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Mar 8, 2021
So I recently watched this anime and while looking through the reviews I noticed a lot of polarizing opinions on this show. A lot of really high marks of 9 and 10s and a lot of really low marks for 2 and 3s but I think both of these ratings are missing the point of the show and are using emotions and probably some preconceived notions to rate this show. The truth is that this anime is just fine, it's not some Shakespearian masterpiece redefining the romance genre and it's now some gutter trash that deserves to be thrown away. The best way I could
describe this show is that it's a cutesy romance anime doing cutesy romance anime things and the show knows it.
I think with shows like this it's especially important to view the show through the scope of it's intent. I think often a lot of people go into series with their own expectations; which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I think it often leads to people missing the point and what the author was trying to do. A lot of time people sit down to write stories they just want to tell, they don't have some grand vision of telling this super intricate plot with amazing character growth filled with plot twists and suspense. Sometimes people just want to tell a happy story and allow people and themselves to escape inside a different world.
Does that mean we can't be critical of a show? No of course not, and that is why I think both ends of the spectrum are wrong when it comes to this show. It certainly has it's issues, with a pretty one dimensional female lead (although I think it improves by the end and the manga certainly writes her better), to some pretty no existent side characters, some bland artwork at times and a forgettable OST and I think it's okay to hold those things against the show.
But, what is the intent of the show? Like I mentioned above, it's a cutesy romance anime and that is certainly this show's strongest asset, and when looked at through that lens this show becomes show much more enjoyable. This is most evident that as you watch this show you will see there is little to almost no melodrama that is present. Any issues that crop up between the two leads are almost always resolved in the same episode. They actually talk to each other, learn from each other and grow as a couple. It's kind of surprising given some past experience with romance anime. A lot of the tropes that normally exist between the lead couple are non existent, and it's for these reasons that this show isn't as bad as others say. Because the show is often criticized for it's weak "plot" but that's the point. This show doesn't have a plot. It's not meant to, it's just meant to show a world where these two meet and fall in love and how their lives progress through their fateful encounter.
So I would say if you are looking for any sort of happy, drama free romance anime than look no further. This is a great series to get sucked into to, let your stress go, and just melt into the happiness that exudes from this show. This show, for any of it's flaws is still highly entertaining and I would recommend it to anyone that likes these types of show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 24, 2011
We've all been there, we have all had those situations were we just stared into the mirror and wished we were someone else. Othello follows Yaya; a girl who wishes for nothing more to be brave, and in doing so creates another personality to combat the problems she is to afraid confront.
I wasn't so sure about this manga at first. It was really angsty and the melodrama felt over the top. The bullying seemed unbelievable and I didn't like the way that it was always Nana saving the day. However, as the story manages to progress it started to turn for the better. The
underlying bullying theme kept its ugly head present for the whole thing, which disappointed me, but the story started to shift to Yaya trying to deal with her split personality. At first it was trying to understand what was going on, then it was trying to cope with this disorder. There was just such a subtly undertone in the growth of Yaya as a character, and it really caught my attention. The way she progressed and grew as a character was really something else, and to be honest some of the scenes left me goosebumps.
That being said, the manga was still plagued with some very poor writting. The dialogue felt contrived and the story never felt urgent, it doesn't help that the ending is really lacking. It's a shame too, because this manga could have been so much better. The way the mangka handles Yaya as a character was brilliant, no question in that, but it felt like she didn't know what to do with the rest of the story. It felt like a lot of pointless filler was thrown in there, and like she didn't know how to handle it. I'm not saying Othello is bad, on the contrary, it's really good, but it just could have been so much more, it could have stood at such a higher ground.
The art-work in Othello was truly astounding. Very attentive details in the background, really well drawn characters, and I must say I enjoyed the author's fashion style that she choose for the main characters. What really mad everything stand out were the mannerisms in the characters face, a weight of realism was attached to each movement, each smile, each frown, it felt like that these were real people, not drawn images.
Othello may be easy to pass up. It offers an enjoyable story, but does suffer from some spotty writing. It may not the the masterpiece it could have been, but at the end of the day Othello is still an enjoyable read nonetheless.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 11, 2011
Mystery, Action, Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, and...Necromancy? An unusual combination in creating a show, however, it is one that manages to pay off. Red Garden manages to take each one of these genre's and mix them together for a highly original anime experience.
