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Dec 14, 2021
I'm surprised by how little I've heard of this manga. I'm still new to reading BL, but I know the most recommended titles and this manga isn't usually brought up.
==Story (8)==
Two words to describe this manga is that it's simple and wholesome. Don't expect anything deep or serious. Even when there's conflict, it's resolved rather fast or not as big of a deal as it's shown at first. Which can be amusing. The fantasy setting was fun to read through enough and you'll get enough info to understand how the manga's world works. The mangaka mentioned they've never thought of fantasy plot before and
I say they did a nice job.
The one issue I had with the story is the romantic development between our two leads. This is a bit of a spoiler: this is a childhood friend type of romance. Which isn't really my fav, but can like it if handled right. Though, in this story, it uses the past memories of the two as children as romantic development (tho on the MC's side). Of course, we certainly do get cute moments between present MC and the love interest and their childhood memories was pretty cute, but it was like their romance/realized feelings only happened because of their childhood memories rather than it blossoming as adults. Though, without spoiling too much, I understand why the love interest still loves the MC for a long time, but the MC only knew the love interest as a child and didn't grow up with him. I wouldn't say the romance was bad tho, it's more like I'd like to see the two develop their romance in their present time!
==Art (9)==
Incredibly lovely! This art style is very soft and the character designs were nice to look at too! It even managed to make a giant ball of fluff or mini fluff balls expressive and adorable. I would give this a 10 if there was a bit more variety in the backgrounds cause I noticed the backgrounds are either mostly blank or filled with leaves/trees.
==Character (8)==
Pretty great! Again, this isn't a deep manga so don't expect deep characters either. Tho, for what we got in a short time, I liked all the characters. They each had their own personality and had a good chunk of spotlight. The MC himself, Shin, was cute and so was the love interest Baku. Though, we don't get too much of Baku's personality as he's silent most of the time (but expressive at least). Interestingly enough, the mangaka wanted to include a bit more of Yatsude and his lady God but couldn't. I would've loved that addition! The story kinda hinted a romance between the two, but it showed mostly lady God being interested and Yatsude just being overprotective (tho I assumed that's just him acting as the messenger at first). So, it would be nice to see a little background of the two.
==Enjoyment (9)==
I'm so glad I bought this manga during a sale! It was so cute and heartwarming. Too bad it's short. I would've loved a bit more of this!
==Overall (8)==
I highly recommend this manga if you want something short and sweet. If you're in the mood for manga shopping, I recommend buying this when you can! It's nice to have a manga that doesn't include deep issues or melodrama.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 28, 2021
I'd like to point out: this is NOT a BL manga. There's some BL fanservice sprinkled in the series and a couple flamboyant characters, but not an actual BL manga. So, if you're interested in the series but don't want BL (but don't mind the fanservice), then go ahead and read this manga! I'm gonna do my best to not spoil in this review!
==Story (7)==
This will be a bit tricky to even summarize because the biggest issue I had with the story is that around the middle of the manga, it gets hard to follow. More characters get introduced and as more characters get introduced
then more plot points, world lore, and backstory info comes up. Which can happen with different characters talking and doing things simultaneously as well. I will say that the story gets bigger than the whole elector plot around the beginning of the manga. I even forgot about William having to choose an elector at times because I'm trying to keep up with the other things happening. It gets easier to follow around the end (I think around volume 13) where you'll understand better what in God's name is going on.
Despite the middle being a bit of a mess to follow, there is good world-building with the demons and angels and how things work for them. I wish we got separate chapters with the new demons/angels/other creature, so it would be easier to learn their backstory rather than info dump. We do spend time with William and his journey, as well as his connection with Solomon, which was handled well enough.
==Art (10)==
I LOVE Utako Yukihiro's art. Each character have a very attractive/cute design and looks great in color. The art is detailed, great drawn action scenes, comedic expressions are well drawn, and overall just nice to look at. This artist's other works include B-Project, Bonjour Koiaji Pâtisserie, and Shounen Oujo (also did the story!).
