ghost in the shell is the type of anime that will confused your mind at the first time. it has so much of symbolism and philosophy. to understand the story, you must really pay attention to the dialogues or maybe you must rewatch it.
the story is kind of slow paced. maybe you can feel sleepy too in the middle of watching. the art, it's beautiful. i really like the art especially for the landscape, the cities, but i don't like how they've designed motoko. she looks like a woman with angry face in this movie. move on to the sound, actually it's good. especially
Mar 17, 2021
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
the story of chad lelouch. really, before i watched this i've always thinking "why is lelouch is the most favorite character in myanimelist?? who is he??", and now i know the reason why.
basically, it's an action-mecha anime with some superpower in it. the story is a bit heavy, because it contains some politics in it. in some episodes, there's some normal school life too. so you won't tired of fight scenes. personally, i really like the story. i know it's 2000's anime, but i didn't really like the art, especially the character design. what i didn't like is, the big eyes and the sharp jawline ... Mar 5, 2021
Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
basically it's a recap of six first episode of the original anime. with some minor changes. i didn't enjoy it too much because i've already know where the story goes. there's many part that cutted in this movie, it's understandable because they tried to fit six episode (which is that like two hours long) into 1 movie that only have one and a half hour of duration.
the art is really good for that time, but i think it's a little bit outdated for now. it's really looks like a 2000's anime movie. they used the original anime soundtrack too for this anime, i don't know ... Feb 25, 2021
more confusing.
i think this ending was more fucked up than the original. while the original maybe boring for some people, this ending was more intense because there's so much action in it. but i think the ending was more meaningful in the original series. shinji's here is more like sadboi or depressed kid than the one in the series. maybe some people pissed with shinji in this movie, but i think this was understandable because shinji is depressed. the art improved than the series (yeah i think because it was a movie), the soundtrack was good too. komm susser tod as the insert song is ... Feb 24, 2021
Shinseiki Evangelion
i watched this anime because many people says this anime is one of the best, and it has confusing story. i expected this anime will have a depressed kid with mental issues, because i saw "dementia" in the genre. after i watch 4 episode, i think my statement is true. but after that, the story is not that heavy. even there's one episode that really fun to watch. through the episode, it become intense and sometimes kinda fucked up. i would rate 10/10 for this anime. until i watch last 2 episode, it was so confusing. and i think i will lower the rate to ... Feb 21, 2021
i recommend this anime if you're watching anime to refresh your mind. because this anime is more like slice of life and comedy rather than adventure isekai anime in my opinion. one thing that comes to my mind when i remembering this anime is the bouncing boobs animation, when i watched it for the first time belike "WHY THE HELL THEIR BOOBS ARE BOUNCING EVERYTIME".
the story is light, even i think you can enjoy this anime without knowing the story. the sound was generic, i didn't like the op and ed too much. but i kind of appreciate to the artist that sang the opening ... Feb 11, 2021
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
i expected this anime will be a light slice of life anime. i like how the issue taken in this anime is about a group of girls curious about sex. after watching episode 5 i started to think to drop this anime. but it became intense from episode 6 and i finished it. honestly, episode 11 hyped me up but the final episode for me is some kind of anti climax for me. but on the other side, i like how the characters developed through the episode. i didn't care too much for the sound though, i think it's pretty generic. also i always skipped
Feb 8, 2021
Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo
i was expecting there's many original songs in this anime, but it turns just a few. i interested to this movie because it has some music and band element in it, but it turns the band is just a gimmick haha.
the story was good, but it was confusing at the first time. the art is beautiful, it has some anohana atmosphere in it (yeah i know the setting is in the same places). the sound is so good, plus i watch this in the cinema so it sounds great with dolby surround. by the way, when aoi's playing the bass i cringed a lot ... Feb 2, 2021
one of my favorite anime of all time. i've watched it back in 2016, and i'm addicted to this anime back then. the story is different from the other isekai anime, while the other isekai anime generally shows overpowered and harem main character, rezero shows subaru who's pretty useless i think. the art is very good, when i watched it for the first time i never realized that there's some scenes using 3d. one of the best about this anime is the music. sometimes there's no opening or ending in one episode, and that's good because sometimes opening and ending destroys the feel for me
Feb 2, 2021
Shingeki no Kyojin
this anime is one of the reason i became a weeb in 2015 haha (i know it's 2 years late). the story was great, back then i thought colossal titan is the final boss and the biggest titan. the art is pretty good. the soundtrack is sooo great, i really love when the insert song played. although the insert songs like DOA, call your name, the reluctant heroes is written in english, it kind of fit with the animation. the character for me is so-so, idk i don't pay attention to the character too much for this anime. well, i think this is my favorite