Red Garden thrusts you right into a story about our four main female protagonist and their struggles with trying to adapt to there new lives and as recently deceased high school girls living on borrowed time. You might think this show would take a very straight forward action oriented path. Given the shows premise and the fact that the girls are ordered
to fight to stay alive, but this is far from the case. There is action, but it's not the main focus of the show in any way, shape, or form. Instead we follow our girls as they try to balance there new lives while solving the mystery around there death. The show, because of this has a very sophisticated feel to it.
Red Garden is an anime about survival, but about mentally surviving. It's about trying to get your life back together when everything you have ever known is flipped upside down. You will follow these girls as they try to adapt to there new life, and because of it change, grow and in some cases become completely different people. Which is what makes this show so enjoyable, is watching these girls go through just a tremendous amount of growth. Each character learns more about themselves then they could every had previously hoped for. As they become acquainted with one another, as there view on the world opens up from there previous narrow view point, as they learn the truth about there lives and there future, all of it leads to some of the best character growth in anime television, ever.
You will hate some characters in the beginning because of how the act and grow to love them as they change. Which, to the show's credit is something they handle very well. The writers of this show know how to make the viewer feel compassion and sympathy for each character. Rose, Claire, Kate, and Rachel all end up changing in some way, and it's damn powerful. How much these characters grow will just leave you speechless. You even end up feel sorry for Herve, while at the same time hating it. It's a show that isn't black and white, it's Grey, everything they deal with is Grey. The overarching plot does have some problems and unanswered questions, but at the end of the day they are forgivable. A series such a Red Garden is not about the mysteries surrounding these girls, rather it's the girls handling these mysteries and growing upon them.
I hated the art style of Red Garden, and I still kind of don't like it, but it has grown on me. I definitely prefer the character models, and setting of Red Garden then most anime. The characters and backgrounds look incredibly realistic, but the character mannerisms always annoyed me, right up to the end. They are on the brink of being realistic, but at the same time not being quite there, leaving me in a somewhat confused state. It's pretty then 90% of the generic anime that comes out today, but it is still rough around the edges.
I, for one, never really like the musical aspect that Red Garden tried to approach in the beginning of the series, which is why I was glad when they dropped it. I think trying to add a musical layer into a show is a good idea and has the potential to really add to a show, but I feel as if it hindered this series. It was like the creators of this show were going for some type of realism where each of the girls was just a horrible singer. Which, in real life they probably would, but it isn't real life, it's fiction. I don't really like listening to off-pitch singers, it annoys me, and it annoyed me hear. Maybe if they had gotten some voice actors that could also sing then it might have worked out, but sadly they didn't. Which, again I am glad they dropped it for the second half of the series(Somewhere around episode 9).
It's a highly mature anime that will leave the viewer in a very sombre state as they pray for the safety for the main characters. You will become attached as each character grows as people, you will feel sympathy for those you once hated and hate those you once liked. It's a complex anime of mixed feelings and genre's. It's a slice of life show through and through, you will follow these girls on there daily life as they simply try to survive, as they adapt to there new lives while trying to cling to what they know as reality. So please enjoy as you embark on this very sophisticated journey.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 12, 2010
Maison Ikkoku will have you both crying and laughing, both angry and at ease, and both content but wanting more. Takahashi Rumiko has set up the prefect formula in making a successful romantic comedy.
A lot of people will complain on how the series drags in the middle, and this is probably true. This series could have been about 100 chapters shorter and still had been as good. But at the same time this series could have been 100 chapters longer and still been as good. This is the charm of Rumiko. You might get angry at the countless number of misunderstandings that happen for
no reason, but by the end of the chapter you will feel incredibly satisfied. She is able to make everything in this manga serve a purpose, and when looking back at that, it's truly astounding. And to her credit, the length of this series was prefect. It made the ending of this manga powerful. And I will be damned if this isn't the best conclusion to a romantic story that I have ever come across. Honestly the end is definitely the past part of this series, no doubt in that, but it would not have been nearly as powerful if she did not put the effort into her characters and making you actually care for them as she did.
