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Nov 13, 2024
I suppose i should start this by simply saying, yes it gets drastically worse in the middle of it but it picks up later do not abandon it! I myself was on the verge of abandoning it on episode 16. I feel like many have fallen around this episode and thus the rating tanked a bit.
I think some plans changed and around 4-5 real episodes are missing and the air is filled with repeats and stuff like that, similar to what happens in One Peace. I guess they wanted to leave us on a cliff hanger and thus the qualify of anime dropped because
they had so much material and too many episodes to fill.
Is the show still good? Yes.
The story itself is very hmm... well... it is very difficult to describe without spoiling it. It is filled with emotions :) It is not by any means perfect, it does lack sometimes, but in the end as a whole it is a great show and i recommend it to you dear reader. It feels fresh, its funny and dumb, the graphics are very good, voice acting is top notch. The only thing lacking is the pacing and a bit of void in the story, but if u ignore it or if some fans make a cutout version without the air fillers it is a very good story, a very good show.
What i mean by fresh is in the endless sea of bad isekai and romance this anime shines best. Comparing it to some of the greatest animes? Nah... but as a thing you will enjoy your time with? Yes. It has some new ideas, it has some boundaries and rules.
So have fun and be strong because the bad part will eventually come and you have to overcome it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 9, 2024
To me this show felt like some ideas some stories that were supposed to be implemented in S1 but due to air time limitations were cut out and don't sometimes they don't fit that well, due to changes that had to be done to make the S1 compatible. I wish we got 33 episodes in a mannerly order and with the full story, but oh well some stuff had to be left out to fit the timeline.
Is the show any good? Well due to many plot jumps it feels a bit messy, but it is not a bad show in general, same quality
is kept. Maybe 1 day we will get a remastered version like what happened to Hunter X Hunter.
Is it nesesery to watch? I feel like if you want to stick to this series you should definitely watch it. Maybe if you didn't watch neither stories someone arranged the episodes in some manner to represent how the story is supposed to go and you can follow some kind of list to watch it in an orderly fashion.
I'm a bit disappointed that this has happened, but in the end anime is a business. Maybe one day when we get more animators in the western world that are on par with those great anime studios from japan we can get more stuff done. In the end money rules it all, and remember that every time you see a poor adaptation of a work you found rather great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 22, 2024
Overrated is the word that best describes this movie.
It feels like it was a movie made by some interns in a rush to meet a deadline.
The animation direction and execution is terrible. They put a joke animation at the beginning of a movie, but when the joke ends you will realize that the joke was here to prepare you for this horrible animation. Will you even notice that the joke ended and the actual movie started? I wasn't sure for certain for like 20 more minutes and was really hoping it's just a joke, but it was not.
The sound as for characters
is not bad i think its the only positive thing in this whole movie to be honest, but the sound of anything else makes you wanna cry (from pain, it is so bad its actually going to hurt your ears).
If you are a die hard fan you will watch it regardless. You will regret watching it and wish it was erased from your memory. This series just didn't know when or how to quit and that is why we get this 'thing'...
Is it still funny like it used to be? No. It's just a mess, a literal mess of an ending, a movie so bad it should have never been created.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 26, 2023
At the beginning it will drag you into itself it is a really nice idea for the story. But with each episode it will fail you more and more. The premise of the anime is that the most powerful magician reincarnates himself and his student in another world, in this world he doesn't want to make the same mistakes, he doesn't want to put the spotlight of being the strongest in the world on himself, that is what killed him (no really a spoiler happens in the first minutes of first episode) he wants to leave in shadows so to speak. He wants to cast
that spotlight on someone else. Yet he fails to do so at every corner, at every step he takes he just proves to people around him how powerful he is, time and time again instead of refusing to do something as he promised himself he would do to stay away from the spotlight, he keeps on taking more and more challenging tasks that are all trivial to him, the only struggle the character had was with lack of paper (yes actual paper) that he later makes himself, and that is about it, that is the end of his struggles. He is like a God living among humans.
The animation is very well done, yet it is wasted on such an awful story, sometimes i wonder how come this kind of stories get the spotlight instead of some other well written stories. But maybe there are just no better stories to be told... Maybe it's time Japan seeks more outside of it's borders for stories to animate if the market is so dry and filled to the brim with bad isekai stories. I wish that was the case, but sadly we are left with this mess of a story that makes no logical sense that is this anime.
The author had a very interesting yet shallow idea about splitting different types of magic depending on the source of it. This system is really something amazing, yet it is not quite put in the spotlight, wish they would go more in that direction, in the end the main character attends a magic school so its logical he would learn about magic in it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Apr 6, 2022
I suppose this review won't be much different from others.
The concept of this anime is really good, the world has a lot of potential. Sadly the story was butchered and left to bleed out on the street.
