Nov 16, 2012
Due to the overwhelming amount of strangely positive reviews, I've decided to write a little review of my own. DISCLAIMER: If you are a fan of this manga, read no further. I would give this manga a -10 if it was an option.
I consider myself a fairly laid-back, tolerant person; in fact, I've never actually cared enough to write a review, but when the protagonist has had everything short of rape done to her (I'm sure that's in chapter four), I feel the need to say something. I picked this manga up thinking, "Oh, this looks cute." Excuse me while I vomit. I was
only able to get through the first three chapters which is a new record for me.
By the third chapter, THE THIRD CHAPTER, our heroine has been stripped naked while unconscious, molested, was nearly raped, had her clothes ripped off of her, tossed around like a rag doll by all the male characters, thrown into a bathtub naked and forcefully tied up while the male protagonist violates her, and then he says, "I love you!" That's a pretty sick, twisted kind of love. You should be in jail buddy. You're the scum of the earth. Meanwhile, all this crap is glamorized. How romantic. If this had happened to me, I would need psychotic shock therapy after killing the creep first.
If this is what only the third chapter is like.....*shudders*
Let me catch my breath...ok, let's continue:
My biggest problem with this manga, is that it's practically porn masquerading as a sugary shoujo. Ecchi isn't even listed in the genre section! I imagine a perverted old man wrote this manga.
is attempted rape and molestation not a crime in japan? Has societal morality regressed so much that this is acceptable, even enjoyable? Where am I? the twilight zone? Hell?
So, if you enjoy all of the above, by all means, read this manga. But, if you are a fan of intelligent heroines that aren't treated like a piece of trash, decent men, and true romance, avoid this manga like the plague.
Hope you enjoyed my rant!
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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