Which brings me next to the next part, the characters. People love to fly off about how bad the characters are because of their indecisiveness. But the thing they fail to see, is that these are the characters. There is development, and it's powerful. But one of Rumiko's powers is her power over characterization. She lays out who these characters are and that's it. There is no seemingly huge event that changes them, it's just little things that add to growth. But at the end of the day these characters are who they are, and that is people. Never before have I read something to where each character was so believable as themselves. Kyoko is just a widow who is deafly afraid of being alone, and Godai is just an average guy who lacks self confidence. That's it, these are who they are. And at the end, even when they finally come to accept it, it's still who they are. And that's what makes them so powerful. The story is their struggle to accept their faults and try to move on, and at the end they do accept them. But at the same time those faults are still with them, because at the end of the day that is who they are.And Rumiko does a great job of getting this off to the reader, letting us know that these are people just like everyone else.
If there was one thing that could take away from this otherwise wonderful manga it would be the art style. Don't get me wrong the characters and character expressions are done really well. In fact the character expressions are done so flawless that they actually manage to add another layer to the emotional depth of this manga. But the background images of this manga are just really poor. The sky a lot of the time is this really weird dark smudge that just takes away from the experience. In fact I had to laugh at one point, Kyoko was walking outside and said "What a beautiful day" but because of the way the sky was drawn it looked like it was about to storm. The art isn't a major set-back, and it can be dealt with. In fact you will be looking at the characters expressions so much that you won't notice a lot. But there are times when it will come out and strike the reader and it was enough for me to count this as a flaw against a seemingly flawless read.
Overall Maison Ikkoku is a great read. One of the best things I have ever come across. This manga is a roller-coaster of emotions. It will have you reaching for the tissues, your neighbors will yell at you for laughing too loudly, and events will transpire that will leave you speechless. All of it leading up to one of the most powerful endings ever. So if you are searching for a very above average romantic comedy then please look no further. Maison Ikkoku will take you on a journey of which you will never forget.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 1, 2010
Crazy wacky situations that bring about the sweetest moments. This is the essence of Shoujo, and Marmalade Boy is no exception. Marmalade Boy manages to get it's firm grasp around the reader during this very sweet shoujo experience, and it never lets go.
Like most Shoujo manga melodrama shall always peak it's unwanted head into our world. As to be expected with angsty teenagers, but never fear Wataru Yoshizumi is a smart women and knows how to handle this with care. The thing with Melodrama that makes it unbearable at times is it stays around far too long. However this isn't the case of Marmalade
boy. Nothing is at a stand-still, everything is progressing forward at a steady rate, that never feels rushed, but it never feels like it's lagging behind. The Melodrama that comes with all teenagers is never exaggerated in this manga. It is laid out in front of the reader and it is quickly taken care of in a very tasteful manner that manages to please the reader.
Characters have always been what pulls me into any Shoujo material. Whether or not I find the characters believable as people and the way the handle the situations they are presented with are usually what I look for. Sure great character development and characterization is a plus, but that isn't what draws me into Shoujo. Yes the situations that these characters have to deal with aren't always believable, but it's fiction, I don't expect the plot to always be believable. But I do expect the characters themselves to be believable, since they actually represent people. So I look towards the characters to be something I can confirm reality in, and Marmalade Boy meets this very much so. Wataru Yoshizumi knows how to write good, believable characters, and you really get attached to them. She gives everyone's view-point and you really have a feel of where each of our character stands at. So you never get mad at the choices they make, they are of the most part very logical and I can totally understand and sympathize with the characters. Something which is very important to me and it really gets the reader attached to the characters.
And that is what really keeps us turning each page with such suspense. It's not the overly amazing plot, no it's the characters. Because in Shoujo the characters make the plot, it's not the other way around. You read shoujo because you want to get sucked into someone else's life and Marmalade Boy does a very excellent job with this.
I know I am focusing on the characters quite a bit but that is because they are so memorable. That is not to say that the plot isn't worth mentioning, because that isn't the case. It's just in a manga such as Marmalade Boy, the characters are the plot. Marmalade Boy is about following the characters we are presented with and their journey to find love. There really is no story outside of the characters desire to love one-another and the driving forces to stick that out. But that is all we really ask for. We read this because we went to be swept up into a romantic fantasy, not because we wish to unravel some mystery or defeat the ultimate villain. No we wish to follow this journey of love and that is what Marmalade Boy does.
