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Oct 3, 2021
I wont waste a lot of words. Typical chinese "cultivation" scheme level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 master and grandmaster etc. This is to be expected so its not a negative or positive because that part truly is about implementation. Lots of really decent action scenes, some romantic tension and decent plot to overthrow an entire kingdom.
i give them credit for all these good things. there tho is underlying problem...too MANY storylines. im sure they'd say...well deal with that season 2345...but no guarantee this will happen so viewer is left asking...but what about this and this and
this etc etc some 40 times and thats just TOO much. they could have semi wrapped these mini stories without ending them forever and it would be easier on the satisfaction level for viewer. frankly they had no choice but to leave them just in lala land because they didnt have enuf 6 minsegments to cover even 10 of them.
THE REAL RUB - you watch all this and i naturally hoped a FEW maybe 1 even MAINstoryline is resolved. its not. terrible ending very lackluster almost sleepy. theres this sickly emperor that just TOTALLY RIPS the excitement and anticipation out of ending. ITS PROFOUNDLY AWFUL. these folks have fought endlessly over 44 episodes with decent action as i said, romantic tension, secret love interest etc and then in comes SICKLY EMPEROR and sucks any remaining life outof the story. no resolve to main romantic tension love. just empty nothing. no resolve of grandmaster maniac did all this.
no hint of his true identity either ...just a bloody hint.
everyone cultivated to really high levels risked life love and limb to basically wander off staring into the sky...
no literally STARING AT THE SKY...
watch for action. then BRACE YOURSELF to be let down hard..
they ARE hoping for a season 2 but i know ill be very leary of them do it again at season 2 end.
god so MANY MANY story lines left unanswered. i could list easily 30-40. very bad storytelling. these other storylines wont hit you right away but as you ponder the series it will begin to hit you.
read enuf... good i hope you enjoy 1-40ish and that my review has properly braced you for the toxic wrapup. cheers
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 18, 2019
Todays quick and dirty ridiculously BLUNT review
The stories are set up as a bunch of minature nancy drew mysteries.
Within the single episode mysteries is a VERY boring and VERY obvious overlapping mystery.
The individual episode mysteries are about as thrilling, engrossing and challenging as atching a street magician pull shit out of a tophat or pull the proverbial never ending multicolored handkercheif out of his pocket.
Geewhiz folks, thise tricks were boring when they were invented in the 1700s.
The characters are boring and one dimensional
The mini mysteries are for IQ 60 and under at best, maybe 40.
The artwork is plain and consists of kids sitting
around talking in brownish gray rooms for hours.
Theres ZERO chemistry with the main characters.
If you wjoy a challenging mystery, DONT watch this.
If you enjoy WATCHING PAINT DRY DO watch this
If you like dramas with complex characters and lots of surprises DONT watch this
If you enjoy watching already DRY paint DRY SOME MORE .....aw hell
Even this BORING review i wrote is more interesting than the show....
They should make an animated CSPAN channel and name it HYOUKA.
LAstly, i think MUSHISHI is like doing jumping jacks comoared to this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 24, 2019
…....errrr rather I mean THE EYES HAVE IT. As in EYEBALLS. This anime is OBSESSED with closeup shots of eyeballs. You will see 100s by the end of the 3 films so get ready.
Think I'm exaggerating?
OVA 1 has (I counted for you) EIGHTY close up shots of eyeballs, eyesockets of skulls, eyeglasses reflecting another person talking, and random meaningless handrawn sketches of eyeballs, eyes with blood dripping out, egyptian OSIRIS style eyes, a cat with a letter A in the eyeball, and eyeball with a red heart for the pupil and a flythrough sequence of an human eye
then a skull socket, then a screen of skulls, then another skull eyesockets to finally Cossette standing in the skull eyesockets.
Now that we've covered eyeballs and eyeball close-ups …
…..Howdy folks, Greetings from Bullibaby. This review is a more PRACTICAL GUIDE TO VIEWING what is kinda an anime confus-a-thon.
First things first….
