**This review contains spoilers for this season.**
With season 3 being finished, the 6-year journey of the Mob Psycho 100 anime adaptation finally concludes. Despite the simple premise it has, its themes and messages are surprisingly profound. There’s a lot of heart put into the production with every season, and despite the series ending, its legacy will undoubtedly last.
The tale is centered around 14-year-old Shigeo, a.k.a Mob, attempting to find his place in the world as he grows by improving on his weaknesses. The storytelling approach is heavily character-oriented rather than plot-driven, as it is Mob's personal story the audience experiences. The comedy and light-hearted tone
make for some recurring entertaining moments, but at its core, Mob Psycho is a coming-of-age story that emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships and self-acceptance in one’s growth.
During season 1, Mob is pretty much directionless, trying to find his own purpose and desires. He doesn't take a very active role and instead reacts to the events that transpire along with the much more lively people around him. Season 2 is when Mob begins to take on a much more proactive role, learning to question things rather than remaining subservient and setting boundaries when necessary.
It is in season 3 where the themes take front and center stage as every loose plot thread gets resolved. Every subplot that’s been established in the past two seasons reaches its climax, tying up everyone’s individual arcs together in a manner that makes even the most over-the-top aspects relatable on some level. The first 2 episodes serve to welcome back the viewer by returning to the familiar setting through the hijinks in Spirits & Such, though it also makes a point that it's never too late to make something out of your life when Mob and Serizawa worry over their future.
The Divine Tree arc is the first major arc, a subplot that's been building up in the background since season 1. The eerie ambience gives the impression that something is off as Mob's friends and family get swayed by the Psycho Helmet Religion, which has become so widespread that Mob is left alone to bear witness to his city being converted. This situation, while exaggerated, alludes to real life issues that happen all too often such as herd mentality, as well as social exclusion and guilt tripping anyone who does not conform to the status quo. Dimple is called out for distorting the original Psycho Helmet Cult that was more akin to an innocuous fan club into something more sinister, taking away people's freedom of choice.
The confrontation between Mob and Dimple is a parallel between their first meeting, but Mob has changed so much to the point that none of Dimple's taunts make Mob's resolve waver. The buildup leads viewers to assume that the conflict will be resolved through a battle between them, but what actually happens is far more thematically congruent. Dimple and Mob talk things out and reach a genuine understanding of one another. The arc ends on a bittersweet note as Mob learns to be more considerate of Dimple and thanks him for being his friend, and Dimple choosing Mob's friendship over his self-aggrandizing dreams.
The Telepathy arc is a much needed breather after the emotional and climactic ride that was the previous arc. Shifting to some downtime with the secondary characters is favorable for any story because it makes for a more well-rounded cast by focusing on those not directly tied to the protagonist. The telepathy club gets their resolution by learning to make the most of their youth as friends while they still can. Not much progresses plot-wise, but it doesn't need to, because it is the character interactions that are the driving force of the series.
The ???% incident is the final arc, which is the culmination of everything the series represents. Mob’s ???% state, one of the biggest mysteries of the story, is revealed to be something far more mundane than expected – his repressed side. Everyone that Mob has helped attempts to return the favor attempting to calm him down when ???% takes over him. This was bound to happen eventually, due to Mob constantly denying a core element of his identity, leading to his restrained self to desire autonomy above all else. ???% and Mob are essentially the same being with the same emotions and desires, but with vastly different worldviews.
Due to Tsubomi's disinterest in his supernatural abilities and unintentionally hurting Ritsu, Shigeo hid behind the personality known as Mob as a defense mechanism to avoid using his powers and sought to recreate himself completely. However, Mob rejecting something so intrinsic to him and viewing his powers as inherently destructive stunted his growth, thus his 100% emotional outbursts became his only means of expressing himself. Only by continuously stepping out of his comfort zone with the support of his friends is Mob ready to acknowledge ???% as simply another part of himself.
Mob's journey closes with him learning to direct the forgiveness and acceptance he’s given to others towards himself. This is the crux of Mob Psycho, which manages to turn a very simple story about personal growth into a powerful message in such a well-crafted and succinct manner.
Easily the best aspect of the series. Everyone brings something of value no matter how small it may seem. The main characters in particular are all fleshed out characters with their own tightly written arcs that impact one another. The central bond is the dynamic duo, Mob and Reigen, whose relationship is nuanced and compelling while also serving as the vehicle embodying the narrative’s core themes.
As individual characters, Mob and Reigen influence each other’s character while also gradually developing at their own pace. Mob learns something from every event he experiences, and applies those lessons to resolve a conflict. From the first few episodes, Mob shows considerable growth from the past 2 seasons in subtle ways, such as figuring out his school culture problem by himself and taking the initiative for ideas on making the costume, and even striking up a conversation with his long-time crush, Tsubomi. Reigen also displays growth, like how he’s more accepting of Mob prioritizing his personal life and choosing his own future career instead of solely relying on him. Both of their arcs receive proper closure in the final act, with Mob embracing all of his facets and Reigen exposing vulnerability towards Mob for once by being fully honest with him.