Marmalade Boy will set you up on an epic journey that will in times leave you in laughter, tears, heartache, and overall joy. It's truly a thrill as we embark as wonderful ride as our characters set out to find love in their lives.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 7, 2010
What do you do when you fall down? Do you get back up and continue what you are doing? Or do you simply wait for someone to come along and pick you up?
In a futuristic Japan where vehicle's know as Ridebacks are all the rage Ogata Rin must try to pick herself up from ruining her career as one of Japan's finest dancers.
Rin herself may be one of the best things to come out of Rideback, as she is a terrific main lead. Throughout the entire series she tries to come in gripes with herself, and why she does the things she does.
Why is it that when she rides Fuego does her heart pound so much? Why did I make that jump? Why in all of these flames do I feel truly alive? These are the type of questions she ask's herself throughout the series, and her coming into gripes and realization of each of the answers is truly a wonderful journey.
Rin is most definitely a rare character, but sadly that's all this show has to offer in terms of characters. Unfortunately all of the characters are nothing more than one-dimensional cut outs used simply to move the plot forward. You never get to know any of the characters, on really any level, other than their purpose inside the context of the plot. Which is definitely a draw back, from an otherwise great show.
One of Rideback's successes is that it's plot is believable. I am not talking about the motorcycle's with arms. No I am talking about how everything comes together. How Rin comes into mix with the terrorist organization and why she becomes wanted by the GGP. It's brought together, by a couple of really believable coincidences. Rin getting caught in the middle of this doesn't feel forced at all. On the contrary, it actually feels like she got caught in the middle of everything.
However, just because everything comes together in a believable way does not forgive the very shaky plot of Rideback. The problem with Rideback is that it's only 12 episodes long. I think that a longer series would've benefited Rideback a lot more. The viewer never fully understands what happens in the show. Why is the BMA leader want revenge so bad? It's clear he was screwed over, but how? Why? Who is this mysterious lady who seems to have the answers? Why is she helping take down the government she works for? The anime itself is full of questions that never get answered. If this series was extended and had the time to answer, explain and expand on everything already present that this anime would have truly been a masterpiece. But alas it's 12 episodes holds it back and keeps it an average level.
The two biggest successes of Rideback have to the art and soundtrack. Both entirely entrancing and add so much more depth to this series. The animation of Rideback is breathtaking. The character designs are top notch, and the background visuals will leave you in a state of awe at just how beautiful they are. The Rideback animation is flawless and the action sequences done with the Rideback have so much detail in them that they will raise your heart levels tenfold.
The soundtrack in anime(Outside of Mells consistent bad English in the opening) is fantastic. From the adrenaline pumping techno to the beautiful piano scores. The OST adds a depth to this anime that the story and characters weren't able to. It adds so much emotion as Rin tries to figure out who she is, and really gets your heart pumping every time she gets on a Rideback. Truly one of the better Sound Tracks out there.
Unfortunately do to the jumbled messed of the plot and lack of any character depth(Outside of Rin} leaves this anime easy to forget and easy to pass by. It's a good anime, but at the end of the day that's it. The stunning visuals and beautiful OST does not make up for the other area's that are lacking. Rideback is definitely worth a watch, but don't go in expecting to find one of the rare gems of this decade.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 6, 2010
We all have those series. Which for some unknown reason we can't help to love. We know we shouldn't, we know it's not good. But we can't help but watch the series and be totally entranced by it. Buso Renkin is that anime for me. It's a totally predictable, cliche, crony shonen anime. It's nothing new, it literally brings nothing new to the table, but I just can't help but love this series.
Buso Renkin is your typically shonen experience. It's got a main character who is given a power by another and mysteriously keeps powering up and doesn't ever seem to
lose any of the battles he is in. This literally sums up Buso Renkin, it's fight after fight, power up after power up, but Kazuki doesn't ever seem to lose. Each episode for the most part does have some pretty humorous comedy in it. Just random outbursts by the characters ect...but it helps keep the action somewhat fresh. It's got some nice romance that develops along the way(I am a sucker for anything love related). One thing that was a let down was the action in this show. I have never been one to enjoy shonen's were it is just power ups and beat downs. There is one really amazing fight, where I can only imagine most of this anime's budget was spent. But the action isn't that good in my opinion.
