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Jul 3, 2022
This was good. I really liked it. The art is absolutely gorgeous and the boys are fking pretty bruh like what even.
It's not BL or anything, in case anyone is wondering. The main girl does cross dress but as the viewer you already know she's a girl so yeah. They're not trying to bait or trap you or anything nefarious lmao. One of the guys also cross dress but it only happened like three times for certain reasons.
The boys don't fawn and simp over her but they do care about her a lot and do pamper her at times which is really cute to me.
actually didn't really like the main girl cos she just sounds like she's trying to be quirky but by the end, she grew on me and I feel like she's a good addition.
The plot and story is a little slow and the way they talk in roundabout ways does grate on me sometimes but I really enjoyed it either way. Each case they solve ranges from two to three episodes.
I would recommend it if you're into pretty boys or pretty girls or both. The visuals and aesthetics is really so pretty.
A 7.5/10 for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 3, 2022
I feel like if I watched this back when I was 17, I would've loved this. But now at my age, I think this is just decent. This series is good but at the same time I feel everything yet nothing after watching this. It didn't really leave an impact which is fine but it felt a bit bland for me.
The characters were all interesting but the plot really had nothing going for it. Also, the female lead is 15, almost 16 and the guy is 7 years older than her... We'll justify that by saying they're not normal humans in this show and it
is still just a show but it still feels off.
Natsume and Kage are my favourites here. Kage especially. I was having a bad day and his stupid greeting to Ririchiyo made me burst out laughing.
A 6.5/10 for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 28, 2022
I would've rated this higher but the last ep was so... confusing and aggravating.
I enjoyed every single episode, literally every single one cos it's so so good. This was such a delight to watch and the art style threw me off in the beginning but I quite liked it as I continued watching.
But why, just why, did they put the two cousins together??? Even if they're not 'together' together but why would they even imply that Luou and Miyako could like in each other in the first place??? They're cousinssss!!!! Even the mother kept saying that it is a family issue and so why would
Miyako run off to Luou again?? And after confessing to Junpei no less!! Wtf even.
All the good vibes I collected over the 11 eps just died in the last few frames of ep 11. If there's a Season 2 for this, please PLEASE have their relationships sorted out. Luou is obviously a very mentally unstable person and simply having his cousin around isn't going to cut it. She's just feeding into his mentally abused state and pitying him in the worst way possible. He needs actual help.
I get why Junpei had to leave Godai but it still hurts me to know that he had to see Miyako run over to Luou at the drop of a hat. It's upsetting and I used to think she was good for him but I don't think so anymore.
I would have given this an 8/10 but the ending pulled this down to a 7/10. Just shows how good this series was if they didn't mess up the ending tbh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 28, 2022
I'm actually mad that this ended lmao. I hope a Season 2 gets made cos it's actually really really good. It's much slower paced and obviously as a slice of life, nothing much really happens.
But with that said, the animation of the Japanese desserts and the relationships within the shop are so fun to watch. Nagomu is the obvious comedic relief here but he isn't just an air-headed guy with nothing to offer, he actually works hard and is very patient with everything going on around him. Itsuka is like a tsundere daughter lmao and I love how cold she is. She's also very responsible
and I like how mature she is cos sometimes she's put into situations where the adults are more immature than her and it's such a laugh.
A must watch when you're feeling all warm and cosy. An 8/10 for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 27, 2022
I feel bad for comparing this with "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" because they do have the same vibe but it is quite different. Some people also mentioned that the ending is cliche since it's a sad anime and we all know what's coming but I honestly don't think knowing the ending takes anything away from this. In fact, I feel like knowing the ending only makes every episode even more upsetting and I'm crying even at moments that aren't supposed to be sad. It is a beautiful way of writing and directing and they handled it extremely well.
I love this and "I Want
to Eat Your Pancreas" because the title of these shows may mean nothing until you reach the end. It hits you hard when you understand the actual meaning of these words. Their deaths are also painful because they fight so hard to live.
I'd give this an 8/10. Thanks for breaking my heart and making my eyes swell lmao.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 27, 2022
This season was alright. The last few eps in this season were more focused on Kanade than anything and the final ep kinda threw me for a loop cos this show is basically centred around Yukimura and Himuro so why the... Anyway, it's probably to add more complications and deductions to their scientific theories so yeah.
Kanade's 'normal' problem dragged on for too long in my opinion and I kind of got tired of it by the end. Like I get why she feels like she has to be 'normal' but at the same time I feel like it could have been resolved in 1 ep
instead of 4 or 5 eps?
That said, I'm a little more invested in Ibarada and Kosuke's relationship and I get that they're the side characters but I hoped to see more of their development instead of Kanade's dilemma.
The comedy parts were still on point though. Yukimura and Kosuke are my favourite comedic relief in this show.
A solid 7/10 for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 27, 2022
This season was great. I don't usually like new characters but Katai and Naruse are absolute gold. Any ep they're in is definitely a win and I love it.
Ep 8 is my top ep. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.
The only issues I had were ep 10 and 11, the animation and art quality dipped so much I wondered if the animation director went on sick leave or something cos it looked really bad lmaoo. But the last ep was animated beautifully and it more or less made up for it.
Najimi was fun as usual. Yamai is uh insane as usual and I don't
wanna talk about her lmaoo. I actually enjoyed Nakanaka more this season, she's the best competitor against Yamai but not sexually intense like her. Kometani is fcking hilarious cos usually Tadano is the one reading everyone but that one time Kometani read Tadano and my brother had such a laugh.
