I was very reluctant to watch this anime the first time i saw it on hulu. I thought to myself "That looks like it'll be really crappy and really boring." I love harems so you could say that my opinion on this anime is biased, but to each his own!
Story 8/10
The reason i give it a 8 is because i feel like one of the main girls was totally not necessary in the anime. She was actually annoying, in my opinion, and she almost had no point in being in the anime. There was also a couple parts in the story that were like
May 20, 2014
Guilty Crown
Where do i start? This anime had me questioning what was gonna happen at the end of every episode. The first episode, i felt confused and didn't really understand the story. But as time progressed i fell in love with the story and how unique it was. I'd consider this anime part-mecha and i'm not a huge mecha fan so the fact that this is an anime i fell in love with should mean something! I cant really find anything to complain about this anime, because it was just so good! If you have the time and want an action packed anime to watch then
May 20, 2014
Hidan no Aria
Honestly, i started watching this anime as a joke and within the first ten minutes of the show i was hooked! If your looking for an anime that combines cute girls, guns, explosions, and a fair amount of comedy then this is the anime for you! The only part I didn't necessarily like about this anime was the story line. It wasn't that the story line wasn't good enough, but instead that it seemed to end way to quickly. I've watched in Sub and Dub, so i can say that both versions are worth it to watch! If your not hooked by the end of