Hello and welcome to anyone who is visiting this page. I know this wall of text may seem daunting, but you may get a hint of what I am as a person if you read it. If you are someone who doesn't judge people just based on their looks and on the content of what they have to say, this is the place to be.
A little playful introduction about myself - If I were an anime character, I'd probably be the guy munching on his sandwich in the background. That doesn't mean I'm boring or dull, it's just that I'm not a main character. I don't fit in any main character archetype to give myself main character status. I'm a mixed bag of personality traits that would be off-putting for the general audience, but loved or at the very least liked by a select few. I'm usually not the extrovert type, but that doesn't mean I dislike socializing or I'm bad with people. I'm also a skeptic when it comes to most things and a firm non-believer of superstitions, myths, deities, the supernatural and other related things. I can go on and on, but I doubt that anyone would want to read it anyway, so I'll stop with the general introduction.
When it comes to anime I don't have any actual preference in genre. I'm someone who watches anime based on my current mood. If I'm in the mood for comedy, I watch comedy; if I'm feeling the need to be pumped, I watch action or sports anime, and so on.
I also tend to watch shows which are already somewhat highly rated so as to not waste my time on shows that I would most likely not like. There are obviously exceptions to that rule, which again is dependent on my current mood. Therefore, it's likely that my ratings will be skewed towards giving the shows I've completed a higher score.
As the rating system here is only limited to positive integers between 0-10, I can't give out ratings such as 6.4 or 7.6. Therefore, to counter that I tend to round it off by going for the higher score regardless where the decimal lies after the integer. For example, if an anime deserves a 6.2 or 6.8, I'll give it a 7/10. Thus, you'll see a lot of anime that deserve less getting a higher score. The inherent problem with this rating is that two anime that are almost a single integer away are likely to get the same rating. I'm generous when it comes to rating anime, so I don't mind that flaw. There is another flaw in my rating system viz. if the anime I watched somehow connected with me on a personal or emotional level I tend to give it a higher score than I would've given it purely based on the content.
My rating is heavily dependent on story, storytelling and enjoyment. If the animation, sound or any other aspect of the anime is not up to par, it can still get a 10 from my side if it excelled in story, storytelling and enjoyment factor. Basically, what I mean is that story, storytelling and enjoyment trump all other aspects when I'm rating an anime.
Now, if you've been patient enough to read the wall of text before you and feel the urge to contact me for whatever reason, my inbox is always open.
I'm quite into reading manhwa/manhua over Japanese manga and over the last few years I've read quite a few of them. It's too bad that I can't keep track of them on MyAnimeList as they don't have a proper catalog of manhua/manhwa.
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
- Watching61
- Completed430
- On-Hold63
- Dropped39
- Plan to Watch359
- Total Entries952
- Rewatched0
- Episodes7,776
All Comments (70) Comments
Well Mind telling me in which standard/class/or higher you are
Yup..its my most fav genre...
Thx for accepting my request...
Nice to meet u...^^
Well about LotGH the fact is that it is very, very slow, probably the slowest anime ever. It also is very exposition heavy and filled to brim with dialogues. Add in the older animation and this pretty much makes it one of the hardest anime to get into. So if you are really prepared to slog through all of that I would recommend it, the payoff is also worth the patience. I would advise to watch as few episodes a day as you can, preferably not more than 1-2.
I'm doing shit ton of works in uni so I can't watch as much as I could before
Yea more fav chars and I also found myself digging into romance alot lately