A solid 8/10 for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 27, 2022
Guys. GUYS!!!
We did it. They did it!! After 3 seasons of belly laughing and nail biting, they did it. They told each other their feelings and it couldn't have been done any better. The view, the scenery, the atmosphere, 10/10. Shirogane did such a good job, I like that he maintained his pride till the end but still put in all the effort for Kaguya while also making the festival as fun as possible for the students. Absolutely stunning and beautiful. When he asked her to join him at Stanford, I actually teared up. And the whole Arsène Lupin mystery thing was so fcking good
and so fun. Of course only big brain President would be able to pull that off. Kaguya going in for the kiss made me scream. It finally happened. Couldn't be any happier for them.
Playing the Season 1 ED also hit me with nostalgia bruh. So so so good and beautiful my goodness. My heart sang for the final ep and them holding hands was the sweetest and cutest thing.
Ishigami as usual is one of the best anime characters out there and he is not only godly but a whole ass mood and is completely endearing. What a boss. Love him wholeheartedly.
An 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 27, 2022
I actually really enjoyed this. As cliché and shoujo as this was, the relationships and character developments were not bad. And some parts weren't even that expected in my opinion.
Usually in these tropes, both the idols will fall for the girl and you know maybe some argument happens but there isn't that here. Both guys are equally tsundere-types and joke and mess around with her every so often while being caring at the same time. They even helped her clarify her doubts when her childhood friend confessed to her. They were supportive of her decision regardless of whether she got together with him or not
and they even had a talk with the childhood friend to affirm his feelings for her.
That said, what was up with that last ep lmaooo. Both of them kissed her mascot costume and I was screaming along with her hahahaha. It was a really sweet moment but I don't know what that was for. Maybe to show their appreciation for her or maybe it was just fan-service I don't even know.
I have one MAJOR issue with this show though. And it is the way they justify, that friend, Chizuru's behaviour. I get that she's a big fan of LIPXLIP but that was honestly too much and everyone just forgives her just because she's a fan LIKE NO. BIG RED FLAG. NO. She got so obsessed with Aizou and then starts working part-time to earn money to buy their merch and concert tickets and send them gifts like you know what, even that is fine. Teen girls do things like that. But the fact that she said she'd dedicate her whole life to them was just downright weird as hell bruh. And after that stunt of her exposing Hiyori and the guys, she didn't even get that much backlash. Like yeah sure everyone got mad but she was forgiven so easily and even punched Hiyori in the face like what in the ever loving- Even she herself said she shouldn't be a fan of them anymore but oh no Hiyori has to be the heroine and forgive her and let everything go like BRUH. If she can stir shit like this once and not even get into that much trouble, she may just do it again. And they try to justify this by saying oh she didn't know Hiyori was their manager-in-training. LIKE WHAT?? NO!!! So what if she was or was not their manager??? Does that mean she can go around spreading shit and causing trouble like that??? You're telling me the guys can't have normal girl friends or even be in a relationship??? Nothing justifies her behaviour. I don't care how much she say's she's poured money into them or worked hard for them or whatever, you don't do that. And the final ep with the boys saying they're not in a relationship because they have their fans/Julietas or whatever is just... I don't know if this is Japanese culture where idols dedicate their lives to something and because of that they aren't allowed to have normal lives or whatnot but let me just say, no. They both deserve to have normal relationships and not give everything up just because of their fans. It's not like all their fans are gonna stay single forever either like come on.
Okay with that out of the way, I really liked that one cliché ep of them going on a shopping spree for Hiyori's makeover. She looked really cute and I wondered if they were just going to keep her dressed-up self throughout the rest of the season but they surprisingly didn't which I appreciated. It maintains her image from the beginning and I liked that. And I'm sorry but I have to say this, Hiyori's screaming voice really grates on me and I want to stab my ears every time she does that. I'm sorry sweetie but you need to stop.
A 7/10 of me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 27, 2022
For whatever reason, I was kind of looking forward to this series cos it's a sports anime and it's different from the usual sports but it's actually not very pleasant to watch. The initial episodes are quite alright but it kind of just goes down from there. The drama or issues that come up are kinda subpar for me.
The usual injury issues and friends supporting each other are fine but some scenarios like the CEO of the agency where Arimura came from just tries to pull him out of jockey school after quitting his idol career is actually so dumb for me because at that
point, the agency has no hold over him so what even was that? And then they showed the CEO at the end like oh she was kind of a mother-figure but they portrayed her as some money and fame-sucking machine earlier. I don't get the drama there. There was no purpose to it other than confirming what Arimura wants.
In fact, I feel like Kazanami should've been the MC cos the fact that he cares so much about horses and can hear them is simply beautiful and he's a great and likeable character. For Arimura, it's like after the initial buzz of him switching from being an idol to training to become a jockey hype has died down, he really didn't bring much to the table. Of course at the end they'll show him winning a few races but I'm just like meh by then. Kazanami deciding not to pursue jockey is understandable. He's the most likeable in this series in my opinion.
The horse dying after one of the races caught me off guard but plot wise, it was relatively ok and not that bad but if you're looking for spectacular, it's not this. I think I enjoyed the OP the most in this. The animation is not fantastic either, they definitely invested more funds into certain visuals but the CGI for the horses and the jockeys at some points are almost unbearable to watch. That's about it. A 5/10 for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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