May 6, 2021
"Mars" is a manga series written by Fuyumi Soryo in 1996. The story starts out with the classic trope of good girl meets bad boy; the main character, Kira, is a quiet girl with a strong passion for art, while her love interest, Rei, is quite the opposite. He pulls girls left and right, and is often found roaming the streets on his motorcycle. While this initial synopsis might seem cliche and like it was pulled right out of Grease, the story turns into so much more. Readers will begin to learn about the characters' deep secrets filled with themes of suicide, sexual violence, murder,
Apr 27, 2021
The main reason I'm writing this review is because in the majority of the reviews I've seen, no one has read the original book. This is also my first Junji Ito work that I've ever read, so I can initially say that the art style is incredible. Ito's artwork is captivating and complicated, and it really adds to the story of Frankenstein. That said, it does a good job of summarizing the first half of the book, but then the second half starts to change somewhat significantly. I found Ito's ending just as enjoyable as Shelley's, so I wouldn't say this is a bad thing.