liveliness, the hardships they face, the way they interact, everything is relatable and in a good way. The characters are interesting and have each their own sellingpoint and story that develops throughout the series. It's been a long time since i have enjoyed characters to this degree, because all of them feel alive and have their purpose.
I could have gone on and on about how much there is to love about this anime(pun intended), but the fact is that it gets tiresome and kinda repetetive towards the end. Even though, this can easily be overcome by the sensational characters and their characteristics that keeps pulling you back to watch more. The bond between our two main characters is especially fascinating and keeps you on your toes you often go to wonder, damn what will happen next episode?
I am not easily swayed by animes that are not driven by some psychological aspect, but this lighthearted and extremely compassionate anime was just too good to let go. It got me hooked, i needed to watch the next episode, and i felt that it really conveyed what it means and everything there is to being a muscian. Especially what this anime did right was its two asepcts of bonds, the one between characters, and the one between characters and music.
Overall i give it a 7, it's just that good. If it was not for some tiring or repeatable parts in the later segements of the anime and other seasons, i would definitivly have given this a solid 9. Cheers guys!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 25, 2016
People are giving this show much more credit than it deserves. The title of the anime is spot on tho, Hitori no shit.
I don't usually get triggered by anime, but this is a new low.
We follow in the footsteps of a "virgin" Chou Soran a heir to some powerful family. One sudden day the grave of his grandfather is pillaged and he has to find out why. On his way to his dear grandfathers grave, he finds goku, no wait i mean Fuu Houhou. Fuu just like Soran, are supernatural humans who can freely control their Ki and use Martial arts as their weapons,
called outsiders. In a world filled with people like them Soran is extremely special and is headhunted by many evil organizations, but fret not, during the story you will find out why, but not really :)
This anime is trying to be something original and to follow the whole martial arts ki-superpower thing to an extent that it's just horrid. What could have been key-parts of this anime ended up as dull battles with zero progress(not even one good battle at the end of the anime), a main character that is your typical young "i want justice, i have this awesome superpower, i am stronger than you think" attitude with no character progression. The other characters except our Fuu "GOKU" Houhou are so miniscule you won't even bother thinking about them as none even leave a single trace of impression.
Oh did i mention that there is comedy in this anime and most of it is about Soran being a virgin? I also feel that the mix the anime is trying to do between comedy and action, just can't be taken seriously, the comedy is slapstick and dry humor about being a virgin. Now the worst part is, this anime tries so hard to reach a Shounen level that is just dosen't know how to deal with the story, because there literally is none.
This is the new generation of anime, thats so horrible i can't even imagine why this got produced at all. With each episode you keep expeting, "wow when is an amazing battle gonna start with our main character doing something really cool?". Well don't bother. If a fight starts, it's 30 seconds long and in the end goku comes, kicks everyone and it's over. No fights last longer than 3min.
There is just nothing, this anime lacks soul. Nothing to captivate it's audience and being so damn slow paced, it even ended in a way so that they can get a season 2, if they sell well... Let's be honest, that will never happen. Or you will have to read the manga for the rest, but at this point if' the anime is this dissapointing, the manga will be as well.
I Give it a solid 2! I would have given it a 1, but damn I just had to give it +1 for this crap to even leave the studio and reach the tv. Hurray, for Hitori no Shit. I honestly recommend this if you are on the verge of quitting anime, as this will definitevly seal the deal.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Aug 19, 2015
In a boring world, there are youngsters who seek thrills while having their spirit be their guide. And what could be better than swimming to an Island infested with a evil organization destined to destroy the world, in order to find the fabulous school-life while being a "GINGA BISHOUNEN"? Welcome to the world of Star Driver: Takuto of Radiance, a glorious anime filled with thrills and school drama. But let's not forget the giant robots that fight for their goals, which will prevail, Good or Evil? Ladies and Gentlemen, let's not waste more time and jump right in!
I will put my review into these categories;
Overview, Story, Characters, Sound and Animation, and my overall enjoyment which serves as a conclusion!
The overview:
The Story takes place on a Island somewhere in Japan, location unknown, where we follow in the footsteps of our prettyboy and real main character Tsunashi Takuto, in his search for his father and nothing more than the thrill of being young and adventours. What seemed to be a regular Island contains a dark past, where an organization known as The Glittering Crux has evil plans to break an ancient seal, in order to bring the sealed Mechs called Cybodies into the realm of living. The seal is contained within four maidens of the Island chosen by bloodline in order to defend the seal and prevent it from breaking.