I'm definitely 100% positively sort of entirely not completely sure you should watch this OVA 3 part series but I highly recommend you probably watch it if for nothing else...but to say you did and LIVED TO TELL.
And it's got some really cool graphics IF AND ONLY IF imho you do the following:
---->>slow the whole movie down to 0.8 or 80% speed. Hopefully your using an app that can do this without destroying the audio. The movie should slow down, while audio sounds normal (just FYI case ya didn't know that tech exists.)
Why slow it down??? because the movie is a sequence of 100’s and 100s of still shots of buildings, chairs, lamps, candles, antique lights, Paintings, Venetian goblets dangling chains and of course TONS of eyeballs with animation sequences mixed in. But even the animation chooses to cut scene changes and viewing perspectives way too often. It's not very fluid so SLOW IT DOWN or you will honestly get dizzy. Warning:. Daume studios was kind ENUF to include lots of REPEAT REUSE sequences as well mostly of eyeballs etc etc. (Lame)
2nd viewing instruction:. If you take my 100% positively ambiguous recommendation and watch the series...you should avoid at all cost the English dub UNLESS...
**you enjoy a romance horror where Cossette the most desirable woman on Earth recites her lines like reading a Denny's menu or phonebook and almost no feeling or mood, nearly monotone mostly.
**Eiri the boy madly in love with a painting that wants to kill him narrated with an overtone of complete disinterest like a complacent 8th grader talking about US history. Nevermind how MADLY in love he is, you wouldn't know it by his tone.
ANSWER:. Go Japanese with subs and the actual mood of the movie is conveyed EXCELLENTLY. The diff between Japanese and English is profound.
NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS. if you slow it down you'll have a chance to ACTUALLY SEE some very well done scenes and animation. It's really a paradox, there's beauty to be found in this OVA and there's plenty of issues.
I personally had a favorite scene where Eire is speaking to a co-worker and your vantage point is as if you put a stained glass window up to your eye and rotated it slowly observing the characters as they talked in a kaleidoscope of colors and textures. BEAUTIFUL. 1 of 100s of incredibly detailed complex animations definitely worth seeing for artistry sake.
So about the story. First ya gotta understand the eyeballs obsession. I believe the reason everything is EYES and EYEBALLS is 4-fold, maybe 5-fold depending.
1--The story is about marchello Orlando an artist/painter who is obsessed with the beauty in the EYE of the beholder (namely his eye) of Cossette his girlfriend. He so obsessed he wants to freeze her beauty in time by killing her. Hence the EVIL EYE of the beholder.
2--a SINGLE 3 SECOND frame shot of a psychic entering the antique store where Cossette painting is says one line “all these objects must have souls.” Per Wikipedia this is referring to Japanese culture that any antique abandoned and forgotten for a 100 years or more spawns it's own soul due to TRAGIC loneliness. An ANGRY LONELY antique per se with souls and the EYE is the window on the soul.
3--With the angry antique theory, it would seem that ALL the antiques, glassware, furniture etc present in the house where Cossette was murdered has now spawned angry souls who not only WITNESSES her murder but wish to avenge what they SAW WITH THEIR implied EYEBALLS. (If u follow).
4--Take this idea one step further you'll WILL (I promise) see scenes with 100s of eyeballs and big globular floating eyes thru out the movies. Where did all these eyeballs come from u may ask??? Well, if the eye is the window on the soul then the SOULS of all the ANTIQUES that witnessed her death are represented by the eyes in these scenes and they are all going to kill Eiri.
5--Finally, Marchello Orlando believed As KRUNCHYMAN so eloquently wrote in his review describing Cossette:
She is Essential. She is Beautiful. She is Perfection. She is a Muse.
Marchello only forgot SHE IS HUMAN in that list. So it's entirely possible the eyeballs are a reference to his objectifying of cossetes VISUAL BEAUTY and they will now have THEIR revenge on machellos soul reincarnated in Eiri.
Say what you will, as I said THE EYES HAVE IT.