Myself i love the art and sound in this anime and was probably the only reason i have finished it, the art and sound are to good to skip it. The voice actors are great too. If only they put more effor into a story. This is like you would play an alpha version of a game that has amazing graphics and sound, but has no
story at all...
The story feels bad for 2 reasons, it is strongly rushed and also it has many plot holes, but the plot holes come from the fact that it is rushed i don't know how the source material presents itself so i can't speak about it, maybe it is not rushed at all but how the story was told if so then the creator should have spent more time polishing it.
But we see more and more animes that are just pushed and rushed yet recive great graphics, feels like a waste of resources, i hope the trend changes with time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 6, 2022
Let us start strong, the characters, each of them are unique, have different personalities traits and flaws. They all represent something in the world. Most of them have certain values they try to fullfill. Voice acting is great and makes them seem like real people.
The art is absolutely amazing, everything look alive and the art style is great. The only flaw, but that can be said about most of Mecha animes, are mech's themselves or maybe i just don't udnerstand how they should look like. I was in love in the art and it was one of the main reason for me to watch
the anime. Fight animations aren't as good but, we don't see a lot of that.
The sound track is great it's not the best since it's repetetive, but over all it is enjoyable in it's moments. The voice acting is top tier, feels like characters are very much alive. The sounds of enviroment and other are also pretty good, some combat sounds could be better but there is not a lot of it.
This is sadly the worst part of this anime, it just doesn't present the story in the right way, feels to chaotic, not logical at times, lacking some parts of it, it just feels like they tried to push to much of it in those 12 episodes and had to cut it a lot, thus we get this mess of a story that doesn't explain anything well, and feels like skips all kind of stuff. Also we get a filler episode at least i feel like it, your typical OVA episode on the unhabitted island.
So that is what's all bad about the story, what is good tho? The characters make the story itself much better with their strong presence and how great of a job voice actors did. The comedy part is pretty much in it and is the main point of what is good about the anime and what is holding it's score from falling down for me.
Overall enjoyment and score for the anime.
For me it was enjoyable to watch but, the story was lacking, even tho the characters made up for it, in my case. It still felt good to watch, but not for the story rather what will characters do next.
Enjoyment: 8/10 Overall 7/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 23, 2021
In my humble opinion the anime ended at episode 500. After this episode the amount of fan service and making episode unnecessarily longer is annyoing.
The boob balance has placed this anime on a cringe spectrum for me, every time i try to watch it and i see those enomourse milk bags i just can't take it but laught at how bad this anime has gotten and how poor of taste the creators are.
I was with this anime for many years, yet i can't take it. (I have stopped watching several years ago on episode 800). I hope someday we will see a decent
re-work of this. That wont include so many milk bags and make episodes speak a story and not just try to stretch it.
The story over all is great its slow it has good pacing yet again untill episode 500 or maybe a little later, it gets worse, a lot worse. I would rather see this anime take a break than make such episodes that you can essentially watch in like 10 minutes yet they have a 25 minute watch time.
Art style is amazing even with older technology and way of drawing it still holds up to this day. After introducing the new art style after episode 500 its just not the same it feels like some echii or hentai show this is not why i came here.
Music, i dont think i have any kind of bad music expierience with this anime so at least this stayed on its high level.
Characters they all feel unique, have often unique powers and souls. They have their past that is often explained and shown to viewer that is a very nice way of showing a character if done correctly. You learn a lot about characters and you care about their stories that are more often than not intresting and have plot connections.
Enjoyement was a 10 untill episode 500. After that it felt to 0 it just feels so forced to watch this art style and overly long episodes that speak about nothing yet take so much of your time.
Overall i would give it a 4/10 for just bcuz the 1st 500 episodes are a masterpiece, yet later its all abandonend for some coomers and fan service. Lowering the score greatly bcuz of it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 17, 2019
This is just some gibberish review that i write since I'm mad about how it all ends.
For me anime ends on the episode 10 and does 10 episodes were so much fun, always new adventures and new dumb people to fight off.
Seems like the anime was written by like 4 people since it's style changes like every 2-4 episodes, don't know what happend here but still enjoyed it.
The character itself is a charismatic guy that struggles with money and works as a proffesional rescuer from a new continent that was created, by higher powers. The continent itself has a lot of potential you can
find some intresting creatures there. Wish anime focused more on creating new spicies and plants in a way that involves more people. Seems like writer lost his ideas around episodes 6, but still next 4 episodes were decent enought. The last 3 are really not worth your time unless you want to finish the series and be disapointed like i was.
Episodes 11-13 are a joke, out of the blue comes out a big bad wolf and tries to scare our little lambs. From comedy to drama in just 3 episodes, the anime shouldn't have taken this path.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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