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Jun 20, 2021
Okay… I’m reviewing this now while finally playing the game.
Initially when this came out, I hadn’t played the game. My encounter with the franchise started with my Twitter timeline being plastered with beautiful character fan art (mainly Munechika and Kogetsunemaru) and eventually collecting the nendoroids (starting with Kiyomitsu). I was particularly drawn to the designs and aesthetic, of course with the ikemen theme as well, so I wanted to get acquainted with any bit of the franchise I could. Then, Hanamaru came out. It was a bit confusing because there are a LOT of characters that I had to remember. Having watched this season
3 times through the last few years and now playing the English release of the game, I think I can write a review on it now.
Story: 6
I liked the slice-of-life angle before, but now I can really appreciate it. It was interesting seeing what new character would join the citadel in show and now I get excited when I find them myself in the game. Naturally, the anime exists to promote the game so it isn’t particularly “deep” or anything, it’s not too different from the games premise of eliminating threats to history. The main swords (Okita’s Kiyomitsu and Yamatonokami) have their own challenges they must overcome and that’s what the story mainly follows, in addition to some other swords here and there. It’s not impressive but again, I appreciate it. I actually do love the way the sword danshi express whatever feelings they have for their previous masters. It’s an interesting concept on its own, factoring in real historical events and people.
Art: 7
Very visually pleasing. Designs are the same and the backgrounds are great. There are moments in a fight where we get the glorious shot of the character slaying the enemy and the frame is decorated with patterns and symbols, and the characters’ pose is a callback to their art in the game. However, the animation quality does suffer sometimes and becomes painfully average both in and out of battle. Hurts when you think about how epic a lot of it really could have been.
Sound: 6
In the moment, the soundtrack is nice to hear but even I can’t readily remember any single track that stood out after re watching this show so many times. The OP is a banger, easily the most memorable. Some of the EDs are fun too.
Character: 7
I really enjoy the characters. Their interactions with each other (which wouldn’t ever be possible outside of this series) are the reason why this is one of my favorite shows to keep watching. There are so many that there’s usually been something I didn’t pick up on the previous time. However, because there’s so many, there isn’t a whole lot of development (if that’s what you’re looking for) for most of them because they may not have an episode dedicated to them, they may just have a few minutes on screen.
Enjoyment: 10
Max enjoyment. I’ve just come to really enjoy the heck out of this series, so much so that I hope it keeps going, even as a spin-off. It wasn’t what it could have been here but I hope that some day, it gets another chance to be.
Overall: 7
It’s a pretty fun show to just turn on and just experience, whether you’ve played the game or not. There are some things that make more sense when you’ve played and things that go unanswered (because game) but they really don’t detract from overall watchability like you’d think they would. If you want something deep and thought provoking, go look somewhere else but if you want a lighthearted good time with a sprinkle of drama, give it a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 15, 2019
Sooooo~ Dakaichi review…
I totally didn’t know until a few months ago that this got an adaptation-
I definitely remember trying to read the translated scans for this manga a few years ago but my interest fell due to the dropping quality of the scans (and the fact that the project was dropped for a long time)- that being said, I clearly remember the very first chapter of the manga and it felt like it wasn’t an exact match to what I saw in the first episode here (like crucial parts being omitted). The manga readers can definitely sense the difference- some fans didn’t like it,
some didn’t mind it.
I went into it with little expectation but in the end, I watched it through in 2 days and it definitely wasn’t a waste of my time.
Not mind blowing but not boring, it does go at a leisurely pace for sure. Literally revolves around a couple and their sex life (more smut in the manga, much less in the anime so it feels like the anime drags a lot).
ART- 8
Crystal clear, in both good ways and bad. Good- it’s tolerable. There are some pretty well animated sequences, mainly individual character movements and facial expressions. Bad- the 3D cgi props and crowds are eyesores sometimes and characters appear off-model a lot with shaky lines that go farther than they should be drawn. Sometimes, scenes contain minor actions that skip a step (and it was very annoying for me when I noticed it) so you have to connect the dots yourself…
Not gonna lie, they could’ve just gone with a full time band/soloist to do the themes instead of the CV’s… the theme songs just didn’t work for me at all, don’t think they worked much for the show either. Bgm is standard.
I REALLY LOVED the characters! The main leads and even a few supports show their signs of growth throughout the show- that’s what saved it for me. Their voice actors did really well with their expressions. Even down to each character’s running gags, the characters are what made me enjoy this anime.
Overall, if you’re into bl/yaoi of course I recommend :)
Again, it’s a leisurely paced anime, not too much action going on at any one time, drama spurts here and there. It’s a cute and relaxing kind of show to breeze through when you’re not doing anything.
**review no.8 :3
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 11, 2017
I must say, this anime is definitely one to take a serious look at. At first, when I was going to dive into it, the score was a 7.20~ish so I decided to let it ride for a little more time. When it rose to 7.41+, I decided to start- and when I did, I couldn't stop!
The animation isn't totally consistent, but not to the point where it's a bother. The style is pretty retro, like early 2000’s retro, but with the modern clarity it's very enjoyable. Loving the op theme and bgm, has a jazzy feel to it; in contrast the ed is
What I like about the pace of the plot is that for a 12-ep series, it gradually builds up instead of totally throwing the climax at you at the last moment.