Overall, the concept was strong, the implementation was VERY weak. I personally didnt FEEL the connection between Eire and cossette. Eire seemed just like a total moron whose too dumb to know a bad thing when he's got iT and I thot Cossette came across as a stone cold bitch hell bent on revenge. Imho there just wasn't ENUF character development for me to feel her loving side.
Soooooo, At some point in movie 2, the REAL COSSETTE who wants to punish marchellos soul and all the EYEBALLS want to punish him as well seem to mellow and RELENT in battle. They no longer wants to torture this innocent reincarnation, at which point, Eire appears to NOW have to wage battle with The ACTUAL MYRIAD OF PAINTINGS.
I'm not telling you this as a spoiler, but I had to rewind it three times to just understand why COSSETTE was NO LONGER Cossette, but an IMPOSTER which was the PAINTINGS THEMSELVES. you see the IMAGES of Cossette had now begun to FIGHT for their rightful place. You are NOT I repeat NOT told or even implied of this switch. But to relieve your mind, I'm telling you.
I guess, since Marchello had exchanged Cossettes life for the life of the portraits, they had become living souls and quite frankly weren't happy with Cossette and Eiri making peace for cossettes soul. This would have legitimized her as a human rather than a living IMAGE.
So the LIVING IMAGE of Cossette, which there are 100s of in marchellos studio, becomes personified and tries to deceive Eiri and trap him in some special CLOSED ZONE in the underworld that only they can occupy.
But Eire sees thru the plot by the paintings and rejects the LIVING IMAGE IMPOSTER and proceeds to paint with his own blood a final PENANCE for his crime. This final act of contrition sets Cossette soul free, ends the INVASION OF THE EYEBALLS, and sets all the LIVING IMAGE IMPOSTERS on fire.
HONORABLE MENTION:. Yuki Kajiura's soundtrack is amazing,
For a perfect description of the actual storyline the writer probably intended...read krunchymans review.
For a practical viewing guide I humbly submit mine.
Best of luck and btw ask yourself occasionallY JUST FOR FUN, where in the name of God does Eire store ALL THOSE GALLONS AND GALLONS OF BLOOD spraying everywhere. :-).
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 9, 2019
Hey folks bullitbaby here with hopefully another REAL WORLD breakdown.
First off, I REALLY liked this vintage 1998-1994 OVAs. Each episode roughly year apart and I come at it from a VERY different PLACE. So did the writer director which is refreshing. Imho
Other reviews proclaim continuity issues, the xcess pointless nudity, unusual nonsensical character development. But each episode is a FULL YEAR apart. Your NOT gonna get standard series style character developement under these conditions. TO PRETEND SO IS SILLY.
So right off the bat just get yourself OUTa of the 12-24 episode series character developemnt. I believe we are meant
to understand this.
Now for EXCESS NUDITY I gotta tell ya there's A LOT! MAJOR AMOUNTS. But it's not pornographic in nature to me. Here's why. There are 100s of samples of cultures fighting naked covering their bodies in WARPAINT TO SCARE THE OPPONENT.
THE anime of late has SOOOO MANY tropes in it of the UNBEARABLE shyness of touching, and any boy that likes boobs, panties, etc is hentai pervert over and over ad nauseum thru the whole show. Whoever decided this makes ANY sense to true human nature was mentaly broken. I DESPISE this part of anime and there's NONE of it here thank the gods.
I believe in the 108 dragons they received EXTRAOREINARILY GORGEOUS FULL BODY TATOOS IMHO that was the dragons warpqint And it IS beautiful honestly. I loved this aspect. Lon Tayans dragon, mother Lus full body tiger tattoo and LU chinran front and back tiger calling to the dragon is simply marvelous. A snake and Phoenix appear later as well and I wish they'd used episode 1 detailish design in episode 5-6, especially the Phoenix.
The ONLY mortal sin in this tattooed warrior design....aBayasan should have a moon bear tatoo covering her giant body. The moon bear was the single largest animal occupying the highland regions of Japan. The bear also represents the guardian mountain spirit Yama no kami and is both a fierce protector but benevolent. I think this would have fit her perfectly. Imho.
For more on the moon bear significance read this essay...fascinating.
