Aug 22, 2017
Hi, I'm Ren and this is my 1st review so please be gentle :)
Story/Plot: 8
- In my opinion Koi to Uso have a very good story, using the Japan's Low-birth problems as premise and these so called Red String of Fate by Science. And what's good about it is the system actually works for the people of Japan. And as the story progress, you will feel that these hand-picked partners by the government really are best suited or really is compatible with their counterpart. My only problem on this was, I hope you can still choose whether to accept or refuse your assigned partner. :)
- On my limited sense of art, I think Koi to Uso have a great art except those big round eyes. I simply can't ignore how Takasaki, Misaki's eyes looks kinda creepy sometimes. Though those big round eyes matches Ririna's character perfectly.
I also love the color of their eyes and lights in background :)
Sound: 8
- The voice actors are great and I love the OP and ED. I wish they release the full song of the ED so I can add it on my phone's playlist..T_T
Characters: 9
- I think this is where the show excels, the characters. The characters feel very human to me, being selfish or someone who tend to follow their heart even if its kind of wrong. I'll try to highlight each characters :)
Nisaka, Yuusuke - I believe his the only characters who thinks rationally in the 4 main characters. His character is like a reality check to the other characters that life is not a fairy tale.
Nejima, Yukari - Well, I think Yukari is just your typical goody old shoes MC in love triangles. He kind of bland too me but he has his own shine from time to time. And he can be a relatable, which is good for Male audiences since you can put yourself in his shoes. If you can put yourself in his shoes, you'll gonna feel the struggle in choosing the best girl. Like myself, I'm struggling in choosing between Ririna and Misaki, they are both great girls for me so like Nejima, I can't choose one..HAHAHAHA
Takasaki, Misaki - Nothing to say here except I love "PLOT"..HAHAHA
But kidding aside, Misaki is a gorgeous character, I like her face (except the eyes sometimes), I like her body proportions (LOL) and I love also her character. She's a typical shoujo character and she's like a DERE-DERE girl (who wouldn't like a dere-dere GF? hahaha). Her character shines in her struggle choosing between her happiness and someone else. She's also the kind of character you can fall in love with. <3
Sanada, Ririna - She's kind of a surprise character for me. At first I didn't like her that much coz I'm not a lolicon and Misaki is so hot compared to her..LOL
Though I'm starting to fall for Ririna because of her character. She's mature (though she's younger) and she's someone who thinks of others happiness first than herself. You will definitely fall in love with her through her development as a character. And that's why I'm so torn between her and Misaki..XD
Enjoyment: 9
- What is there to not enjoy, every episode makes you fall in love and feel despair. And that is good for a romance and drama anime. From episode 1 to current, your heart will experience a roller-coaster ride of emotions and be torn between the two best girls. You can really feel the struggles the characters had to fight in search of the meaning of love. :)
Overall: 8 (Might changed depending on the ending..hahaha)
- Overall, this show has its faults. Like how can you just fall in love because of one simple eraser? Even I find it unreasonable but who are we to judge? It might also be possible that their love developed through time and just started because of that simple eraser. But what is important here is that you can feel the characters emotions and love for one another.
I want to recommend watching this anime to anyone who likes romance and drama. Really, I even recommend it to my girlfriend and I hope she won't get jealous coz I'm fanboying over Misaki and Ririna..AHAHA
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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