At some point, you notice all the allegories to America, mainly scenery-wise (for the sake of keeping spoilers to a minimum), which I thought was kinda cool.
I love the characters: none completely static, all fit into their roles (the wonderfully-told flashback ep really helps), and there weren't any I found annoying. The main character, the average Joe at his job and very normal, finds himself in the midst of “favors” by some of the top elites. At the same time, he learns many things, both about himself and the country. The interactions between the elites themselves are all the more interesting and nothing is blatantly obvious, while it may be a little predictable (which is good sometimes) after things start to come together.
Because of the creator’s previous popular works, I knew what to expect going into it. I'm not at all disappointed and am getting very much needed excitement and entertainment out of it.
Definitely recommended!!!!!!!!!!!! OvO)/”
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 31, 2016
The first story absolutely captivated me and prompted me to keep watching! I don't mind horror so much but I needed a little bit of thriller and decided to watch this.
(I know nothing about that which this was adapted from, keep that in mind)
The story is mainly unified through the main character when he finds business to do, in other words it's almost like an episode to episode story. Each individual story has a specific universal theme attached to it and sub characters in a predicament.
The art style was beautifully done! The 3dcgi goes virtually unnoticed because of the unique style of bright colors
(however this is also a tiny bit of a set back because it's hard to process what's happening sometimes). The backgrounds and effects really added to the mystery aspect and often make you go "now wtf is going on here???". Despite the often grotesque scenes, the style and choice of color really make it into its own work of art. It made me hard to believe I was even watching a horror anime at times! The fight scenes (or "final boss" type scenes) were very creative; it made you feel everything that was happening! The music was typical for the genre but I liked the way traditional Japanese music was incorporated into it to give you that kind of experience. Characters change with almost every story. The character design made me think of something from the 90's cartoons and along with the color style, it added a bit of a retro (yet very modern) feeling.
Overall, I seriously enjoyed this show. It felt like the kind of show where if it was a long time runner, you would always be able to enjoy it and probably never be dissatisfied.
—review number 7 (´・u・`)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 30, 2016
This was a show I decided to watch on a whim on a day where I didn't have much to do… it turned out to be a very good decision. It left a good impression on me, and after the second episode I just had to keep watching it straight through because it kept you wandering what would happen next, even if you knew the possibilities. I've read a few bl's here and there where a guy wants to be a girl and all kinds of drama unfolds. To be honest that's what attracted me to this show, but the reverse about the girl wanting
to be a boy was also pretty interesting. I don't quite relate to her (Yoshino), but I've been around similar people so it's not strange to me at all. Personally, I think this is one of those "before its time" kind of series, where it might take a while for people to catch onto it and it's messages, like how these days people are generally becoming more aware and acceptable of lgbt people (I'm not one for labels and such so don't feel offended…I get offended myself when people rely on them too much).
Since the main characters are middle schoolers, I feel like this could be a do or don't for some people. I agree it could have been more relatable if they were high schoolers, but it's all the more interesting because of the "tender age" they're at and they become aware of how the world really thinks. Some characters are static, and a bit unaccepting of the themes and such represent how the world really is. ///on a side note, I relate fairly well to boys that want to "pretty" themselves, the ones that want to become girlish and such. I'm a bit of a girly girl who likes to see cute things and wants to be cute at the same time (my rock-bottom sense of confidence might say otherwise lol). The trials of Shuuichi emulate this, so he kind of became my favorite in this show ~u~" /// I'm also a bit of a thinker who wonders about all sorts of things…"gender" is merely just another word to me, a concept created and idea stuck in our heads that most of us do not want to get rid of because it keeps "order" in "society" and such… in the beginning of this show, they ask questions like "what are little girls made of" and "what are little boys made of"… the way this show explores the gender ideal and the boundaries we place on it really make it interesting and somewhat deep.
I found the art somewhat average. The pale-watercolor style just oozes innocence, which is good but if you don't take to the story within the first few episodes it might just straight up annoy you… The music is also average but I enjoyed it. The op grew on me and the ed has a special place in my heart now because I love the way Rie fu sings and I was surprised that she did the song (currently not in the info for the show :| )
Overall, despite me watching it in one day, I really enjoyed the complexity (yet predictability) of the characters and the story that surrounds them. I totally recommend this to anyone who just wants something different to watch and has nothing to do! You might even have a few pairing ships to set sail (although it doesn't look like mine will T—T\ ~~
---review no.5 (^-^)/
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 29, 2016
I never thought I'd like this show as much as I did…at first it seems really mediocre but as it goes on, it's a very comedic and beautiful anime. It's a bit of a fujo-bait series for a shounen (coming from a fujoshi herself), but it doesn't stop you from enjoying it.