Also in many societies, people are initiated naked to secret societies do show they have thrown away their past selves. So APPRECIATE the truly PRIMAL NATURE of the naked scenes and don't view it as porn or bloody fanservice. It's not meant to be.
Also contrary to societal norms, there are many many open relationships where two people love each other deeply but switch partners now and then to spice things up. Hard to digest for some but it's everywhere you don't look. I have many friends like this and they are more happily married than half the other monogamous ones honestly.
And finally, mafia world is flooded with sex. Hell it's prolly half their revenue. These stories wouldn't be nearly as authentic without it. Imagine Elfen lied without nudity and pure gore. Daughters of mneumosin REN without nudity and Gore. Neither can I imagine Freeman without the nudity and sex and gore.
So I believe we are to see this nudity and sexual Scenes from these perspectives. Also Lon Tyan crying freeman in later series as the leader of the 108'must tackle a TRULY life threatening undercover infiltration to an evil 2nd group to avenge dark eyes. To do this he must have a LOT of sex with another woman. This isn't betrayal but his job as the leader take it or leave it. This also happens in modern day ALL THE TIME But clearly noone told some reviews. You DO YOUR JOB if it involves sex so be it. That in no way means it involves love.
So overall, I found the erotic stuff tasteful and necessary, the TATOOS AMAZING. The TATOOS took an animation hit in episode 4 and weren't as amazing on Lu Chinran but recover somewhat in 5-6. overall as yearly OVAs they had continuity and we're very enjoyable.
Frankly they stand out as very unique, lacking all normal conventions of today's anime which is a good thing.
I also found the GIANT sister BAYASAN to be some comic relief here and there and a great support character to the general storyline.
So I say watch it, relax about the nudity. It's cultural, NO fanservice or hentai. It's none of those things. I honestly wish there were more or a reboot would come along. Same visceral sex, nudity, violence but in episodic.
9 overall.
Thanks for reading, hope u enjoy them as I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 6, 2019
Hello bullitbaby with hopefully another down to earth review
Ya know, I REALLY WANTED to like this anime. But in the end It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to like due to so many mortal flaws .....except for ONE thing...the actual animation.
Simply put, this animation STRONGLY RESEMBLES GHIBLI STYLE. If your a fan of Ghibli animation you should feel the similarity almost immediately. The very idea of mixing technology blimplike flying machines etc but maintaining a small town classic style county architecture is also very Ghibli if you've watched any of his stuff.
Anyway, so bottom line, if you choose to watch
this anime, you'll likely enjoy the animation cleanliness, flow, style etc, ....you won't enjoy much else as the conflicts in the story build rather quickly. The improper character development shows starkly and ohhhh the endless unanswered questions......
you will notice yourself feeling more and more questions than answers, lots more, none of which will be answered sufficiently or for that matter even hinted at answering....cuz there are no answers.
Some examples:
---its revealed in the first 10 minutes the FRACTALE system is a super AI made up of 22nd century technology of basically a gazillion processor thinking machine (which Clain refers to as "old antique tech" in an offhanded remark. This super AI is to provide everyone equal resources, opportunity, food and basically a war conflict free life full of enjoyment peace harmony et al.
So why in the same first 10 min do the COPS show up at a local swap meet. COPS in a PERFECT FUTURE SOCIETY?
---also what century is it actually, I never found mention of it although 22nd century is considered old by Clains measure. Maybe it 24th or so. Who knows.
---where do the cops take offenders, jail? Are there courts? Is there laws? If so what are they in this future perfect world.
---if a gazillion processors can create DOPPELS (another name for avatars) as holograms you interact with, why not just create ones that look like the people rather something COMPLETELY ridiculous like a water cooler bubble head "dad" and a pink lampshade with giant red LIPS no less as "mom" to CLAIN.
---you also find out that FREEDOM in the perfect society means abandoning your children and living anywhere you want as long as your pink lampshade avatar can speak to your child.
---why does the family unit have to be destroyed just because your every PHYSICAL need is met. Every EMOTIONAL one is not and can't be without family.