While the Glittering Crux is successful in breaking the first maidens seal, the others are well protected by our Hero, the one and only; Tsunashi Takuto and his newfound secret Cybody which he inherited; The Legendary Cybody, TAUBURN. Tsunashi is no one else than a "Ginga Bishounen", A Legendary Hero and savior. From this point we follow him through his school-life with his friends Wako, which is a maiden, and Sugata, where Takuto-kun from time to time, has to save Wako from her seal being broken by the evil organization in epic battles for survival.
The Story:
What's particularly interesting in this anime is the story, as it is really paper thin, but brings in alot of enjoyment and some big twists here and there to keep you seated and longing to watch more. The story is told in a beautiful way where we follow Takuto through his everyday life after coming to the Island where he meets different people and does a lot of things a normal, yet popular guy would do, like joining the drama club, yes popular kids in Japan do these things. But the story really takes on its climax where near the end of each episode, Takuto will have to fight different members of the Glittering Crux in order to defend the maids' seals, using different techniques and different abilities in order to prevail. The Story is quite linear and brings an interesting aspect of both school-life and what it would mean to be a Legendary Hero, "Ginga Bishounen"(Galactic Pretty boy). As mentioned before it is paper thin, as the real plot and real reason behind why Crux does what it does, will not be revealed until the end of the series. As the fights are astonishing, they are the only way to keep the plot developing further, where as the school-life is just kind of a filler for the relationship building between our three main characters. Which is sad, i wished that the significance of what happened at school would be well, more significant. But the Enjoyment is there, and the reason I keep coming back is because it manages to pull out the kind of two lives that Takuto live, the way the story goes from School to Mech epicness keeps you sitting in your seat wanting more for each episode. And this is the reason why the story is so great, it captivates you by being nearly invisible, the story is basically the life of a teenager gone Super Hero, and it fits this anime to the stone. 7/10
The Characters on the other hand are not really that much developed. And are pretty much just regular teenagers, but with the exception of cool looking hairstyles. All of them have a back-story and a past which at some point get revealed and works as a reminder of why they are, who they are right now. But as the most fascinating thing in this story is how the characters interact with each other, which is basically 1/3 of what the anime is about. Not much of character development going on except for Takuto, which has to grow when he finds out that there are a lot more pressure and responsibility on his shoulders than he initially had thought. As far as the interaction between each character goes, each character has his/her own way of doing things and this kind of becomes a testament for how they are as people. Also on a side note many of the Glittering Crux members also have a past which you get to see, because there are a lot more to them than just evil villains, they have their own reasons for doing their deeds. The Characters have some love relations going on between them which also forces out some of the truth they are trying to conceal and not show to others, this brings in more aspects to what's fascinating about the animes characters. 8/10
Sound and Animation:
I am a man who is really concerned with the animation and soundtrack of an anime as it may make or break and anime for me. And let me tell you this straight out, bleh.... this anime hits STRAIGHT A'S IN BOTH CATEGORIES. Almost had you there! But dear reader, this anime excels in this category straight out. The wonderfully detailed characters and the use of bright colors, everything is just perfect, the way the robots/mechs fits the characters and how they also made them resemble their users is astonishing. The fights are amazing, the shading and the weaponry are also pretty darn cool. So animation is top notch, and the soundtrack really tingled my senses in a good way. The music fit the animation like no other, like the song "Monochrome" which is used right before the summoning of the mechs gives you straight out Goosebumps. The song when Takuto destroys and enemy mech, it gives you the sensation of being there and that you actually won something. The OST is filled with many songs like these and are exactly fit for the situations they are used in, and the beutiful orchestrated music is straight out godly! 10/10
This Anime is not something you watch for the plot, so if you are looking for something really plot heavy and something that goes deeper than meets the eye, this is not exactly the anime to serve those needs. But this an anime you sit to on a Saturday just for satisfaction, it has cool characters and huge mech fights, what more could we need? What's interesting is that even if the plot is short to nonexistent it is still pleasant to watch the interactions between characters and how at night Takuto gets to fight big as mechs with his ultra overpowered legendary one. So the strong sides is the way story gets told, from a slice of life point and from the action superhero point. Unfortunately this seems to be good blend actually, it fits each other to some extent that it's actually becoming entertaining. And this show is all about flashy colors, big mechs and overall enjoyment with the removing of the heavy and deep plot. So overall, a great soundtrack, a story and animation which fits the genre, amazing fights and a really entertaining day- school life sets this anime at a strong 8/10 for pure enjoyment.