Despite this the show is still incredibly enjoyable. If I had to attribute why this show is so enjoyable, I would have to say it's the chemistry. Everything comes together so well, and I would have to say this show's main success is the pacing. It lays everything down in front of the viewer in a very logical coherent path. Nothing is ever rushed. Despite Kazuki gaining as many power ups as he does, it never feels overwhelming. It never feels like he is always meant to win, or that he is over powered. It feels like he is just growing. The show allows time for comedy, but it never forces it. It doesn't add comedy in dramatic moments for the effect of comedy, it simple puts comedy in places where it belongs. Even the relationship that starts to develop between Kazuki and Tokiko isn't forced. You really get to see the chemistry between these two characters grow and you get the see the feelings manifest, something of which I did not expect to see in this anime.
The show's characters(Mainly Tokiko) also made me fall in love with this shows. While Kazuki isn't anything new in terms of characters, he certainly isn't bad. He is just a typical shonen good-guy. He wants to do what ever it takes to protect everyone around him, even if it means scarfing himself. However Tokiko is the real star of this show. She starts out, cold, brash, and filled with hatred. But by the end of the series she is, open, shy, and full of love to give. She truly goes through amazing development through the series. Most of it comes from being around Kazuki, and beginning to learn what it is to like to love and want to protect things dear to you. Now what made Tokiko so awesome in my eyes, to be blunt, was the fact that she was a badass. Screaming "I will rip out your guys" killing all the Homunculus in her sight, and to be honest, not to many people can sport a scar as hers and remain that sexy. Her personality and development just made her a truly enjoyable character.
At the end of the day, nothing changes with Buso Renkin though. It is still your predictable, cliche shonen series were the good guy always wins. This series brings nothing new to the table, but at the end of the day it's enjoyable. And that is all that really matters. So if you are looking for a good action anime(That mixes several anime concepts), with some very awesome characters, and a good mix of comedy and romance. Then I suggest you try Buso Renkin.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 17, 2010
Yume de Aetara is a beautiful heart filled manga that leaves you wanting more each new page. Yume De Aetara doesn't bring anything new to the table, in fact it's really generic. It's about a young male(Fugno) and a young female(Nagisa), there relationship, and how the grow and mature through it.
It's story is as simple as it sounds from the synopsis and despite how clear it is that these two main characters will end up with each other from the first chapter, it is still really well written. But just because its obvious who each person will end up with does not stop the
drama at all. Along the way some very well done love triangles start to develop and many other things that add to emotion of this manga.
It's characters is what gets you so invested into this manga. They bring so much emotion to this story that you can't help but love each of them and cheer for them. Our main characters are very shy around the opposite sex and have no luck when it comes to dating. These characters don't have any tragic past that make them act the way they do, they are just normal people that struggle with confidence in themselves. The interactions between the two main characters is what keeps you turning every page with such great suspense. You can't wait but to find out what happens with our young couple. They are very innocent and watching these two characters grow and mature together is definitely one of the highlights of this magna.
Fugno is someone who you can't help but feel bad for and root for him as he tries to fulfill his dream with Nagisa. However because Fugno is such a nice man he often finds himself in situations worst than when he started. He just can't say no to people, knowing what it was like on the other end. He is just overall a good guy that tries his hardest to make those around him happy.
Our main female Nagisa is a very insecure woman. She comes off to a lot of readers as loud, rash and mean, other wise a tsundere. But she isn't anything of the sorts, she like our main male lacks confidence in herself and thus puts up a big wall between her and men. It takes sometime for that wall to come down but once it does she really starts to open up and you can just feel all the love she has to give.
This manga may sound average at first, and it may be. But the overwhelming emotion that comes as this journey with our two lovers unfolds makes this a fun read. Something that will have you wanting to pick up the next chapter as soon as you finish. So if you are looking for a good romance manga than look no further Yume De Aetara is what you are looking for.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 1, 2009
Ai Yori Aoshi is a very straight forward one dimensional anime. There isn't anything else i could say to describe this anime other that. It's a typical lovey dovey through and through, but nothing else.
It's story is incredibly simple. It's a typical harem anime in the sense that the main male character is surrounded by five or six females who all have feelings for him. However it is very evident in the beginning who he will end up with. The story it's self does not know what it wants to be. It doesn't know whether it wants to be a romance anime that specifically focuses
on the two main characters or a harem anime. Sadly because of this the series takes the horribly awkward approach and tries to do both things, but fails miserably at it.