These are just a FEW questions from episode 1 that are never answered. If you watch this, you'll think of more, trust me.
Want more questions....HEREGOESNOTHIN....
---why was phryne so QUICK, like a couple hours time to strip full frontal to Clain and then conveniently fall asleep on him in like 5 seconds flat with no top on (bless producer for not showing nipple or I woulda thot this was toned down high school DxD). Just more fanservice to hook people that need that muck I guess in episode 1.
---why is the soon to be tsundere character phryne so quick to trust Clain with precious NESSA that she risked life an limb to smuggle from the temple. Only to hand her off to him an vanish to somewhere for no known reason.
---phryne suddenly becomes a MUCH more typical tsundere by declaring to Clain that NOONE can love her EVER as she tries to abandon him again later. She remains staunchly TSUNDERE to the VERY END before in final episode warms up.
A little late folks.
---why is Clain shocked to meet a REAL girl. Don't they have dating in perfectworld or REAL girls you date and marry and procreate.
---why are there outcast lost millennium societies in PERFECTWORLD or as we discover PERFECTGLOBE all planet.
---where are the cops which we NEVER see again.
---why in episode 1 was phryne being shot at by the lost millennium group who LATER say they must CAPTURE ALIVE the KEY (which phryne is the KEY) to overthrow FRACTAL.
Pure nonsense....no worse than nonsense.
Eventually....as you ask yourself endless questions you'll ask THESE TASTEFUL QUERIES
---why must GOD be 10 to be PURE and receive Gods soul.
---Why must God be 16 to be the KEY.
---why just Gods soul of age 10 must be unified with Gods body age 16 to be a proper created KEY.
---why GOD WHY!!!...must the 16 year old KEY body between ages of 10 and 16 be DEFILED SEXUALLY (as the anime calls it, not me) while in clinical stirrups by a perverted guy named Barrot who likes the way Phyrne smells. This is cringy.
---why is Barrot evil and where did he come from.
---why is he in charge of everything even the head priestess we find out. You will NEVER know. Just another token evil character with no purpose or origin or backstory.
---why does FRACTAL need a TEMPLE OF OVERLORDS to operate perfectglobe.
---why can't 22, 23, 24th whatever CENTURY it is tech update the logs of it's citizens without them praying in the direction of the temple (like a Muslim 5 times a day). Just plain weird that one. Why mimic Muslims. No clue. Like hey writer...does my cell phone pray in the direction of the tower 5 times daily to update. My God it 22nd or higher century tech - how STUPID can this plot get!!!
---why must perfectglobe be rebooted to save itself every 200 years even tho it's perfect.
---since FRACTAL runs The entire GLOBE we find out, what would a few billion people scrambling for resources look like once the system was collapsed by Lost Millenium....yeah the APOCQLYPSE is right.
This very obvious fact doesn't stop lost millennium rebel group tho who intends to Do just that chips fall where they may all so mankind can experience true FREEDOM or ......what we call TOTAL ANARCHY, AND TRIBAL WAR GLOBEWIDE. But nevermind that bit of logic or details.
---why is there a city megaplex called XANADU that resembles modern Tokyo on steroids for the aNEON factor that only the UBER RICH can live in. Awfully stratified populous for perfectglobe don't ya think.
---why doesn't NESSA who has the soul and clearly the POWER of God use that power to save Clain whose been shot ....she NUKES electronics for like maybe 10 square miles devastating Xanadu with her power....and all she did was THINK Clain was in danger. Yet ALLLLLLL other times he's in danger.....NADA, ZILCH, NOTHING...not even to the VERY END does she exercise this GODLIKE Nuclear Explosion power. Only once. Utter silliness. Absurdity. Toxic wasteland of dumb dumbness.
Enough WHYning about WHYS.
-WHY are you gonna watch this...DONT. I did so you don't have to.
Thanks formreading and I hope this helps you save some anime time in your future viewing. Cheers.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 2, 2019
Hello bullitbaby with your REAL WORLD breakdown
Try and imagine an anime built around the premise that theres a young girl whose been physically and psychologically abused by her father who regulaly takes full nude photos of her since she was a baby.