There's no real plot, instead there's just that episode to episode flow (mostly) and it gives a laid-back sort of slice-of-life feeling. Perfect for watching when you're bored or feeling melancholy, it picks you up a little. They way the human-yokai relationship thing is explained through the trials also gives it a nice feeling.
art and the music are gorgeous and near perfectly suit the traditional Japanese theme. The art is very clear and colorful while the music is easy on the ears and nicely done. The theme songs- at first I thought "eh, standard" when I first heard them but they grew on me eventually =v= The vocalist from the op has a very (very) nice voice and although I don't like cv songs so much, the ed between the main cv's is actually pretty good –u–)/
The characters aren't out of the ordinary or anything but they're quite enjoyable.
I really enjoyed this show! It made me want a second season, but also with the way it ended it felt like "mission complete", or that it's fine the way it is. Some things are left unattended to but not everything needs to be known, right?
~~review no.4 ☆
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 18, 2016
At first, I was a little skeptical, yet really curious as to how this show would play out with its theme. As a shoujo, many people would expect it to just be "blah" about it and everything turns out well: WELL LETS JUST SAY this: while some pretty predictable things do happen, it's the way it happens and how it happens that make this a pretty memorable show.
The art style (in addition to the genre) was what attracted me to this show, and it didn't disappoint either. The small town/country setting sets it aside from most other similar anime and gives off a relaxed
slice-of-life feeling. The music does very well to amplify the aura of the situation and is easy to listen to.
Some characters, we don't know enough about them to relate to them, but they still play their roles well enough to make the show enjoyable. Kakeru, for example, goes through some very stressful life disasters and his responses to them may inflict the watcher in different ways. For me, or anyone with depression and symptoms of depression, it really hit home. From his actions to the very words he says in those times, it struck a chord with me just how deep this show was trying to go. Even when he's the character I ended up relating the most to, I also saw myself in Naho, who tries to help him, even when she doesn't quite understand how.
Overall, I really enjoyed this show. I didn't have many dull moments with it either. The comedic moments made me laugh the most I'd laughed all day when I watched it. And *sniff* there were definitely moments where I just had to cry, out of sheer resonation with the scene or just plain "why did he do that????!" and "oh my god what" >3< * /on a side note, the scifi aspect doesn't really start to kick in until towards the end, and when it does it really gets you thinking (if you're the type of person)/
~~third review •–•/
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 28, 2016
As a collector and reader of the manga of this series, I was really excited when the anime came out… but at this point, if I were to refer this to anyone I'd tell them to read the manga first. I feel like the adaptation went well but not as well as it could have went.
For the story, as it happens in lots of adaptations of any manga, the sequence of the plot changes a little and that can be quite a put-off. Some of the original story isn't even adapted and others are either short or expanded. It feels like episode to episode,
your opinion of the show itself changes…
The art and effects are still very well done, like the fight scenes. The
mangaka's original style, like the thick and rough paint brush strokes for the "dramatic" effects, are incorporated in a good way. The animation is very clear, also. I'd say what I didn't wnjoy was the stop-start of character motion in comedy scenes…I feel like there wasn't enough done on top of that to give the watcher the notion that it even was a comedy scene.
The bgm could have been a little better. Where it was good, it did well to bring the moment to life I'd say. The theme songs help set the mood for the show in a positive way-- like the OLDCODEX op gives off the dark and action-ish feel and the cv ending brings more life to the characters. (I really enjoyed the ed because it was cute lol)
The cv's do a very good job of voicing the characters…I've had plenty of moments where a character appeared and I was like "wow, that's exactly what I thought he'd sound like!!!" As far as development goes, some characters are focused on more than others so it feels like you know them more (example Kuro and Mahiru) and everyone else just kinda fits into their roles and that's it :( because their backgrounds aren't adapted much at all.
Overall, I do enjoy the adaptation as much as I do the manga. I did notice the friendship theme and it's strong prevalence in the plot…which isn't bad but it does make up a large theme of the series itself…take it out and it would be completely different and would probably have a more mature feel to it. The action is good and the dramatic scenes could've used a little more work I believe. "Yes!! More dark shoujo is needed in this world!" is what I thought when I first started to enjoy the series (and is true after all). It's all guys (yessss) pretty much so for shoujo/reverse harem fans it isn't very hard to find a bias or two. No romance either (that was a plus for me) so it doesn't interfere with the plot. I do feel the anime was a little underrated but there are different types of watchers out there, no?
~~~and there goes review number 2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 8, 2016
The synopsis needs to be rewritten.
I'm a bit of a sucker for shojo stuff and I knew what to expect going into this when it aired. Overall, it is pretty enjoyable.
The art is great and the animation is clear. 3dcgi don't mix well with 2d in my opinion, but the way it was done in this show makes it worth it. The prop designs aren't totally unique, but then again not many are these days. The feeling of the art brings you into the world of the show.
The theme songs relate well to the feel of the show, too. And *cough* my
yanaginagi is heavily involved in va and song so that was another reason I watched.
The characters are kind of standard, nothing seriously special about them. Personally the heroine is a bit annoying but her cuteness balances it out for me a little.
At some point, interest starts to fade but towards the end everything picks up again. The main ideas of the show makes it interesting and keeps you wanting to see the plot through to the end. And nothing wrong with a little romance on the side.
*and there's my first review. a lot of my ratings are high: I watch what I enjoy and for that reason I enjoy watching them :) *
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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