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Mar 28, 2021
There's not much to say, other than what's obvious. Attack on Titan is truly heading towards being THE modern masterpiece of our generation. Everything about this part 1 was immaculate in terms of plot, pacing, direction, character, music, basically everything. I know that the animation isn't up to par with the previous seasons, but it's not like I have much to complain. In fact, sometimes I was more impressed with certain aspects then I was with Wit studio's version. The CGI, while being CGI, was actually pretty cleverly used.
Plot-wise, it's pretty obvious. Hajime Isayama has truly outdone himself so far with this series. I
could have never expected it to be like this while watching the first season. The direction this has had is SO AMAZING. To this moment, I still feel the anxiety and stress that Declaration of War, Warhammer Titan and Assault episodes brought forth from me. Somehow, Reiner has become one of my favourite characters in AOT. It's only because of Isayama's genius writing and MAPPA's talent that they could have cemented those kinds of emotions.
The voice actors are just godly. Absolute god-tier. I didn't doubt the characters' emotions and actions for one second, just thanks to the incredible voice acting. Eren, Reiner, Zeke, Hange, Falco, Mikasa, Jean, AAHH!! So great. Every character feels real and alive, and it makes every emotional moment just that much more painful to experience.
There's not that much I want to say, because I want to save some words for Attack on Titan: Final Season Part 2. This is just my in-between words of my thoughts of the show so far. Everything before episode 16 was the first huge experience of the rollercoaster, and this part pretty much ended right before the next one: the real deal is about to begin. I'm ready, Attack on Titan!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 16, 2021
Don't listen to the Fairy Tail-haters, who say it's without substance and that it's just a copy of Fairy Tail. This particular story authored by Hiro Mashima, while having some similar themes, is definitely a different experience. It's a shame that this series hasn't reached further popularity because of the hate it's received by the anime fandom.
I kid you not: so far, I'm more invested in this story than My Hero Academia.
Story 8/10: While the story has only begun, the difference between Fairy Tail and Edens Zero is already noticeable in the first arcs. FT was a compilation of different arcs, but EZ is
going for the saga-approach. It delivered a really enjoyable final arc, and overall, the introductory saga hooked me into the story. The world-building is surprisingly well-established, giving room for lots of creativity. The power system is really cool and interesting, giving way for awesome fight scenes. It also made me laugh out loud multiple times with its comedy and satire. Overall, the story has darker undertones compared to Fairy Tail. There's death, there's suffering, there's sadness, etc. Friendship is not really a power-up anymore, rather it's a motivation, but most notably, a satire, which is really a breath of fresh air. It also makes a lot more sense this time around.
EZ also has a lot more fanservice. It's up to you whether you like it or not, but it's not as distasteful as Fire Force.
Art 9/10: Hiro Mashima is most recognizable for his awesome art. It's not groundbreaking, but for a weekly manga, it looks fantastic. It always has. He really knows how to make fight scenes.
Character 8/10: The character designs sometimes take liberties from Rave Master and Fairy Tail. Not every time, but they're there. Again, it's up to you if you dislike it or not, but these character designs look amazing. Sometimes it recreates older designs in pretty neat ways, which I can appreciate. Prevalent characters slowly get development.The only issue that I have is just how strong Shiki gets this early. I would've preferred slightly slower pace with it. He also bears more similarities to Natsu Dragneel than I'd have preferred. Overall, it stays at 8 for now, since the series has only really started.
Enjoyment 9/10: I can't say I haven't enjoyed this manga so far. At first, my mind was changed by many of the readers in the beginning, how it's a worse Fairy Tail, so I had dropped it. Once I returned, I realized just how much better it is compared to FT. It's not perfect, though. The fanservice could honestly be toned down a little, since I'm not too used to seeing as many boobs. One Piece and Fairy Tail fans will feel right at home, though. The only question is if it'll stick to its guns and not go the Fairy Tail route of story composition. Only time will tell.
Overall 8/10: I'm pleasantly surprised how this series is turning out. I'm thoroughly invested with the series now, and more so than My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen. A must-read imo. I recommend at least reading up till chapter 104 and then reserve judgement.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 12, 2020
TL;DR: A useless piece of shit, but great work on the animation and art, Trigger and A-1
Take that overall rating with a grain of salt. It SHOULD be a 4. This is one of those shows that, while it may not be bad in overall quality as something like Pupa, it's essentially a huge waste of time. To me, that's just as bad, if not worse than the question of show quality.
1) Story and Characters: Uninspired and messy. It heavily takes elements from Evangelion, and it's not trying to hide it.Thing is, it does it bad. While Evangelion had overwhelming presence and implication inseparated
from the setting (symbolism), Darling in the Franxx has cringe-worthy metaphors that are forced simply out of poor writing. The mystery of meaning isn't charming at all when the indication of it becomes awkward, such as the weird sexual aspect of it. While that could be sourced to how the mind of a growing teenager works, that's not worthwhile or thoughtful. ''Are you trying to suck Hiro dry?'' Yes, that's the kind of garbage dialogue you'll have to go through. The way the plot is presented is contrived and unintriguing, and the pacing is all over the place. Hell, episode 5 feels like a season end.
Characters are the worst part of it, though. Ichigo is intentionally made to look jealous, manipulative and self-serving when it's baseless, just to be a stepping stone for Hiro x 02. It feels like I missed several episodes that just never happened. For some reason, Ichigo and Hiro just don't match, but Hiro and 02 do. Why? Idk, they're meant to be together. ???? The rest of the characters are very filler, which is a huge issue for the type of show this is. The world-building isn't collective enough to give a good enough understanding, nor are there enough subtleties in dialogue, interactions and emotions to explain stuff in a meaningful way.
Hiro is very cardboard, typical dark-haired MC. Lacking of any real personality or believable motive, with unfounded and under-developed care for 02. Yes, he gets to use a Franxx with 02, but set that up. Develop a believable and meaningful dynamic. Introduce personalities in a way where we can understand what's even going on, thereby catching our interest by building up interactions on the personalities of each character. But the pacing is all just ????
Those final 6 episodes were the worst ending phase to a narrative I've ever seen as well. Everything is rushed, messy and awkward. Seeing 02 in that form was not cool or charming, it was uncomfortable. World-building gone to crap, plotholes and a cookie-cutter ending with no interest or satisfying resolve. A massive waste of time after 17-18 episodes.
2) Art, Animation and Sound: On the other hand, this is some of the most beautiful animation I've seen. I wouldn't say the best, but praise-worthy from Studio Trigger and A-1 pictures. While the designs for the mechas aren't compelling, some of the klaxosaurs looked interesting. Sounds fit well with what's happening on the screen and are sometimes pretty creative as well. If you don't care much about the narrative, I could see someone really enjoying this.
3) Conclusion: The story beats aren't Pupa-level throughout. It's a lot more to chew on compared to that shitfest, but will I say it's balanced or well-paced? Absolutely not. However, take note that Pupa is essentially a series of short episodes, while FranXX is 24, full-length episodes. I felt like the show had robbed me of precious time I could've used elsewhere a lot more productively. If your show is a useless piece of shit, it better be the best useless piece of shit ever made. Some can enjoy it to the point of giving it a 9 or even a 10, and if you did, good for you. That's an achievement.
As for me? Felt like shit for the rest of the day after seeing it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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