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Rekka no Honoo
Flame of Recca reminded me of Yu Yu Hakusho instantly. The two have so much in common. Both the main characters are like exactly the same. They're both unbeatable guys in their schools who come into a great power. Both Yusuke and Recca can be rediculously funny and stupid but can completely bring it during a fight. Doron and Kuwabara and nearly identical and Tokiya and Hiei are very similar. The story lines are also very, very similar to each other. Both stories deal like the supernatural and both have large turnaments dealing with humans and inhuman beings alike. If you like one, I can guarentee that you'll like the other one. Without a doubt. Don't be put off that they're both a little on the older side. Two great, amazing stories.
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Free Collars Kingdom
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Both Free Collars Kingdom and My Cat Loki both have cats as a main aspect of the story and shows the cats in a human-like form. Though Free Collars Kingdom is more about the cats themselves and has fighting while My Cat Loki is more of a human story and drama. Both are VERY good.
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Psycho Busters
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Shiki Tsukai
Both Psycho Busters and Shiki Tsukai are extreamely similar. Both invole a boy who is suddenly thrown into a magical world and has to fight while discovering powers of his own that he never knew ever existed. Both have the same feel and, though are two very unique storelines, and have many similarities between the two.
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Fairy Tail
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It's simmilar by the fact where there's both wizards and magic and stuff. I got the same feel from both of them though Fairy Tail is a little more humorous then Orange Crows.