==Character (6)==
Just like the story, getting to know all the characters was a bit of a mess. First, I'll list the positives. The characters: William, Kevin, Dantalion, Isaac, Camio, and Sytry were overall solid characters in the manga. William is a great protagonist. He's such a little shit, but I can't help but love him. Of course, despite how he acts, he's not heartless. His reaction is understandable because he never asked to get into the world of angels/demons. He has a goal of being the youngest prime minister and rather focus on that. Of course, his stubbornness does bite him back at times, which was interesting to see. He's full of personality, so I enjoyed any scene with him.
Dantalion and Sytry were interesting as well and we do learn more about them. There was so much more to their backstory and they both have their own charming qualities. I enjoyed their interactions with William, though, I wish we saw them interact with other characters more.
Isaac is the side character and William's best friend. You'd think he'd drift to the background, but he surprisingly has a good amount of scenes. While he may not have some epic role, his role as William's goofy best friend and occult enthusiast was handled well. I'm glad he didn't end up forgotten.
I'd say, aside from William, Camio and Kevin were the best written characters. Which I didn't expect because the focus seem to be mostly William and Dantalion (sometimes Sytry). Kevin is William's butler who has a gambling problem, but his role ended up being a lot bigger and took on a more epic role in the story. His journey and backstory was honestly very interesting and a bit emotional at times. Especially his relationship with William, which was touching to see how much of a 'family' they are despite being master/servant. Camio surprised me as well cause I was expecting him to slowly be forgotten, but he had a solid character, engaging journey and backstory, and enjoyed his interactions with some of the characters. His romance with Maria was surprisingly consistent as I was expecting her to just be mentioned once or twice, but nope, we actually do get to see how much Maria and Camio mean to each other and was touching at times too. I will say, I wish we had more scenes with Maria as a character, but I was happy for them at the end of the manga. I was also happy to see Camio happy and his journey coming to an end, which I won't spoil. But I was definitely satisfied with Camio and Kevin by the time I finished the series.
Positives aside, time to mention the issues I had. The biggest issue I had was the large cast of characters being introduced but some either not having enough spotlight, introduced late into the story, or end up being forgotten until the end later to wrap up the story. Which is a shame because the manga does provide extra pages of Isaac introducing them and they seem like great characters I'd like to get to know. They'd get mentioned in the story, but they wouldn't get that much scenes as I hoped where you'd remember them in the end. Especially the angels of the manga. I think William should've spent some time with the angel characters (especially that they end up not taking the full on 'villain' role in the end) and in heaven, so we can get to know them better throughout the series. Solomon was a kinda disappointing character, he may have a huge role but he was forgettable. I think it's because we see too much flashbacks of him being this important guy and how much he meant to the other demons/angels, but not as a character. If that makes sense... I guess his purpose is to drive the story since the focus is William.
==Enjoyment (8)==
Surprisingly, despite the mess of a story and most of the characters, I had a good time with this manga. Again the world-building was interesting to read and the other characters are still fun. If there's a couple things, I wish we had more scenes with Joan of Arc and Gilles de Raise because I was very interested in their relationship and their past. Also, I wish we had more scenes to Micheal and Metatron because I felt like there was more to those two, like as if they had this deep bond or what but the manga didn't really show me that. I even forgot they knew each other a few times. The manga presented as if they've had this strong, unbreakable bond, but I guess it wasn't as interesting as William and Kevin. So, I didn't really care that much in the end. Again, we should've spent more time with the angels and heaven!
Again, despite all that, I did feel a bit sad by the time I finished the manga. I wish I could see the characters and an epilogue of them a bit more. So I can see how everyone is doing in their new life/role.
