If you liked
Hachimitsu to Clover
...then you might like
hachimitsu to clover has 2 seasons. i havent seen the second season yet but i must say, both are definitely the best drama/romance anime out there. both are centered more around drama than romance. while nana's main theme is music, hachimitsu to clover's (honey and clover in english) main theme is art. if you like one you will SURELY love the other. both have wonderful english dubs
If you liked
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they both are centered around music and drama and romance. however, nana has more drama and romance than beck while beck has more music. but both are still really enjoyable and if you like one you would probably like the other
If you liked
Death Note
...then you might like
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
both have a mastermind main character trying to change the world. i highly recommend both. if you liked one of them, i can absolutely assure you that you'll like the other just as much. How ever code geass has a bit of science fiction and action while death note does have too much of that.