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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
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Devilman: Crybaby
Where do I even begin, Eva's influence is undeniably quite prominent throughout Yuasa's new adaptation of the original Devilman manga series; Devilman: Crybaby. Both rely heavily on religious motifs and themes to drive the plot forward and adamantly refuse to shy away from the darker side to the themes that they put forth. Long story short; if you can handle Eva's overt usage of sex and death as well as its soul-crushing bleakness, then Devilman is likely to be an all-around worthwhile experience that will leave you feeling awfully grateful for your continued existence as a blissfully ignorant mortal. And vice versa.
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Shinseiki Evangelion
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Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Neon Genesis Evangelion is near defined by its rich story and fully realized characters (at least, setting aside the legendary direction from Hideaki Anno and how freaking insane it is) making it an unforgettable experience for anyone who is willing to take on a series that's a little bit more "deep" than your average show. In this regard, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is quite similar to NGE, not to mention that they are both true directional masterpieces. While Rakugo will not brutalize your emotions to quite the extent of Evangelion, there are several clever and shocking twists in the plot paired with such exceptional composition that might just leave you breathless. Furthermore, they both make use quite risky but well-managed artistic license to make a stance on controversial subjects such as religion and the afterlife, which only adds to their appeal. Both series were crafted with a level of care and passion that is so rare in anime and all entertainment as a whole. You can unmistakably feel the creators' love and utter devotion for their subject matter every time Shinji comes running back to that eva even when he is past the brink of psychological turmoil and has lost the few shreds of dignity he had left, or when one of the characters gets a solid five minutes of screentime or more performing a single rakugo story with even the most minute details in facial expression or shuffling of feet are refined and animated /to/ /a/ /tee/ in order to suit the individual context. It doesn't get much better than this, folks. In conclusion, I am a firm believer that anyone who truly appreciates the depth that Neon Genesis Evangelion presents will almost definitely enjoy what Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu has to offer, as well as the converse. Rakugo can be accessed legally and free of charge on Crunchyroll, and my God is it worth your time. Thank you for being my reader.
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Shinseiki Evangelion
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Aku no Hana
Both series could be put into the dementia genre, and deal with themes relating to existentialism. They are not for the faint of heart; often being labeled as "dark" and "deep". Additionally, they each have directing, which is frequently used to create thought-provoking scenes. For example, there are a few scenes that are purposely drawn out with no dialogue and little movement to force the viewer into the characters' shoes and consider their situation. Because of this, they certainly are not for anyone who simply wishes to turn their brain off and watch nonintellectual material. Both series ask more questions than they answer, so that those answers can be left to the interpretation of the viewer. Aku no Hana is the perfect anime to follow watching NGE and the rest of the franchise. It provides similarly eerie tones and thought-provoking themes, and is a great choice for enthusiasts of good directing and cinematography. If you've watched of AnH then you've probably already seen NGE, but if not then it is a must-watch.
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Shinseiki Evangelion
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Serial Experiments Lain
- both deal with themes such as the unity of humanity being the highest level of evolution - deeply psychological; not for the simple-minded - serve thoughtful questions for the viewer to digest - both cult classics that stand out drastically against your average run-of-the-mill anime drama - it's some of the darkest of the dark in the world of anime
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Ping Pong the Animation
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Yuri!!! on Ice
-both portray their represented sport accurately -both have well-developed main protagonists AND supporting characters -Yuri on Ice demonstrates the struggles and setbacks in the journey to success, and Ping Pong goes further delves even further into this theme -both have fantastic directing (YoI is less consistent with this but when it's good, it's really, /really/ good) -each have their own unique elements that make them stand out from other sports anime Do not be fooled by ping pong's outlandish art style. The animation quality is still very good and becomes a sort of aesthetic after warming up to it for a bit. Absolutely worth checking out.