==Overall (8)==
I'm surprised with how little attention this manga has. I have yet to see the anime, but I don't think it had good reception. Tho, with 12 episodes, I doubt it would do well to cover most of the story, but I'll still watch. And if anyone watched the anime but wasn't impressed, I do recommend giving the manga a chance as it has more meat and fleshed out. If anyone enjoys Black Butler and looking for anything similar, then I highly recommend reading this. While I definitely had issues with the story being confusing at times and the cast of characters being too large and some not being impactful/memorable, I still had a great time reading the manga and seeing everything coming to an end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 27, 2021
I bought all 2 volumes during a sale cause it looked to be a funny, maybe cute short read. Based on the summary that is. But I wasn't all that impressed tbh. Here are my thoughts:
==Story (5)==
There's no real story or real flow of one. Based on the summary, I was expecting to follow some kind of story but with funny antics on the way. Instead, the flow of the manga and presentation is rather clunky. A few pages it would present like a normal manga but then the next pages after that, it would present like a 4-koma? Yet it's not like because it's
moved on to a new situation, we're still in the same 'scene' of whatever is going on. Oh and the story itself, it kinda does what the summary told us, but it would also move on to random scene. The manga is just mostly randomness.
==Art (8)==
I really liked the art in this manga. It's simple, but very expressive and fun to look at. The character designs, especially their eyes, are also fun and cute to look at. I loved the bright colors on the manga covers and a couple colored pages. Though, I'm a bit disappointed that the back of the second volume was the same as the first volume. I wish we saw more art from the mangaka.
==Character (4)==
The characters are mixed for me, as they do have their funny moments, but they're mostly forgettable. Wolf, Hawk, and maybe Bunny are what made the manga enjoyable for me. Wolf is such a cute character, so almost any scene focusing on him is enjoyable for me. The rest are alright, again they do have their funny moments sometimes, but I didn't care much for them.
==Enjoyment (7)==
Some pages are a bit amusing, I think one or two scenes got a genuine laugh out of me. One of the funniest things in this manga is how most of the male characters don't find Red Riding Hood cute or sexually attractive. Whenever there's a scene of RRH fanservice, the male characters are either disgusted, don't act flustered, or don't really react. Which honestly surprised me because RRH has a very cute design, so I was caught off guard. So good on you manga for surprising me. Despite that, most of the scenarios fall flat where I don't react to whatever is going on. It's hard to say, but after reading, nothing stuck with me? Despite the wacky scenarios and characters, I guess it's just a forgettable experience.
==Overall (4)==
Originally I rated a 5, but I changed it to a 4 after rereading the manga for this review. Despite having some giggles, I can't say this is a good manga or even average. As I mentioned before, somehow it ended up being a forgettable experience and ended too short. Though, I can tell the author was having fun with this manga, which is nice. It's a shame nothing stuck with me in the end, despite having a couple funny moments, even after rereading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 21, 2021
Quick Note: This review is from the perspective of a longtime otome game player/fan. So the high rating isn't exactly because it's a mind-blowing experience and everyone must read. My review will explain why I rate it a 9.
==Story (9)==
The whole premise is about giving readers an idea of how otome games are made while giving a lot of otome fanservice. It's got the plain but cute heroine that's always doing her best, ikemen characters that cover almost all types, and the ikemen guys having their moments with the heroine. We follow the heroine, who's a huge otome fangirl, as she tries to make her
own game in the otome company she works out. The manga does a good job of showing how much work goes into these games and it's a lot more than creating pretty boys and doki doki scenarios. Around the end of each volume, the author puts a note on the making of this manga and it's clear that they've put a lot of effort and research into this. So, I gotta give credit to them for that because I don't think I've ever came across a manga that tried to show the making of otome games while also having otome elements players would know and love. So I'd say, the author does deliver what they wanted to do.
==Art (9)==
The art is very otome-esque. It's soft and pretty. Which is perfect for a manga like this that's all about otome and a slice of life type of setting. It's not the most detailed artwork, but the simplistic look fits well enough.
