Jun 17, 2022
Before I review this I recommend that if you are a anime expert/general/weebs/ or just have seen lots of anime, YOU DONT HAVE TO WATCH THIS. This is one of those anime where its not a must watch. This anime is more for beginner watchers imo. I say this because as a long time watcher and a watcher of many anime this one ofc was unique in its tory but was also generic and guessable in many cases. I also felt like it was trying to be something but it failed. One thing I could for sure say it that I had potential and it
was trying to hit that target that the anime was shooting for but it failed in many ways. This is anime anime coming from the guy that wrote Clannad and angel beats. Both top tier classics and 9-10 rated anime imo. But the pinot in bringing up that guy was to so that he must've wrote charlotte while thinking about Angel beats because the similarities between the two are crazy. The most noticeable one being the osts. They while instantly remind you of Angel beats. Secondly how some of the characters look and their personalities; now i know that some mangakas might use the same stye for all their anime/manga but the characters build on these characters are like maxed out randomization if that makes sense. Too mush similarities. But if you like his anime just watch/ read Clannad and Angel Beats.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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