Now imagine an ecchi anime loaded with fan service that not only SHOWS these photo sessions with daddy in GREAT detail nipples included (cringey as F).
The girl tries to kill herself but fails. Runs away from home, is chased down by her father but ina tussle with abuser daddy she falls to her death and is reborn a zombie.
Then imagine this
same ABUSED, PEDOPHILED child being used by the animator in multiple fan service ecchi shower scenes full front and back nude shots as well as the usual bouncing breasts, panty peeks, and typical fan service muck.
And then add the worst most pathetic ending known to man. The writer didnt even have the guts to kill off the pedophile father. No he flies off into the sunset.
JESUS, at LEAST have the zombie daughter rip and tear the throat out of her pedophile father for GODS sake.
I honestly feel gross that i watched this to the end but i sooooo wanted to see the dad get ripped apart or burned alive or something. But no.
The rest of the storyline of the boy who loves zombies and helped Rea (the abused girl) get back on her feet (as a zombie after she dies) is okay in itself, nothing special, not COMPELLING in the least. Its just filler really.
The weiter couldnt even write this as a decent love story of a boy and a zombie who go on a RAMPAGE to avenge her abuse as a child and they fight through various battle scenes, and then maybe the boy is killed in final battle and the zombie then tears the father apart, sets whole house on fire,rescues the boy and carries his lifeless body out of burning rubble. She then licks his wounds and is revived as a zombie by her magic saliva (you learn Rea’s magic saliva in the show) and they go off as two zombies into the sunset.
NOPE NOPE. SORRY. Its a show with a pedophile father who abuses a child from infancy who is later used as ecchi fan service in a lousy story with a lousy ending. Andoh, the father gets off scott free to abuse another day.
Why god did i ever watch this to the end. Im so brain dead. But YOU dont have to because youve BEEN WARNED.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Oct 31, 2019
Hello bullitbaby here to help you understand the only reason ANYONE watched this anime. We loved the fighting games of yore.
The end.
On a rather sadistic note, i must say i began doing things during the movie like keeping track on paoer the number of times the dialog didnt match the mouth movements. Someone said, hey just make the mouth move, noone watches peoples mouths.
Noone but ME muuuhhahahah. Anyway, i lost count around 791 times.
This anime also has another weird thing to count on paper.
The number of times that the animation chracters eyes move in a strange
unnatural way.
Whats unnatural. Im not sure how to descibe it. Just waste your life watching this for 20 min if you can stand it and somewhere in there youll catch the eyes for instance looking at nothing while still talking or just kinda sliding to the left or right at end of a sentence. Its just weird ya gotta see it and then you CANT stop seeing it like everywhere.
I dubbed it the demon eye effect and decided all the characters were demon possessed and then pulled up the wiki for demon names and behaviors and then renamed all the characters demon names based on ancient demon lore.
God thise eyes are so messed up.
I mean what else ya gona do while something this awful is playing.
For any MORE detailed review of the 1001 reasons to hate this anime, please read all the other reviews.
ITS a review bloodbath and WELL DESERVED.
If however you are INSPIRED by me to count the mouth words out of sync, the weird eye movements, fighting moves that are unidentifyable and possibly physically impossible, and decide which REAL demons are controlling their eyes at random times........
......then I believe you will enjoy this movie and be sure an include plenty of alcohol which does make the demon naming a lot more fun especially when done with friends natirally. You can even name the weird fighting moves that make no sense and then try and count them as well. The glove has been thrown...go forth my children, let the demon naming BEGIN.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Oct 31, 2019
Hey folks, another down to earth review from bullitbaby.
So ya say ya wanna blow off 90 minutes and have littlweto show for it but a silly smile on your face and a giggle in your chest. THEN YOUVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
This movie comes with tongue in cheek futurism and a surprise ending that i loved. Why? Because its perfectly silly and a GREAT LAUGH.
No spoilers, cmon lets waste 90 minutes.
This is classic early 90s anime designed with a relatively simple plot common in the 90s. What wwas it? Computers will someday do everything for us but it will end
in disaster when the machines take over.