==Character (7)==
The heroine, Yuzumi, is like almost every other otome MC, but is enjoyable in her own way. It's nice to see a heroine that LOVES otome game and shows her fangirl side. Though, is willing to learn and work hard for the company she loves. We get a lot of ikemen characters and that's where it's the weakest. While I love their designs, we don't really spend much time with some of the characters. I do like how almost each guy gets their own portion and cute moment with Yuzumi, but sadly it's not like for some of the others. Such as Shiraishi (The Lead Writer), who has an interesting backstory but barely explored, and Todoroki (Lead Programmer), who I kept forgetting their existence cause of how little he appears. Another is the rival company, we don't get to now any of the members except the boss. Which is a shame because I wanted to know what kind of guys they are. Because of the lack of character spotlight of some of the cast members, I have to give this portion a 7.
==Enjoyment (10)==
As someone who loves otome games, I had a lot of fun reading this. I also liked gaining some insight of what goes behind the otome I love to play. It shows that there is a lot more to making these games and I appreciate the author trying to make it fun as we learn. The otome elements and ikemen cast within the manga was just so great. My fav guys was Takumi and Alex!
==Overall (9)==
If you're like me and have a love for otome games or reverse harem manga, then I recommend this! It's a short read, but good if you want something lighthearted. I can also recommend this to people who are interested in the behind the scenes of otome games and don't mind the reverse harem elements. There's no real romance in this manga and heroine doesn't get together with anyone, so not something to read if you're hoping for a romance manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 20, 2021
I'm surprised to not see any reviews here. Welp I shall be the first one!
I swear this manga was made for me. It's got handsome/beautiful vampires, a perverted vampire fanatic heroine, a cute romance with a bishounen vampire, crossdressing, and an entertaining cast of characters. Though, as much as I enjoyed the hell out of it. There were some issues I had, which I'll mention:
==Story (6)==
At first, I thought this manga will be light on the story. The vampire fanatic Heroine finds handsome vampire and teaches him the way of the vampire. With hilarious antics and growing romance along the way. While the first volume
does as you'd expect from the premise, the second volume tried to get a little heavy with the plot. So after finishing the second volume, I felt a bit unsatisfied because the author introduced interesting plot points and characters, but didn't have enough time to insert any of those. No joke, around the very end of the manga, they put a short summary of certain characters' backgrounds which would've made an interesting story if there were more volumes. I also can't tell if this extra page at the end regarding the twist of Granny and little brother was an actual thing... But judging from the author's notes at the end, I guess it must be but didn't have any time to expand on that. Which is a shame. I also wish the romance was a bit better between the heroine and bishounen vampire. There was some cute moments here and there, but I wish we got more.
==Art (9)==
I really enjoyed the art. I love the rough style and how expressive the characters can get. The heroine's expressions when she gets very passionate about vampires is just funny to look at. My only complaint is some characters looking the same. It can get a bit confusing unless they show the whole body or call out their name.
==Character (6)==
As I mentioned, this manga has an entertaining cast of characters. The heroine, Arika, was pretty hilarious to me. Probably because I love a good vampire story and vampire romance as she does. She's not really a deep character aside from wanting vampires and humans to coexist and having a whole personal stash of vampire fantasies written down. The bishounen amnesiac vampire, Divo, is adorable and quite the mystery. The more you read, there's just something about him. Especially his body as he's missing... a certain part and can weirdly handle a fight. If you're expecting to learn more about his backstory as you read. You don't. As I've mentioned, you'll get to know just who Divo is and why's he the way he is in the author's notes at the end. Which is honestly disappointing. The little brother and Granny are the same way. At first I thought they're the family members that get roped in to heroine's antics, they're both funny, but turns out there was way more to them but only mentioned in the author notes. So again, it sucks that we didn't see that in the story itself. There's a half-vampire and priest character and they're fine enough and get a few laughs. Though, their background is deeper than what the story shows and you'll only get it at the end in the notes. Last are the 4 vampire beauties. I love their design, but they're introduced halfway in the second volume. So, again, we don't learn much about them. Hell, I don't even think they revealed 3 out of 4 of their names? Once again, you'll get a bit more of their backstory and names at the end. Because of the overwhelming lore behind the characters yet doesn't show it within the manga, I have to rate them a 6.