It's harem elements are never flushed out enough to ever bring anything to the table, other than two or three episodes, most of which are filled with echhiness rather than the actual problem at hand. The feelings just linger throughout the series with nothing to make note of.
The two main characters are forced to hide their relationship, and thus have to "sneak" around in order to get any alone time. But this is incredibly misleading, because the backyard is like a different dimension of which no other character is ever allowed to step foot in. Even though the scene's done with the two main characters are done correctly and are very nice to watch, there are very few of them and very spread out through the series.
It's characters however are the weakest part of the show. Most of the characters in this series are plot devices use to simply keep the harem plot moving. They never try to confront their own feelings, they are barelly even aware of it throughout the series.
The main characters are just flat, nothing more. They aren't deep. Aoi is a character with very little emotion at all, expect that of the love she feels for our main protagonist Kaoru. Kaoru is a character i had hope for. He is the only character that even has a chance of development with the fact they actually take the time to explore his past. But instead of having him confront his past, the allow him to run away from it the entire series, and use the same three clips to show his "awful" child hood. He remains flat, undeveloped and almost unlikeable.
The art is nothing spectacular. It uses many still frames, and focuses on the characters faces a lot. Not to much attention to detail, at least nothing popped out to me. The characters have a very moe feeling, which is fine since they are really well done, with a lot of detail in their facial features. It's not bad but not great either.
The sound track of this anime is different. It's music when it's upbeat is pleasant and easy to listen to. However when every there is anything remotely bad happening it uses the most dramatic and mysterious music ever. I found myself thinking i was watching a murder mystery at many parts rather than a romantic comedy. It's original Sub is fine, but avoid the dub at all cost. Despite some decent English VA's it is awfully done, one of the worst dubs i have personally come across.
Overall if you are in the mood to see a lovely dovey anime with echhi scenes in it than you should give it a try. However if you are looking for an anime with any sort of substance than steer clear of this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 1, 2009
Lovely Complex is about a girl(Risa) whose height is above average and a boy(Otani) whose height is below average. These two have always been friends and are often mistaken as a comedy duo. That is until one day Risa start's to look at Otani in a different eye.
It's story sounds very simply, which it is. However it is executed extremely well. The height difference is handled with care and is never made really awkward. The story itself is a romantic comedy and it holds up to it's name. This has to be one of the funniest anime's I have seen. From the bickering between Otani
and Risa to the amazing sarcastic nature of the their friends. I have never laughed so hard at something before in my life. Comedy however isn't the only thing that this anime brings to the table. No it brings some very well done drama into the mix. There will be several moments that will have you reaching for the tissue boxes.
Lovely Complex's characters make the series. Koizumi Risa is someone you can't help but love and cheer for her throughout the series as she try's to get her love across. Her perseverance throughout the series is truly inspiring, she overcomes many obstacles and no matter what she always keep's pushing forward. We can't forget our main male lead Otani Atsushi. Otani come's off as incredibly stupid, and I mean incredibly stupid. But he isn't in the least bit, he is just really innocent. He is just your average high school boy who has yet to realize his feelings and thus causes him to act the way he does. The series is more of Otani trying to find himself, and while it is a long bumpy road it is definitely worth the wait.
Lovely Complex's art isn't something extraordinary or ground breaking. The character designs are really well done and there is a lot of attention to detail in the environment. But the main success of it's art is just that it is easy to look at. You have a lot of great color's that come out and support the characters well. Nothing new, but it's done well.
The sound track in Lovely Complex is simply amazing. It's songs like the art isn't something really new or anything along those line's. But it just highlights the scene's and adds so much more emotion to the each and every single detail. I honestly don't believe I would've enjoyed this series as much as I did without the soundtrack.
Overall Lovely Complex is a great anime. It's a prefect balance of Comedy and Drama, it will have you falling out of your seat laughing while at the same time jerking at your heart strings. Lovely Complex may have some faults throughout the series, but they do not stop this series from being truly enjoyable.
And i thank you for reading my first review. I am sorry that you had to struggle with my awful grammatical errors. If you notice any mistakes or ways i can improve please send me a message and again thank you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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