THREE tomboys in one manga???? this author is a fucking genius.
The manga itself is a fanservice heavy cohabitation harem about multiple perfect women inexplicably falling for the below average at everything protagonist.
I promise it's good.
It's refreshing to see how to author weaves these tired tropes into something genuinely interesting to read, even if all they do is add that little bit of spice to make it unique. Whenever it feels like it's going to fall back on cliche it either explores the ideas with enough depth and understanding to create characters that feel convincingly three-dimensional, or it cuts itself short like an intrusive thought
Sep 27, 2022
Otome Kaijuu Caraméliser
A lot of reviews I've read has described this as about "not judging by appearance" and while for a majority of the characters this is true, I feel that explanation is a little too surface level and fails to cover what makes this manga so compelling. At every turn, the story adheres to every single shoujo manga cliché, beginning with the resident hotboy™ for some inexplicable reason falling for the shy, introverted lead just relatable enough to project upon. What differentiates it however, and what makes it all so damn engaging, is the extent at which it exaggerates every single trope of the genre to