==Enjoyment (10)==
As I've said, this is the kind of manga I've been waiting for! Luckily, I read this manga without expecting anything deep or heavy, so I made this into a fun read. Which does deliver! I found most of the scenarios entertaining and always enjoy scenes of Divo being Divo. I could relate to the heroine and her vampire passion. With or without lore, the characters are fun enough on their own.
==Overall (8)==
Definitely read this for fun. The lack of plot and character explanation will leave you unsatisfied and a bit annoyed. So it's best to enjoy as a fun, vampire story. To my surprise, the manga has some ecchi-ness to it, so careful if you decided to read this in public. I still wish the romance between Arika and Divo was handled a bit better and more romantic moments between them. It kinda just happens, but their relationship was fun so I wasn't too upset. It's still a damn shame that the author clearly had interesting ideas for this manga, but not enough room to put within 2 volumes. Despite that, I recommend this manga to anyone that would like a fun, cute vampire manga with touch of fanservice!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 21, 2019
Alright, I'll start off with this: This movie is definitely for those who are fans of the Royal Tutor anime, like myself.
If you're new, then it is best to watch the anime first before the movie or you're not gonna care much about these characters. If you didn't like the anime or someone who's looking for something grand to happen in the movie, then you might be disappointed.
This review will be spoiler free!
One way to describe this movie is that it felt like I just watched one long episode of The Royal Tutor but with two new pretty boys. So nothing new really
happens story wise if you're familiar with the anime. If you're hoping to learn something about Heine or see more of the princes and their story, then this movie might be a letdown.
Like always, this anime just loves to make hair seem as amazing as possible. But for real about the art, it's pretty much similar to the anime, so nothing breathtaking. Though, I do notice the increase of 3D animation and it can be very distracting once you notice. It does not really mesh well and can look a little wonky.
The soundtrack is enjoyable and a good one for this movie, so I don't have any complaints. The ending song is pretty cute too and loved listening to it.
Again the characters will seem meh if you never seen the anime before. So if you're familiar with them, you'll still love these guys. Though, the focus of the movie will be these two new princes. And they're pretty decent characters and would like to see more of them if the anime does get a season two. Heine did not get that much focus as I hoped. The four princes have an even amount of screen time, though Licht and Leo get shining moments on their own. Sadly, Eins doesn't get much screen time. The interactions between the characters are just as enjoyable as the anime and a lot of fun to watch.
As someone who loved and enjoyed the anime, this movie was a lot of fun and made me want a season 2. One of my fav things of the movie was the ending where it was time for a dance and we get to see certain characters dance with each other which I won't reveal too much. It's just cute~
While I did enjoy this movie, I gotta say that it's nothing too special since it pretty much is like one big episode. If you enjoyed the anime and don't mind that it's like watching an episode then I recommend it! If you're someone that wasn't a fan of the anime, then I would say skip the movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 9, 2018
Even tho this review is very late, I'll just give out my thoughts anyway. MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS.
This is kinda tricky. At first I thought the anime was gonna tell it's story and let you observe and think, but around the end it ends up explaining certain topics of what the heck is going on. Which would make the story feel incomplete because there are so many questions unanswered and some stuff not explored enough. Though, the story itself and how it's presented is very interesting, but not much is explored which made me feel kinda empty and unsatisified around the end.
I really love
the art style in Red Garden. The use of colors and gradient is very pleasing and the art itself gives a mature feel. I love how defined or detailed the features of some of the character's face is. Such as different nose shape.
Just like the art, I loved the soundtrack in this anime. It matches the tone of the anime well enough. The opening is so nice to listen to along with the visuals. The endings I enjoyed a bit, but felt a bit out of place for the anime, in my opinion.
