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Haja Taisei Dangaiou
Haja Taisei Dangaiou
Feb 22, 11:04 AM
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Feb 21, 6:35 AM
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Poketoon (2024)
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Sketch: Season 1
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Koko ni Iru yo!
Feb 24, 8:05 AM
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Noboru Yesterday, 11:37 PM
Yes, we all are being spoilt for choice xD
Do you mean like "you cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people around you" as in you cannot change how the people act, but you can change whom you want to let into your inner circle?
Anisong = Song from Anime?
That's good to hear you respect people willing to argue and you do have a point. If no one is courageous to raise a point, it could lead to stagnation.

There were some pleasant people to write to/play with and/or against, but the random people unfortunately had mostly short fuses and the game had problems with script users even to a point that they could crash whole servers or prevent people from playing.
From DJ Max, some of the S4 League soundtrack comes from. Like this one
Oh so Pubg is a battle royal shooter

It gets faster the older and the less eventful your life is. At least, I can still look forward to getting more and more sunlight with each day for some months
Noboru Feb 22, 3:00 PM
It's one thing to just not be so sure about what you want to do with your life and it's another matter altogether if you are dissatisfied with the way things are in your life. Given that burnout can have psychological causes, these were just a few suggestions to look into. Of course, it can also be over-work or too much strain or have physical reasons, but it's much harder to burnout when you have a purpose and get genuine appreciation for what you do rather than getting entangled in pointless, energy-draining arguments...
You may have a point about doctors, though no doctor may be able to do anything on a sustainable scale if the patients don't want to change their respective lifestyles and/or ways of thinking that have made them sick or unwell in the first place

Just PSO2 and before that S4 League. May or may not try the latter again when it gets released for the third time

That's a pity your mother and you couldn't have vacations to visit your relatives with your father. The relatives have already proven valuable, we used to live with them for a brief period of time when coming here. What's Pubg again?

I can eat sourdough, but I prefer white bread. Though it's a good idea to keep in mind in case circumstances change. That's pretty neat, most bakeries over here also have baked sweets as well
Noboru Feb 20, 11:55 AM
If I had known a very good method and could apply it myself, I would have long used it. But you seem to already take great care of yourself, so unless you maybe have some (vitamin or similar) deficiency or physical condition that a doctor may be able to discover and/or are not quite satisfied with your relationships and/or the direction of your life, I can't tell where else to look. Being thankful is a good quality to have, at the very least. Yeah, I keep those things separately as well, but I wouldn't mind crossing the border if there were a development in the social aspects.

Indeed, my time is too over-booked :v

Must be nice to do voice. Do you play any games alongside?

Oh that's a bit surprising that only your father is out of the country and not your mother as well. I'm taking it, he's on a business trip?
Sounds like she has it rough if she doesn't have the time and energy to cook at least after finishing work for the next day. Does she work from home or in the office?
Things are pretty alright with my family, though there is always room for improvement. I live in the same house with my parents, but I only really see them when I go downstairs for lunch or to grab some slice of bred for dinner, since bread can be stored better in whole leafs and it would be too much on my own. I see my brother and his wife (now also with child) almost every week on the weekend. Otherwise, the remaining relatives on my father's side are quite close, but it takes about a 2h flight + some hours to get to the airport + the commute from the airport to visit my mother's relatives. I don't see them that often in person lately, but my parents regularly video-call them.
Noboru Feb 18, 10:33 AM
Exactly and even less so when the account doesn't seem legit, like random spam/insult off the bat. Online is still a part of the real life as well, so they're both connected in a form. I've made a general topic about burnout in the forums a few years ago. Basically, hoping for and expecting too much has made me quite tired of socializing multiple times already

Well, not like my day is any more productive, either. Except I can go without fiction and without writing to anyone for days. I can find other ways to waste time, lol
With talking to friends on Discord do you mean via voice or just direct messaging?
Oh being able to play an instrument sounds nice! And that's great that you've decided to spend more time with your parents! Around how far away do they live or about how long does it take you to visit them?
IridescentJaune Feb 18, 1:38 AM
Aside from the GIF backgrounds, I have A LOT of notes and tags... 😅

Well, the effects are not for everyone but they're fun so it's fine! 😆
IridescentJaune Feb 18, 12:24 AM
Must be because they were promoting the Yakuza game instead? 😅 I'm not familiar with the games, though.

Ah, that one. Itachi perfectly and painfully depicted INFJs in the special, I guess. It just resonated with me as I might also obsess with cooking the perfect fried egg ala MasterChef or some omurice ala Kichi Kichi.

Oh, I was gonna mention earlier that I thought my lists are busy enough for others who try to help me with CSS... 😆 Then I was greeted by a flying Santa and reindeer when I opened your list. The effects are fun and playful!
IridescentJaune Feb 17, 10:18 PM
Here's a new Moyai sighting!

A logo with 3 Moyai appear at 0:05 of ep. 2 of Ryuu ga Gotoku Online x Taka no Tsume.
fausifahrial Feb 17, 1:52 AM
Tsui no Sora needs a remake
Noboru Feb 16, 11:56 AM
I was originally thinking of doing that as well, but I have come to the conclusion that comments like that right off the bat are not worth my attention. It's true though that these episodes have been used to meet new people or act as "excuses" to start conversations with some, but I'm already socially more than burnt out.

Spending your time more wisely for something productive, for creative work, for leisure or for deepening connections or even bonding with people who matter?
Noboru Feb 16, 9:33 AM
Yeah but they will stop soon if they don't get fed. Though there are also others here who continue with these conversations, lol
AnimeIsAMistake7 Feb 16, 9:27 AM
we've all been visited by an 'interesting' individual it would seem
Noboru Feb 16, 8:58 AM
It seems you've also got quite the "lovely" messages. I don't have the energy left to waste time with such people, so I would suggest to consequently delete, ignore, block and report if it gets out of hand.
CandyCookieChoco Feb 14, 8:33 PM
were it not for the limitations of comments in MAL, i can do a lot more messages in a minute if it were in LINE
MarissaRob Feb 13, 7:53 PM
Just ignore them since they only want attention... 🥱
MarissaRob Feb 13, 7:39 PM
Who is that? Ahh that banana....
I dont really care about those lil shits coming to anybody because they are bored....
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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