What was 1991?
Teminator 2 (the long awaited)
WWW made available to everyone in august 91
year of 386 and debut of 486
Color computers for apple system 7 and adobe photoshop 2.0 release changes graphic arts forever and direct to plate and press printing on apple send desktop publishing into full overdrive.
Yahoo is #1 search engine
Visual basic for microsoft is released soon to become one of the most popular ways to hack microsoft products thru a simple email or word document with VB Attachment. Just previewing the email or opening the word document would infect you. In 7 more years you will release windows98 dubbed the worst operating system in history by your own engineers. It still retains this honor in 2019.
Anyway, 91 was time when it was very common to envision the imminent takeover of computers eventually becoming thinking machines aka terminator 2.
This movie is a funny little ditty about a computerized bed that completely meets all the needs of the elderly including pooping and urinating (both are VACUUMED out with a bed attachment. (This made me genuinely laugh).
And if you keep a lighthearted feeling about wasting 90 minutes to smile giggle and laugh a little at this ssilly little spoof on futurism, youll enjoy it. Yes its about the “danger of autonomous machines”. Agggggghhhh. (Tongue in cheek).
Yea, this movie barely even takes its own plot seriously as this poor budding AI robot bed stumbles around like an infant learning to walk....
.....but weighs like pfffft 5000 lbs at least and crushes everything in its path (laughing all the way).....but not intentionally.....NO NO NO...no more than a 4 year old trying to climb up onto a priceless antique table knocking over a priceless vase, dumping flower water all over the table and carpet and then sitting there and playing in the water as the parents stare in disbelief or maybe begin to cry hahaha. 🙀🙀🙀😁😁😁
Desiring anything else of this movie would be a waste of time, and watching it is also a waste of time but the good kind of wasted time, with a smile and a laugh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 31, 2019
Hey folks bullitbaby here again with another hopefully down to earth review.
This anime is quite simply NOT worth watching but definitely worth LISTENING to MOST of the soundtrack if you like rock and roll guitar.
WARNING: If you play guitar definitely do NOT watch this anime. The absolutely MENTALLY DISTURBING animation of him playing these power jam KILLER riffs is not bad, it's INSULTING, BEWILDERINGLY AWFUL, LAZY, UNCREATIVE, UNINFORMED and HAUNTINGLY BAD.
But how about the animation in general?
Sure it's 1999 animation so we'll be fair and compare it to
Ghost in the Shell
Hunter x Hunter
Etc etc.
Based on those camparables, it absolutely, does hold up to scrutiny in more ways than i care to list.
It appears from the very obvious logo in pre and post credits, this anime had the financial backing of PIONEER, the company well known for things that sound good LOUD.
I give the SOUND a 9 or 10 depending but mostly a 10 because it definitely is AMAZING and without a doubt LOUD. How much Pioneer had to play in that I don't know but IT DEFINITELY lives up to he PIONEER name as we know it in the late 90's.
I honestly think, imho, this idea was sold as a rock Opera and had ALL the AMAZING POTENTIAL of such an endeavor. Honestly, what an AWEWOME idea that ripping on guitar could provide fuel for fighting an intergalactic war. And with Pioneer behind it, the whole anime should have been amazing, but alas, only the soundtrack Is.
As for the storyline overall it could have been seductive, erotic but tasteful, engaging, and of course ROCKIN!!!, ya know like rock and roll but becomes none of those things.
Nevermind how the anime also takes the same bad musical playing animation and equally bad space battle scenes and REUSES THEM over and over. It's downright strange these regular scene deja vus makings something bad even worse. Of course I know animation takes tons of time and talent. I'm sure the temptation for anime artists to reuse a scene is always there cuz NOONE will ever notice. Unfortunately, it happens so many times here, its impossible NOT to notice.
Nothing else really needs to be said. I could evaluate all the opportunity this anime squandered but then I'd have to explain how a musician feels when their playing to a person whose never picked up an instrument.