The characters are a mixed bunch for me, both side and main, but I will discuss the main characters first: Kate, Rachel, Claire, and Rose. If I had to rate them it would go Rose->Claire->Kate->Rachel. The reason why Rose is top for me, despite being not very useful in battle and shown crying most of the time, is because I enjoyed her development and Rose herself. She is shown to be timid and shy. But other times she has shown to be hardworking, determined, puts her family first, and does get angry at times. Like I mentioned, most episodes Rose cowers in fear, but she does get called out for it (tho a little late) and she does try to improve herself after that. I did wish the anime showed more of her fighting in confidence because the only time we see her kicking some ass is around the very few episodes. Which is such a letdown. Rose being very family oriented is very nice to see, I found it admirable to see her look for her father despite him leaving the family.
Now Claire is second because there are times where she is a jerk towards her guy freind, Yuane, when he's shown to try to be there for her most of the time. But she does show to be regretful of her actions and does try to make it up for him at least. The moments of Claire and her boss and family was so nice to see. Especially that small argument between her and her dad. Which makes it a bit satisfying and sad to see her finally reconnect with them again. Though, not much is explained about her dead mother. But her character development is one of the better ones. Kate is not the most interesting one tbh, but she's not a bad protagonist. I just can't think of anything that makes her stand out to me. The scenes of her and Herve does show a different side to Kate which I liked to see more of because she does not interact with other characters like the other three girls do. Despite there being some kind of history between her and Paula, another Grace member, yet they don't hang out much. Like seriously Paula is shown to be either this big sister figure or in love with Kate.
Rachel is fourth because of how much she frustrated me lol. Though, I do not hate her, I did like her at first. What made her last is because of her unfair treatment towards Luke, her bf then ex. The scenes between her and Luke was just hard to watch. Every time Luke wants to do something with her, she just seems so unwilling and somehow can't think of an excuse which makes her look even more suspicious. Even on a date they went to she doesn't seem like she's his girlfriend. Yet she's shown to hang out with the teacher for some reason, who is married thank GOD the anime didn't go the love triangle route, which gives Luke misunderstandings. And rightfully so cause she seems like she doesn't want to clear anything and just leave him in the dust. To the point I'm glad they broke up. YET Rachel is shown to have feelings for Luke which makes everything so confusing because of her actions. Funny how she explains what she'll be doing to a guy friend we barely see, but not Luke :/
The side characters will be short because the anime does not give much time for them lmao. There is a lot of side characters yet not a lot stick out to me cause some are either pointless (The Cops and Nick the teacher) or don't get proper development. The most interesting one would have to be Herve. Just like Rose, he's family oriented and would do anything for his family even though he ended up failing at the end. Lise was the least interesting one despite being an important one in the anime lol. We just don't get much out of her except she was well loved but I never cared about her because we don't get much.
My enjoyment was mixed. Some episodes I really enjoyed, but most episodes were so slow and not the good kind because it's not like they were showing much. Which made watching some epiosdes feel like a chore because not much is happening even though the anime could've explored something else that isn't the main plot. Such as Kate and Paula, Lise herself, Rachel's mom, the other girls involved, and so on.
I would recommend this anime. But more like if you're looking for something different to watch and got nothing. The action is decent, the main characters aren't bad, the soundtrack is great, and the art is so nice to look at. The story is interesting but might make you feel empty after finishing if you wanted answers on certain things. Since the anime ends up explaining some of the plot at the end anyway. Red Garden would have been a 9 or 10 for me if most of the epiosdes didn't feel so slow or used better time such as showing character development. But I rated it a 7, thanks to the art and soundtrack, without those it would be a 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 10, 2018
When I saw that there'll be an anime that contains pretty boys and Sanrio, I was HYPED. I grew up with Sanrio characters, mostly Hello Kitty and Cinnamoroll, so I was looking forward to what this anime will offer.