Hope you guys enjoyed this review, if you did please give at thumbs up, and enjoy your day!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 17, 2014
In an amazing world filled with magic, we are introduced to the world of the great Dragons. Dragons as far as the eye can see, and tsundre lollis, wait i thought this was Seikoku no Dragonar and not Toradora?
Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is a brief review of what to expect from another mediocre anime that doesn't know what it wants to be.
Let's start with an overview:
We are following our main male protagonist, a young sixteen year old boy Ash Blake. Ash Blake is your typical young male with a problem, he is the only one in his school who has yet
to acquire a dragon of any form. While his comrades all have majestically grown dragons. This proves to be quite a problem as he gets teased and bullied over his yet-to-exist dragonkin, and hence he get's the name of "Problem Child", because who wouldn't get mad and beat up people for not having a dragon? Yet as not having his own dragon, he has an ability; to ride any dragon he wants, and be perfect at it.(OVERPOWERED MAIN CHARACTER INCOMING?).
A new year has started and the first class lessons is dragon fight, Ash has to borrow a friends Dragon and accidentally pushes into a female and her dragon, the beautiful female princess Silvia Lautreamont. In a heated discussion with "shots being fired" at each other, they agree to settle their difference in an upcoming festival's race. Some time in the race the dragon of Ash's friend gets exhausted in a forest, Ash suddenly feels a uncomfortable feeling and decides to check it out. After a short walk he finds a mysterious man with a phantom of the opera mask on his face. The man is our main villain and is nothing out of the ordinary. The man tells his underling to fight the young boy after analyzing his potential as a dragon-master. The battle is short and the underling get's thrown off a cliff. Ash's hero senses start to tingle and he knows he have to save her, by the time he manages somehow to grab her arm, the sides have changed. The young girl switches sides with our young protagonist and Ash is falling to his doom. But not for long!! A mysterious glow on his arm appears, and Ash knows, this is his dragon appearing before him. And who would have thought, that his dragon is a super overpowered machine of lollies thrown to the story for no reason, except to imitate Toradoras - Asaika Taiga. Yes, i said it.
Huff, where to begin? This anime has major problems with where it wants to go. Fantasy, ecchi, tsundre? WHERE? Let me spit it right out, the anime's characters are bland and bring nor nothing new, nor anything worthwhile watching. Main Characters are basically copies of the main characters of Toradora.....Ash Blake is a normal guy, with surreal powers that he gets for no good reason really, except for meeting a overpowered dragon empress inside a forest when he was small(what animes has this happened in before? oh like 10 of em). He is your "I am a badass" and "I Try to be cool and kind hearted" type of character which brings no flavor to the anime, and get's boring to watch. The Tsundre, is tsundre, just like any "original anime" we get introduced to a little girl who falls in love with his master, but can't really tell him that, so she pushes him around calling herself his master. The other characters have no story or at least one good enough to enjoy the series, as the most of them are just big boobed bimboes with dragons.
Animations and Sound:
This is where we the anime exceeds imo, the art is fantastic. The dragons, armors and the characters themselves are well designed, but still have something missing to them, which i to date can't really put my finger on. And the great arts spring is even better looking with the awesome classical type soundtrack which you normally would find in any good fantasy series. I could easily download the tracks and enjoy them for many hours, so on that front there are really no problems!
This anime leaves much to be desired. it has a good animation design and soundtrack that has little flaws, countered by a failed attempt on genre's that in my opinion does not go well. It starts of as a pretty typical and not that bad of a fantasy anime, but it develops into this monstrous tentacle hentai wannabee.(Yes there are a lot of tentacles action that fondle them triple D'sized cups that all girls in this anime have).
I guess i was thrown of the chair, not that I don't enjoy some fan service, I just found it unappealing in what could have been a not so bad anime. The characters are straight bland, and the series tries to much to be like Toradora and Zero no Tsukaima(which are FANTASTIC), and pretty much leaves you hanging and loathing for more. Maybe a rich backstory and less fan service, could have been the justice this fantasy anime needed.
All in all, I give this anime a 4/10. With a disappointing and almost non existent plot, the art and sound was top notch, but not enough to carry a whole bunch of pathetic characters to a form for any glory.
This is my first review, and hope you guys enjoyed it. All form for criticism is welcomed with a good embrace.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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