Thanks for reading and I hope this review has helped you to STRONGLY consider checking out the soundtrack and avoiding the anime at all cost.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 27, 2019
I'll try and keep this short. You should keep the number of episodes you watch of rainbow equally short.
Summary:. A steaming mass of stereotypes including but not limited to:
*evil prison warden
*Evil masochistic prison guard
*One for all and all for one friendship
*Fake infomercial like prison scenarios
*Men that fight at first and then later bond
*Limited character development. Why does this prison have only ONE sadistic guard. Other prisoners, do they exist? Oh right in the lunchroom scenes and NOWHERE ELSE.
*every criminal has a good person buried deep inside
*Looooong internal dialogs while time just keeps ticking away and one of the 206 crew may
die but urgency doesn't exist until we are dragged thru 20 minutes of internal dialog And self conflict. 3 minutes of plot becomes an entire nauseating pointless episode.
*Cheesy nicknames typical of prison story stereotypes.
*The one "silent type" prisoner that has all this deep wisdom in life.
*Sob story backstories on the pack of 7 that would "break your heart" were it not for the fact that two episodes later the anime will contradict it's own backstory.
Worse yet, all the backstories are as stereotypical as can be. Alcoholic father, mother's a whore, starvation as an orphan, evil orphanage with an evil caretaker, blah blah. Sponge Bob SquarePants has more depth and meaning.than these backstories.
*the youngsters are HORRIFIED that BRO might have committed PARRICIDE (the act of killing ones parents).
.......ummmmm Huh? PARRI--what?
I'm sorry is that related to parrotcide (act of killing a parrot), elephcide (act of killing an elephant), or herbacide (the act of killing an herb or a guy named Herb or Herbert.
Caution:. Not to be confused with the "common" everyday word Herbslaughter (the act of accidentally slaughtering a guy named Herbert or Herb. SURE PARRICIDE is an actual word that NOONE uses except this dumb anime.
*What are the ODDS of encountering someone who committed PARRICIDE when you enter a prison. I'd say about 100%. Shall we still be terrified at the very thought of such a thing. Clearly the other six are.
And what are the chances an average prisoner knows this PARRICIDE word and uses it in conversation regularly. About ZERO percent., Maybe even less.
*this anime is loaded with Storylines that fall apart almost instantly. Take the prison fire episode. Guy smokes, guy gets caught by the one and only Evil prison guard. Guard throws key to 206 out window. Let em die he says. Bro against all odds reenters the burning building. No guards stop him nor do any other locked doors or gates. He being the wise one of the bunch never considers TELLING A GUARD about 206 so they can unlock it and rescue the crew. He would RATHER use all that wisdom to try and open a STEEL prison door with his bare hands while standing in a burning hall.
Meanwhile "uncovered", the prisoner who started the fire SOMEHOW gets all the way to the grassy area to look for the key and no guards stop him. Suddenly he is discovered by who else but....evil prison guard. They proceed to have like 10-15 minutes of dialog. A NORMAL EVIL guard type would just pull a pistol, shoot him in the head, take the key, justify the murder as prisoner trying to escape. NOPE, that's WAAAYYYY too logical. After some tussle, and endless dialog evil guard eventually leaves the prisoner CONSCIOUS and IN POSSESSION OF THE KEY.
The prisoner of course then ALSO enters the burning prison without being stopped by other guards, doors or gates, unlocks the door open his buddies and saves everyone just in the nick of time.
Whew my heart was in my throat that episode was so unbearably illogical not to mention pathetic.
Also, I wonder what burns in a prison made of steel and concrete? I guess flames can burn concrete in this anime as well since a bunch of it fell on Bro from the ceiling during this pathetic, nonsensical rescue attempt.
One last thing......Gotta love that news anchor 20/20 narrator post dialog of each episode Because this is "loosely" "based on a true story".
A more appropriate description of RAINBOW is ENTIRELY based on tired, worn out, pathetic, uninteresting stereotypes harkening back to made for TV movies that are loosely "based on a true story".
IN SUMMARY:. I believe High School DxD has a more competent storyline than this insane anime.
Thanks for reading, I hope this review helps you move on QUICKLY to another more deserving show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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