Sanrio Dashi may have been an informercial for Sanrio products, but that doesn't mean it can't be an enjoyable anime. I appreciate the message they gave in the first half of the anime. I can relate and understand each character's struggles when it comes to having unusual interests. While the anime did have a nice message around the first half, the anime kinda fell flat around the
second half with the 'I want to sparkle' plot. I understand with what they're going for, but it wasn't executed properly and some episodes felt blah. Another issue I had is how most of the drama was executed. The first couple of episodes' drama were decent, but things got more melodramatic as the anime progressed. Especially the episode with the blonde.
It's alright. Some character designs were decent, some don't stand out and pretty forgettable. The animation could have been better though. Some scenes were pretty awkward when they weren't fully animated.
I have no complaints. The upbeat OP and ED matches the anime pretty well. Kinda forgettable for me, but I don't think it's all that bad.
[May Contain Spoilers] Okay these characters may be either hit or miss, or just plain forgettable to others. While I did enjoy the cast, honestly, the only character that stood out to me and loved was Yuu. Seiichirou and Shunsuke were okay and liked them. Ryou really irritated me when introduced in the anime with his sour attitude and awful behavior. But he sort of grew on me around the end, and don't dislike him as much as I did. Kouta, the mc, ended up being a character I grew to dislike. Or at least not like as much as I did before.. I thought it was cruel with the way he treated his old friends, ignoring them or not really hanging out with them anymore. It was played for laughs when Kouta was ignoring one of his friends, but got old real fast and I ended up feeling sorry for them. Another thing was around Episode 11, when Kouta pushed Yuu, causing him to fall and have a cut on his cheek, which was bleeding too. I understand that Kouta was having self doubts, trying to fight his inner demons, but you cannot do that to your friends... He didn't even apologize... I really wanted to like Kouta, he's not even a bad guy, but I ended up not liking him as much as I did around the beginning.
Overall, I still enjoyed this anime despite the second half being blah and a few issues with the characters. It's kind of hard to recommend this anime, but this show does have its strong points, it just could've been much better. If you're thinking of watching this anime, then give it a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 8, 2018
Welp since there aren't any reviews for this manga yet, I'll go ahead and give my quick thoughts.
I scored it pretty high because I enjoyed this manga a lot more than I expected. It started out pretty okay, but really grabbed me when things turned dark in the first chapter. The more I read, the more I wanted to learn about the game itself and the characters. I looked forward to seeing what kind of game there'll be.
It's too bad the manga is so short. It made some parts feel rushed, or we didn't get enough out of it. It would've been so much
better if it had a few more chapters and took its time. As much as I enjoyed the main two guys, I wanted to learn more about the others, but the manga never really delved deep into them. Especially the female character that shows up, but is barely around. More like we barely learn anything about her. We don't even see her around the ending...
Overall, I found this manga a lot of fun and enjoyed the characters despite how short it was and rushed some parts were.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 7, 2018
This was a very enjoyable read, and was pretty satisfied when I finished reading all the chapters.
The biggest highlights of the manga would have to be the art and the action. I love how expressive the characters are and how detailed the spirits/ supernatural beings are. The action was tons of fun, especially when seeing how each character fights.
The story(?) isn't anything spectacular, but enough to make me want to keep reading. I put a question mark since each chapter would have different situations, some would be enjoyable or not. Such as a short love triangle chapter that seemed pretty unnecessary to me and
felt like a waste of a chapter since it didn't seem like anything has changed. Even the resolve of the love triangle was kinda confusing since the characters (female protagonist and her co-worker) don't really talk it out yet it was solved pretty fast.
The one problem I had, it's the reason why I gave it a 7, and it's the characters themselves. There's so many of them yet we get to know like 4 of them. Tho even their developement was pretty meh. I found them to be tons of fun, but it's such a shame how most, at least the main cast, don't at least get their own chapter so we can get to know them better. By the time I was done, I would remember only a few. Another thing that bothered me is how quick the romance is. Not just the main couple but the other couples or possible couples. Some don't even have good or proper chemistry to make me really care about whether or not they'll be together.
Overall, this was still enjoyable. If you want a quick read that's filled with action, supernatural elements, and silly moments, then I recommend this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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