Nov 23, 2018
I read this when I was younger, but I do remember a lot about it enough to write this review: it is terrible and should have never been written. This is just the kind of content that validates pedophiles feelings and desires, also making this great grooming material should they show it to younger audiences.
If you read this when you were younger as I did (I was around 13), don't allow this manga to make you think it's okay if an adult likes you. It never is.
This manga isn't nearly as sexual as Ken's other works but is equally as bad as the rest of
them. This does romanticize the relationship between a child and an adult--an adult with an authoritative position no less!
It would make any normal person squirm at the fact they make the child the one who wants to be in the relationship, which is what any pedophile thinks a child would want.
This manga isn't explicitly bad like many, but it is a wolf's in sheep's skin as it can make children think it's okay since it romanticizes and glosses over pedophilia as if it's just true love. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone ever.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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