Beautiful anime with terribly translations and confusing storyline. Storyline goes between dragging and tons of characters and plot being introduced within 1-2 minutes.
Story: 5/10 - Mediocre and confusing. Goes between dragging and break-neck speed plot development wise.
Art: 8/10 - Very good. There are parts with 3D animation that looked low quality/like they're from the early 00s
Sound: 9/10 - No complaints.
Characters: 5/10 - The series really isn't long enough to delve deep enough into their backgrounds for real character development, but from what was able to be developed, was okay. Nothing amazing.
May 15, 2021
I was interested in watching this because I've never seen a Chinese Shounen Ai anime before. The score of 7.02 (as of May 15, 2021) also influenced by decision to watch. I think this deserves closer to a 4. Just really disappointed by...basically everything.
CAUTION: SPOILERS The two main characters never kiss, or confess their love, or even THIINK about liking the other in a sexual/romantic way. Everything is so implicit to the point where really it feels pointless to watch the anime if you're looking for Shounen Ai content. At the end they're best friends who live together. Not worth the time tbh, even with ... |