Dimple gets his moment to shine during the Divine Tree arc, wherein he comes to the realization that Mob’s genuine friendship is infinitely more fulfilling than gaining blind adoration to validate his existence. Teru conquers his past self through arduous self-improvement, and by saving those people only he could save, he essentially wins in his battle against ???%. Ritsu confronts the source of his trauma and accepts ???% as part of his brother, prompting Mob to do the same. All of their personal stories ultimately come together to demonstrate to Mob that he is not alone, and every side of himself is fully accepted by them.
It’s also refreshing to see child characters be treated and allowed to be kids, rather than burdening them with responsibilities beyond their comprehension. Running away from overwhelming situations is always encouraged as being the best choice, and the adults are expected to confront the problems rather than the child espers. Reigen serves as that pillar and guide for Mob, despite having no powers, and this allows Mob to live his life like the adolescent he is. Every character has a valuable impact in Mob’s life, and vice versa.
Mob Psycho is known for its distinctive and experimental animation, due to its creative use of different styles that perfectly capture the absurd nature of the series. It’s evident the staff poured their souls into the adaptation with uninhibited artistic liberty, creating some of the most visually stunning scenes in the medium. Their imaginative vision in their production has even led to the anime being dubbed as studio Bones’ passion project, and with good reason. Mob Psycho’s simplistic and unconventional art style lays the groundwork for more fluid and exaggerated gestures that frequently go off model, breaking the mold from the more traditional, down-to-earth animation that is so commonly seen.
Miyo Sato’s paint-on-glass and sand animation perfectly encapsulate the supernatural elements of the series by giving them distinct styles, emphasizing their otherworldly features. The diversity gives the show an identity of its own, bringing so much life to its characters and atmosphere.
The action sequences all have amazing choreography that match the intensity of each scene. Even the non-action, slice-of-life segments are well-animated down to the simplest actions, such as moving around realistically and conveying expressions through subtle gestures.
This level of passion and attention to detail is a testament to how much studio Bones truly cares about the series.
The OST contains a variety of background music that’s appropriately used according to each scene's tone. The upbeat tracks which play during the light-hearted segments give a “comfy vibe” as the characters engage in their usual mundane activities, whereas the more somber tracks during serious moments create a foreboding atmosphere. "Exist" playing at the end of episodes 4 and 6 makes both scenes all the more memorable.
Season 3’s OP still has the trademark fast-paced psychedelic aesthetic, while also feeling like it’s the end of the journey with its comparatively more mellow song. The ED is a callback to season 1’s ED, with the same paint-on-glass animation with a more relaxing tune to depict the daily routine of Mob. The music never feels out of place and always complements what’s on screen.
This is where I speak from my own personal experience. I’ve been a Mob fan since 2016, and seeing the anime end does feel a bit nostalgic. Nonetheless, I enjoyed every episode of the season without a single one feeling dull. Nothing felt like it overstayed its welcome and everything got wrapped up beautifully in the end.
The two most prominent messages of Mob Psycho are ”people need other people” and ”everybody has many sides to them”. These are messages I feel that are relevant to everyone’s lives to a certain degree, and the empathetic approach in which they’re delivered makes for a very hopeful outlook without feeling idealistic. Even in the end when Tsubomi rejects Mob, it’s his journey for self-improvement that mattered the most. Even if we don’t get what we want in life, everything will be alright when we are wholeheartedly accepted for who we are by a genuine support group and by ourselves. It’s just like Reigen tells Mob, this is only the beginning.
While I do have a few minor complaints, such as some dialogue being cut out or certain things being left vague, it’s nothing that detracts from the narrative in any major way. The story, characters and production are still consistently top-notch, and any nitpick I may have doesn’t take away from the sheer love and effort put into the series, nor from my enjoyable experience. I couldn’t have asked for a better adaptation to a wonderful story the author, ONE, so thoughtfully created. All of this is what makes Mob Psycho 100 my pick for "Anime of the Year", as well as one of my favorite media in general.
Thank you for reading.
Jan 19, 2023
Mob Psycho 100 III
**This review contains spoilers for this season.**
With season 3 being finished, the 6-year journey of the Mob Psycho 100 anime adaptation finally concludes. Despite the simple premise it has, its themes and messages are surprisingly profound. There’s a lot of heart put into the production with every season, and despite the series ending, its legacy will undoubtedly last. STORY The tale is centered around 14-year-old Shigeo, a.k.a Mob, attempting to find his place in the world as he grows by improving on his weaknesses. The storytelling approach is heavily character-oriented rather than plot-driven, as it is Mob's personal story the audience experiences. The comedy and light-hearted tone ... |