I’m sure like many other viewers, from almost the jump of episode 1 you feel that melancholy of Suzumiya vibes, which I appreciate, with the story focus on the two main characters with excellent chemistry and a cast of randomness that goes along with them.
There are im sure for all anime lovers, some shows that just hit that perfect level where it’s not the highest of levels, but it is right down the alley you love. This first season was like that for me, a rubber band, bounce all around the room main heroine, who has a typical gravitational pull with others.
I say
Jul 3, 2023
Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome desu
I have to DNF this show after struggling through the first 11. I dunno I just can’t watch the finale, no part of me believes I can stomach the final episode. With such a saturated field already, the premise that the main protagonist was transported twice, to me came across as a good wrinkle on a more stale premise. Even thought the execution of the first two ish episodes came across well, but then there is nothing further explored in terms of depth for any of the characters outside of their infatuation with protag-kun.
It’s falls into the trap where most bad stories go “hey ... Mar 25, 2023
Feel like this deserves a higher MAL rating that barely being a 7. Thought until the concluding 2 episodes this was a really solid show. I appreciated this not being an isekai fantasy show, and how it felt like the whole “unlikely hero” storyline wasn’t gonna be apart of this show, which I appreciated as a good chance of pace.
Also like how there is so little unnecessary drama elements and they’re really played for comedic effect. This is done well with dariel’s inner monologue which they use sparingly to good effect. Thought it was a mistake having the whole series end with this basrabalaza ... Mar 25, 2023
Considering 80% of this show takes place on a couch I was surprised to see the MAL rating almost at 8. Feel like this show needed either those two friends to be a bigger presence or another typical slice of life show feature to have punched this up. It seems like it relies way to heavily on the chemistry of the two characters which I’m unsure how well it’s translated between scenes and episodes.
When compared to kubo, Komi, horiyama, ect other slice of life teen romance shows this feels like it’s lacking something to look forward to every episode seeing as most of the ... Oct 12, 2022
Summertime Render
Think my overall rating would have landed around a 8.7 ish outta 10. two major issues with the story IMO hamper the way this show lands, while overall the story/characters and setting i think are excellent. 1st major issue, the show opens with this concept that shin needs to "protect Mio", thats one of the two messages Ushio leaves throughout time for shin. there really is no payoff for what provides the launching point in this aspect. And then my biggest issue, Shide. felt way way way to generic that he was just evil for being evil. he wanted to live to the end