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Dec 10, 2020
The show can simply be summed up in one phrase: FILLERS ON FILLERS ON FILLERS!!!
If you're looking for a show with action, keep it moving. I will admit that the action scenes in the show are amazing and really good, but god are they far and few between. I came into this show expecting action, and I think it is fair to say, probably within the first six episodes, there were maybe sporadic fight scenes that lasted less than a minute.
The lack of action would not be so bad if the show was not so god damn boring. Episodes 12 and 13 are really good
and action packed, and the 2 or so episodes leading up to them are pretty good too. The show finally gets a plot, and when the show knows what it wants to do, it is really good, but when it doesn't this show is almost painful to watch.
I think the show suffers from the same problem as Cowboy Bebop in that the show is just too long for it's own good. Similarly to Cowboy Bebop, there are good and phenomenal episodes, but for every good episode, there are far too many bad and boring ones, that just don't justify the series being as long as it is. I literally skipped about 10-12 episodes of a 24 episode season and feel that I missed nothing, which is pretty similar to what I experienced with Cowboy Bebop. Maybe i am just not into these "character driven" anime.
I think the show also suffers from the problem of the character development not naturally flowing from the plot (well if a plot existed) of the story, What I mean by this is rather than having an overall plot for 24 episodes, having events happen, and having character development flow from those events/flashbacks, the show has a very different formula. The show instead has 6 stand alone slice of life episodes meant to develop characters, 3 episodes of plot, 6 more episodes of stand alone, slice of life, character development, and then 3 more episodes of plot.
The sad part is that there is an episode where the show actually does a good job of having a fight scene with the main villain of the arc, the villain is defeated, and then we see a flashback of what led to the villain's motives, and it all flows and makes the entire episode interesting. However instead of doing this, the show unnecessarily feels the need to give every side character a full episode of development, with absolutely no plot in the episode, no relation to the overall story, and at times, no relation to the whole universe of students with superpowers. The show is just flat.
So if you're into episodic slice of life anime with a sprinkle of supernatural powers, then this is for you, but if you want a show with an actual plot involving things like mystery, action, or literally anything, then do not watch this show. Everyone says season two gets better, so we will see, but my belief is that it shouldn't take over 24 episodes for a show to actually get good and get going. I honestly do not understand how this anime has such a high rating....
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 9, 2020
I am not usually one to write reviews for things, but based on the other reviews for this show, I feel like I NEED to right this review. If you don't want to read the full review, the thing to take away is that if you are looking for a Dark Mahou Shoujo show similar to Madoka Magica, Magical Girl Site, Magical Girl Raising Project, Yuki Yuna is a Hero, Day Break Illusion, and anime like that, THIS IS NOT THE ANIME FOR YOU!
I'd previously watched those anime, and based on the reviews, I thought that was what I was getting into, but this
show is like those shows, in the same that an apple and an organ are both fruits. Does this show have magical girls? Sort of. Does it have a dark twist? I guess. Does it deal with dark and mature themes? a bit. But that's just kind of it, besides that this show is more of a slice of life/coming of age story, with a girl who happens to have magical powers.
I'll admit that the plot did keep me coming back, because the show does do a good job of alluding to the darker twist, but that's just it. If I had to describe an average episode, I'd say it's about 80-90% slice of life, and at the end of the episode it alludes to the darker and greater plot, but it does this for almost the entire series. For example, you'll find yourself on episode 9 or so, and the writers are still just dangling the whole "There's something bad about using the Djinn's power", but the do that for the entire series! From episode 1-9, I'd like to know more than just "using the power of the Djinn is bad". I guess my complaint comes down to pacing, the pace of this show is slower than a snail crowing.
I think what also adds to the slow pacing of the story is that unlike other Mahou Shoujo shows, the main character isn't fighting evil others, or even similar to Magical Girl Raising Project, where in the beginning the goal is to collect candies. This premise of this show is literally that the main character gets super powers, and there's no real evil threat anything, she just uses her Magical Girl powers to, fly through the sky, look for a watch, help her friends find lost items, and other things of that nature. I am not kidding, I literally just spoiled the "conflict" for half of the episodes, sorry. But as you can see, the show just gives the character powers for no real reason. The powers do add to the whole coming of age portion of the story, which is why I would again describe this show as a slice of life/coming of age story, where the character happens to have powers. Also another spoilers, I keep saying "powers" but let me clarify, for more than half the show, she only uses two powers 1) Flight and 2) The eye sight of the Djinn, which allows the main character to see further distances and complete view of the world (which the show never really goes into, but they're Gods so just role with it), which usually helps her on her fetch quest for the day.
If you're looking for a slice of life show, a show where the main character has a love interest and is unsure how they fell, or a show about teenage girls trying to enjoy their summer, then this is the show for you. But if you're looking for a Dark Mahou Shoujo show with violence, death, action, depth, fantasy, etc, then this show is not for you, and you'll like be bored out of your mind, but you'll get to episode 9 and realized you've invested this much time in this show, might as well finish it. By the end of this show, I was skipping through about 60% of the episodes because I was so over the slice of life BS. I think this show wouldn't have been bad if it was advertised as a slice of life show, but instead it was advertised as this dark and twisted anime, which it is far from.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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